Have Fun |Cecil x Princess! OC|

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Have Fun |Cecil x Princess! OC|

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"What's your idea of fun?" Those words, I would often ask people.

Being in a castle has its ups and downs. I can't get pass the guards 'cause they're basically standing there 24/7. I once even thought they were statues. Every single day I would try to sneak out into the village but it would always prove to be useless.

I guess I've reached the age where I'd have to pick a consort. Princes and noblemen came here all the way from the other side of the world just to catch a glimpse of me and get a chance to be the new king, but I didn't like any of them.

"My apologies, sir, but they aren't quite worthy of my time." I said with a straight face.

I wanted someone who could understand me, teach me everything I didn't know, and show me the beauty in everything.

And one day, without me realizing, my wish has been granted.

All the trumpets in the castle played, announcing the arrival of a new person who would try and court me.

The sound was all too familiar.

I didn't want to see another stranger, so I tried my luck and sneaked pass the guards to get to the palace garden.

My plan was a success.

My room was locked and everyone thought I was asleep, but the time would come when they'd enter my room and realize I've fled.

"I won't take long." I told myself.

The garden has become some sort of sanctuary for me. I'd always go here if I wanted to clear my mind and doing so would always prove to be successful.

I observed each of the plants I walked past and started naming them one by one.

"Ah, Hime-sama knows all the names of her plants I see." I heard the rustling of the leaves in one of the trees, and when I looked up, the attention of a tanned male caught my eyes. He jumped off of the tree branch he previously stood on and smiled at me.

"And who may you be?" I cocked one eyebrow at him and crossed my arms.

Even with my cold behavior, he didn't seem flustered at all. He gave me a proper curtsy and knelt down to kiss the back of my palm.

His hair tickles...

"My name is Aijima." He smiled lovingly. "Aijima Cecil"

I smiled at his modesty and bowed. "If you don't mind me asking, but what is your business here in my garden?"

His voice seemed to got stuck in his throat before he said, "Hnn... I guess I just wanted to see the princess with my own eyes."

I blushed a little but still kept my gaze tied to his. "You aren't from here, are you?" He nodded.

Then it means that I haven't asked him that question yet.

"Aijima-san, correct?" I didn't wait for his answer before asking another question, "What's your idea of fun?"

He didn't seem to be fazed at all by what I said. I let my arms hang loosely on my side and I swayed them a little back and forth.

It took him a while before he could answer. "If you wouldn't mind, your highness, but it would be better to experience it than to just have an answered question." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the other end of the garden. I was still wearing my nightgown so it wasn't really hard for me to run. Still.

"Wh-What do you think you're doing, you peasant?!"

He ignored me and just ran to where the sprinklers were turned on and sprouting water everywhere.

Our clothes slowly started getting wetter by the minute, but I didn't mind it much. It is summer anyway. Before I could speak up, he poked my cheek and backed away a few meters while saying, "Tag, m'lady."

I haven't played anything called tag before, but I've seen what they do after watching children outside play from my balcony. I sent him a smirk and tossed my shoes to the side. "Okay then."

We began playing. Taking turns tagging each other under the cold water of the sprinklers and never getting tired. After some time, we even made rules about him not being allowed to climb trees 'cause that was just too much of an advantage for him.

"Gotcha!" I chirped while tagging him at the back. Before I could swerve away, I accidentally tripped on the wet grass. He was about to catch me, but instead, I toppled over him and we both feel over, me on top.

Sure he cushioned my fall, but I'm probably a blushing mess right now.

No wait, I'm definitely a blushing mess by now.

"S-Sorry about that." I tried to wiggle off of him but then I realized that he had his arms coiled around my waist (my anaconda don't. My anaconda //slapped)

With one quick jerk, he pulled our bodies even closer together until our faces were only inches apart.





"C-Cecil-san, what are you doing..?!"

"You look all flustered now..." He whispered into my ear and sending shivers down my spine. "When I grabbed your hand, you got mad, but now that we're in this position, Hime-sama doesn't mind at all. Why is that?"

I had to admit he was very good looking, but we were still in an embarrassing position.

"J-Just let me go already...!!" I whimpered.

" A few minutes, please." He said it so calmly that it would be enough to lull me to sleep. At last, I relaxed in his grip and I was resting on his chest, listening to his quick heartbeat.

I suddenly flinched and remembered about the trumpets and the consort thing.

He probably sensed my fear that we might get caught, so he did as I told him and let go of his grip on my waist.

"G-Gomennasai, Ojou-sama..." He stood up and bowed at me. I dismissed it and gave him a sincere smile.

