This Is Why I Never Make Promises.

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Frisk reloads. I'm standing in the middle of the Last Corridor, while Frisk takes his hand out of the *SAVE point. He looks pissed, but he stands there for a second reorienting himself and waiting for my first move.

I look behind me for a second, seeing Sans there, looking at me. He can't see me, I'm pretty sure, but i think he can see something....Or at least tell that something isn't right.

"what the hell, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED-!?" he hollers at Frisk across the hall but Frisk cuts him off.

"Shut up Sans." He's glaring at me as he walks towards Sans.

"So you've been busy, huh?" I say, standing in his way.

Frisk stops, confused. "What the fuck are you doing, Chara?"

"Doing what I should've done 500 reloads ago." I say. "Stopping you." I summon a knife in my hand that looks suspiciously like Asriel's swords. Its a pearly white infused with black. Somehow I know the black is Hatred and the white is Love- not Level Of ViolencE, but pure emotion. The Strongest substance and the Sharpest.

"Are you kidding me with this bullshit?! I don't know what stupid fantasy your living in, but we're SOUL bound. I'm the determined one. You obey ME-"

"Oh, Frisk. You must be mistaken...s i n c e  w h e n  w e r e  y o u  t h e  o n e  i n  c o n t r o l?" I snarl as he walks closer. "Fuck you. I do what I want."

"You're a ghost. You can't hurt me." He scoffs, still walking towards me.

"what the hell is going on-?!?" Sans is soooo confused....

"SHUT UP, SANS!!" we both scream.

"I'm gonna warn you once. Turn back now. Reset." I tell him.

"N o." He continues to walk towards me. He's only a few steps away from me now.

"Take one more goddamn step." I say quietly, dead serious. My eyes are glowing. "I fucking dare you."
His eyes flash as they meet mine...and he takes one more decisively mocking step.

"And this...." I sigh, "Is why I never make promises."

I shrug, popping my neck and cracking my knuckles. "Well.... Don't say I didn't warn you."

He laughs, "What're you gonna-!!"

I'm not sure how getting hit by my magical energy feels...I've never tried it on myself...But I imagine that it feels like getting hit by a large morcycle. Given Frisk's high pitched scream and flight across the room...I've decided that picture is accurate.

He smashes into the wall and groans in pain. It takes him a couple minutes to muster the strength to get up again, but he does.

The little prick.

Sans scrambles backwards in surprise.

"I ' M N O T K I D D I N G, P A R T N E R !" I snarl again.

"You wanna go?!?" He bares his teeth at me.

I flick him off. That seems to set him off. He walks towards me and stops a few steps away as we enter a battle. I start.

"It's a beautiful day outside..."

"Oh, so now your stealing Sans' lines? Real clever, Chara. Seriously. Points for creativity-"

My eyes flash as I perform my first attack and a ring of Gaster Blasters surround him. They fire. "Idiot." I say as he screams in pain and his SOUL shatters into pieces.

"WHAT THE-" I hear Sans summon a Gaster Blaster behind me and I turn around to meet him with one of my own. Mine has red eyes whereas his has blue.

A wave of exhaustion overcomes me as all the magic I just did catches up with me all at once. I sway and fall to my knees. Sans catches me at the last second....just to see look me in

My red eyes.

"oh shit-"




I send him skidding backwards as I block another attack. I pant as I summon a bunch of red bones that go after him. They're heat sensing so he has a harder time of dodging them....but he manages it without getting hit once. My legs shake underneath and I'm drenched in sweat as I come to the realization that I can't keep this up forever.

"I've killed you 687 times!" I yell. "Just give up!"

"No!" He yells swinging again. I teleport out of the way.


My breath comes in ragged gasps as I perform yet another magical attack. I summon a Chaos Blaster and fire at him. He dodges every single one....I sigh as I teleport around him, dodging again.


I look at him a little funny when I realize he'd only done two attacks, but I'm about to let it go until I see the look of absolute shock on his face.

"What? You think I was gonna let you hit me that...time...." I stop when I realize it's completely silent with the exception of a.... dripping noise?
I look down.

Is that...blood dripping onto the floor in front of me....?

My gaze travels to my chest and I freeze.

It was three attacks. Three times. Like it always is.
The deep diagonal cut that stretches from shoulder to hip stands to prove that. I touch it gently and my hand comes back with blood.

Third time's the charm.

I look up at him as I fall to my knees. "F-Frisk?" He looks at me in horror. I cover my mouth, coughing up more blood. My chest burns like hell and for the first time.... I actually feel scared for what will happen next. Not to me. But to the Timeline. And to this world.

".....Heheh." I can feel my body start to disintegrate into dust as I speak. "So that's how it is, huh?"

I cough again, splattering the ground with blood.

I look at Frisk. "I still believe in you." I say with another sad chuckle.

"I...I'm sorry, Asriel. I gave it my all....and my all wasn't enough." I whisper.

"Chara wait- NO! I didn't want this-!"

I crumble into dust and the very little that remains of my SOUL cracks and shatters to pieces.

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