Jealous? |Otoya x Reader|

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Jealous? |Otoya x Reader|

First x Reader where I'll be using the guy's POV~! Yay~
I'm gonna expose EVERYTHING in Oto-nii's mind >:)

Otoya: C-CL-san!! That's mean! >///A///<

CL: Aw c'mon, I just want (Name)-chan to know what you're feeling for her, and I'm sure she wants to know too, right? *winks at Reader-chan*

Otoya: H-Hai .//////.


* * *

Otoya's POV

W-We made eye contact! I thought while accidentally glancing at (F/N) for a few seconds. I gave her a weak smile and continued answering the quiz Ringo-sensei gave us.

That smile must've looked horrible... I thought while blushing

"Uwaaaahhhhh She definitely doesn't like this kind of person!!!!!" I said while rubbing my hair which made the concentrated students glare daggers at me. I gulped and looked at (F/N) who was giggling. I probably look horrible in her eyes now QAQ

"O-to-ya~" I heard Ringo-sensei say from behind me. The tone he used gave me goosebumps, even though it sounded sweet. It was like poisoned honey.

"R-Ringo-sensei, gomen! >//////<" I stood up and gave her a full ninety degree bow. She was smiling but a large irk mark was visible on his forehead.

I gulped and expected the worst to happen

• • •

I was eating outside during lunch, together with Syo, Tokiya, and Ren.

"Hmm... She smiled at you, you say?" Syo said with a look of doubt.

"Y-Yeah... I guess... But we're only friends!" I managed to say without stuttering too much.

"Eh? Have you, by chance, been already friend zoned?" Ren asked with a sly smirk plastered on his face

"Eh? Friend zoned? What's that?" I replied but I really didn't know what a friend zone is... Is it a type of music? •o•

"You know... That side of her 'circle of friends' that's never getting laid" Ren said while winking

I slowly felt my blood rise up to my cheeks, turning them rosy red. "I-I-I-Iieeeee!!! N-N-N-Not like that!!! >///A///<" everyone was looking at my tomato red face and I was sure they were gonna make fun of me. Oooooohh, I'm gonna get back at Ren for this! >///~///<

"T-To be honest, we don't even talk much" I muttered once I was able to recover from my blushing madness.

What I said was completely true. Everyday, I could only watch her from the sidelines as she mingles with other students. We would occasionally have some alone time, but that seldom happens these days. What I like about her the most is how focused she looks whenever she's alone. This is something I only want me to see, no one else. The problem is that there are sooooo many other guys she could choose from. And with the way she is now, of course lots of people are head over heels for her.

"Otoya? Otoyaa!" I was woken from my daydream by Syo snapping his fingers "You're badly into her, aren't you?"

I had an embarrassed look on my face and I nodded my head slowly.

"Ah. Speak of the devil." Ren said. I looked behind me and saw her talking to... An outsider?! The person... To be more specific, the guy he was talking to had brown hair and it was quite similar to Natsuki's (how does he call him again lol) hairstyle. That copycat! >A< He also has bright purple eyes and was wearing thick rimmed prescription glasses.

I saw him whisper something in (F/N)'s ear... And it made her blush! That guy... I swear I'm gonna beat him to death!!

"Ikki's jelous huh?" I puffed up my cheeks and mustered up the courage to approach the two of them. I didn't even care what the others said to tease me. I'm definitely gonna have my revenge on him.

The closer I get to them, the more nervous I feel. No way...

I stood almost in between the both of them and mustered up my courage

"O-Oi! What do you think you're doing here?!"

They both turned their attention to me, and the stranger was the first to repl.

"Hnn? Am I not allowed to at least talk to (F/N)-chan?"

"You're not just talking! You're obviously flirting with her too!" I exclaimed.

A small smirk made its way on his features and he looked entertained. "And so? Who are you to stop me? Aren't you two just friends?"

The thought struck me like an arrow. Of course (F/N) and I are just friends. So why am I barging into their conversation?

"And besides, (F/N) and I are friends too" he continued. My eyes widened as I switched my gaze to (F/N).

"(F/N)-chan, you know him?!"

Slowly, she nodded and muttered, "Y-Yup. This is Ootori Eiichi, the son of my dad's friend."

"See? (F/N)-chan and I are actually pretty close y'know?" He said, making sure to add stress to his '-chan'. "And anyways, you don't have any obligation to kick me out. See this?" He held out his visitor's ID and hovered it over my face.