"Please, just address me as Yune." I said sadly. "Like all of you, I'm just a mere human mortal. I don't quite see the point of having to call me a name I cannot even live up to."

He cocked his head to the side. "Yune-san, everyone wants your hand in marriage, just as your father wants it."

"Yeah, but I hate it." I muttered. "It's not fair that I have to be imprisoned here, not even getting a chance to see the outside world, and whenever I do get out, I'm required to stay inside a cramped carriage. And now, even my rights to get married to who I want to is broken. I don't want to just randomly pick a person from a crowd and announce that they would be my consort, and in any case, I want my consort to be you!" I accidentally blurted out the last part, and when I realized my mistake, I blushed madly. "I-I mean... I..." I was out of words and so was he. I could see a hint of red dusting his cheeks.

"Well then, Yune-san, I guess you're lucky."

Lucky? What does he mean by lucky?

He kissed me on the cheek while I was still in a trance and smiled at me. "Your maids are coming. I guess, we'll see each other again?"

I gave him a sad smile and nodded my head.

He gave me one last kiss, but this time, on the lips. It was so fast that I barely had time to register that he'd kissed me at all. He backed away and began to run farther and farther until he was out of sight. And as if right on cue, my maids arrived.

"M'Lady! Where have you been?! We've been looking all over for you! Come! We must change you into proper clothing! A new candidate for your consort has arrived!"

I didn't answer them and just followed their lead. Another worthless consort...

They quickly changed my clothes for me and dabbed some makeup on my face.

"Perfect~!" One of the maids chirped.

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw the usual, formal me. I heaved a deep sigh and proceeded to the throne room where my father and consort candidate would always be waiting. But when I got there, I didn't expect what I saw...


My father smiled at me. "It seems that you are already familiar of his name. Aijima Cecil, prince of Agnapolis."

Cecil knelt in front of me and flashed me a loving smile.

"I-I don't get it... Why are you..."

"I'm sorry for not telling you earlier, M'lady." He took my hand and kissed the back of my palm, just as he has done earlier, and made me blush a deep scarlet red.

"I-It's fine" I mustered up all my strength to not embarrass myself in front of the people here.

There were journalists and civilians everywhere, all awaiting my choice.

All the candidates for prince consort are also here. They were previously given guest chambers inside the palace since they would have to wait for the last candidate to arrive before I would make a decision, which seems to be now.

"Well, Yune?" My father sent me a small smile and I smiled back. "Who do you choose?"

I observed each one of the candidates, smiling as I walked past them. Then, lastly, I looked at Cecil. I remembered the kiss we shared earlier. It was quick, but I could sense various emotions from him. As if by instincts, my finger stroked my lips, the last place we had contact.

I walked back to my father and cleared my throat. "I have made my decision." I looked back at Cecil and smiled. "My prince consort shall be, none other than, Aijima Cecil."

The crowd watching us roared in pleasure. Journalists were scribbling on their notepads and random people cheered.

I smiled and walked up to my new Prince Charming. "Why didn't you tell me?"

He placed his hand on my head and let out a chuckle. "I wanted you to know me as Cecil, not as a prince. I think the same goes for you."

I nodded and he gave me a peck on the lips, making the crowd go wilder.

"I just wanted Yune-san to have fun."

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Btw, try playing it. It's a really cute otome game where you play as a commoner and you become a princess out of the blue. And just to be clear, Louis is mine.


Syo: Oi oi, CL, enough chatting with the readers. You still have lots of work to do.

CL: Ah, right. Ai-chan, get the to do list for me.

Ai: no.

CL: ;-;

Ai: ?

CL: please

Ai: get it yourself you couch potato

CL: ;-;

The pain of not being able to change an official character's characteristics... *sigh*

Natsuki: Here you go~ *hands CL the to do list*

CL: Domo.

To do list:

-Natsuki x Tsundere! OC (Veena) for IcyGlacia

-Ranmaru x Reader for crazycatlady46

-Cecil x Princess! Reader for Yuuki_Maya

-Nagi x Tsundere! Reader for Yuuki_Maya

-Ranmaru x Reader for NicoleHikari

-Masato x Reader for LeiHSatsuki

This chappy's requested by and dedicated to the awesome Harmony-chwaaaannnn <3 @IcyGlacia

Next is Natsuki x tsuntsun <3

Natsuki: Uwaaaahhhh~ I can't wait for my own oneshot to be published <3

Veena: don't call me that.

CL: Hmph >3< I'll make it eeextra special~ unlike midget's over here =3=

Syo: Damare, aho

CL: 你给我闭嘴吧

Syo: you shut up

CL: How are we even best friends

Syo: it's because you're shorter than me

CL: stfu


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