The Best Brother

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✧*゚✭Asriel's POV✭゚*✧


The moment Chara runs out the door, I turn to Sans, my jacket swishing in the cold breeze that blows through the now open front door. The stripes on my cheeks darken and I growl at him. "What the HELL did you do now?!?" My voice booms, echoing throughout the house. I almost jump in surprise at how intimidating I am. I guess now I know why most monsters call me Prince Asriel instead of just Az, or Azzy. Its out of respect.....

Sans flinches unwillingly as I loom over him, about a foot taller. To his credit, his voice is even and the same pitch as it always is as he meets my eyes calmly. "i *Judged her."

"YOU DID WHAT?!?" Mine and Frisk's voices get even louder. "WHAT THE FUCK??!!"

"she's been having nightmares-"

"SHE'S ALWAYS HAD NIGHTMARES!" Frisk is absolutely livid. 

"NOT LIKE THESE! THESE ARE DIFFERENT-" He argues back. Big mistake on his part.


"What is going on down here-" My mom says, looking confused as she stands at the foot of the stairs in pajamas.

The look me and Frisk send her instantly shuts her up and Frisk and Sans go back to their cat fight.


"NO I DIDN'T-" Frisk shrieks but I cut him off.

"You knew about this??!!" I glare at Frisk.

"What?- NO! Of course not!" He says.

"oh bullshit-" Sans interrupts.


"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" He snarls. Magical energy swirls around him, letting me know to stop this now, before Frisk ends up blasted into smithereens.

"That's ENOUGH." I snap. Like before, my voice echoes throughout the house, deep enough to be noticeable, but high enough to be heard. They shut up immediately and look at me. I put all the authority of my dad and the sternness and venom of my mom in my next words. "This is a waste of time and energy, when we could be trying to find Chara. Now if you'll EXCUSE me, I'm going to find my sister." I turn around and walk out the door, leaving Sans and Frisk glaring at each other. 

I walk out into the snow, following the footprints. They lead straight into the forest.

♡・゚:* Frisk's POV*:・゚♡

 I glare at Sans one last time and wait until Asriel is out of earshot before hissing, "You'll pay for this." And then I run after Asriel, "Wait up!" 

As I run to him, I have to wonder since when mine and Sans' relationship had been so damn strained.....

Asriel doesn't turn around to see me; the tension in his shoulders tells me he's still pretty pissed at me...

"There's sounds coming from the left, but footprints coming from the right. I'll follow the prints. You look for the noise." He says. 

And we split up.

♡・゚: *✭・゚:*Chara's POV*:・゚✭*:・゚♡

I'm curled up into a ball by the time he finds me. 

He sighs and kneels next to me. "It's very pretty here. How'd you find this place?"

I snort and admit, "I tripped."

"That sounds about right." He laughs softly, sitting down cross legged next to me.

I look up at him and sigh. "Brother, why are you here?"

"You ran out of the house crying, Sister." He says, his red eyes bright with concern and the black stripes on his face faintly darker than usual. He must've gotten mad earlier, but for what reason I have no idea. "I wanted to know what was wrong."

"Why do you care?"

"Is that even a freaking question. You're my sister!!"He says, looking at me.

I sigh and stare up at the sky. Snow falls on my face, sticking to my eyelashes and hair.


"Yeah Azzy?"

"You okay?" He asks, looking at me with that knowing look that always makes me wonder what happened to that naive 11 year old I used to know.

They probably died the same time we did, so long ago.....

"Yeah. I'm fine. Don't worry about me." 

"Chara...." He says with a sigh. "Don't lie to me-"

"I'm not lying!" I immediately say defensively.

"Yes you are." He sighs, pulling me into a furry and warm hug. "C'mon Chara. You don't have to pretend to be strong around me. I already know you inside and out so there's no point."

I can't help the tears that well up in my eyes. I sniffle and do my best to hide them from him. "N-No. I mean it. I'm fine....." I insist, my voice cracking slightly with emotion.

He doesn't say anything and just hugs me tighter, as if he knows my walls are crumbling as I speak. 

"I'm not okay." I whimper, sobbing. "He made me remember everything!" I cry into his hoodie. I cry until my throat's hoarse and my eyes are swollen and puffy. I cry until I can hardly breathe from hiccuping so bad, til I have nothing left to cry about because I'm left completely numb.

And he lets me, saying nothing but the occasional comforting reassurance that he's there, and he isn't leaving anytime soon.....

"You aren't gonna leave me again, are you?" I ask hoarsely, looking up at him for the first time in 30 minutes of straight crying.

"Of course not."

"You'll always be here with me?"

"Forever and ever. Until you're sick and tired of seeing me." He says with a small smile that I return back. (Guess what that quote is from and I'll dedicate a chapter to you lol)

I love my brother. 

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