(F/N) slowly spoke up. "Ootori-kun, why don't you come talk to me some other time. See, Otoyan and I have a study date together in a few minutes." We do? I saw (F/N) flash a wink to my direction and I finally understood her intentions.

"A date? Well count me in then," Ootori smirked.

"N-No! That's why it's called a date! There should only be two people involved! S-See you some other time then!" I felt her arm lock with mine as she dragged me to the other side of the school building.

• • •

"Oof.. I'm glad that was over." She muttered. "I never really liked him. He's caught Ren's flirt-itis. No, wait, I think it's the other way around... But one thing's for sure,"

"He's definitely worse than Ren!" We chorused at the same time, making us both laugh.

"But seriously, Otoyan, why'd you do that?" She asked. I cocked my head to the side.

"Do what?"

"Interfering with our conversation." She stood on her tiptoes and flicked my forehead saying, "Those were business matters you dummy."

I winced at the stinging pain she inflicted and pouted a little "But he was making you blush..."

"He was honestly threatening to blackmail me" she laughed. I nodded, believing what she had said. "Otoyan, you still didn't answer my question. Why'd you interfere? Could you perhaps be..." She slowly rose on her tiptoes and whispered into my ears, "jealous?"

I blushed a bright red and shook my head. "I-I-I wasn't!!" I shouted, but my actions stated otherwise so I decided to tell the truth. "M-Maybe just a little..." I muttered.

She let out a chuckle and held my hand. "I guess I won't have to hide these feelings then, seeing that you already returned them." I felt her arms wrap around my neck while my face continued to redden. "Why do you have to be so tall" she muttered angrily at the ground.

"N-Ne, (F/N)-chan, now that you know I get jealous easily," I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist, "Promise to never make me feel that way again" and I planted a soft kiss on her lips.

"Yeah. I promise." She whispered into the kiss.

• • •

"(F/N)-chan, I never got to ask you before but what was Ootori going to blackmail you about?" I asked while holding her hand shyly.

"Oh, that," she paused for a moment and blushed. "He said he was going to tell everyone that I have a crush on you"

I slowly burst into laughter and hugged my knees closer to my body. "Otoyan! Don't laugh at it!!"

After calming down and wiping a bead of sweat off my brow I said, "It's just that, Ren and the others were doing the same thing to me. At least we got to tell each other first, right?"


* * *


Syo: CL......

CL: *continues fangirling*

Syo: CL.

CL: *ignores the world*

Syo: CL!


All: 0.0

CL: Oh shit profanities slipped oops

Syo: *tapes CL's mouth shut* This story is dedicated to Sarah-san (SarahTheSenpai). She didn't directly request this to CL. She just posted a status on her message board saying that she'd love it if someone would make an Otoya x Reader for her and just so happened that CL was stalking her profile

CL: *nods*

Natsuki: Soshite, here we have Shi-chan's updated to do list~!

CL: Shi-chan lol

To do list:

-Syo x Reader for uh wait what was her username again.. I think it was narut0 ugh I forgot I'm so sorry I'm horrible

-Cecil x Princess! OC (Yune) for IcyGlacia

-Natsuki x Tsundere! OC (Veena) for IcyGlacia

-Ranmaru x Reader for crazycatlady46

-Cecil x Princess! Reader for Yuuki_Maya

-Nagi x Tsundere! Reader for Yuuki_Maya

-Masato x Reader for Shadow_Lady_

-Ranmaru x Reader for NicoleHikari

CL: *rips tape off* ya lil shit. I'm CL, you think tape can stop me from cussing?!
(O 3 O)

Syo: shh... You're noisy

CL: Oh, and imma make an announcement *picks up mic* I wanna finish up these requests so I can continue writing Blue Winter. I'll be honest with you guys, that book's almost done cause I was writing the shit that was supposed to happen in my Chinese lit notebook. I have no idea how my teacher hasn't noticed the stories yet. So... Yeah. Btw, that book is definitely dying. I'm probably just gonna unpublish it.

*throws the mic away*

*picks it up again because I'm still gonna use it*

Just kidding lol bye.


Time check: 00.09

15-4-27 (yy-mm-dd) this is how we write the date in china and Japan. I have no idea how other countries do it tho.

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