That time (Syo x Reader)

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Syo x Reader

-Help with title plish-

"Syo-chaaan~! I got you a new dress~~!"

Natsuki was- like every day- chasing Syo. They're both your best friends, also including Kaoru

The three of you were in a park. You on the grass with your sketchbook making designs of new clothes


Though Syo was the most athletic one among the four of you, it was hard to outrun someone one feet taller now isn't it?

He then ran towards your back and you sighed, knowing that you're his only hope left. You saw Natsuki run towards your direction so you stood up

"Na-chan!! What did I tell you about chasing Syo everywhere?"

You tried to sound fierce but it just ended up turning into a pout, which pleased Natsuki alot

"Uwahh~!! Kawaii~~!!!"

He began hugging you and taking pictures of you

"N-NA-CHAN!! If you don't stop now, I won't eat your cookies anymore!! >^<"

And good, he stopped. He rubbed his chin with his index finger and his thumb and started humming

"Speaking of cookies... Ne~ (F/N)-chan! I made you some this morning~! I'll go get it!!"

And he skipped away...

You heaved a sigh and looked at Syo who hid behind the bush behind you and peaked at the direction where Natsuki ran off to, then to you

You did a peace sign and grinned at him

"That should be enough!"

He stood up and wiped off the dirt on his back, then the back of his head while looking down

"I didn't need any help..."

And he was pouting >~<

"Shut up you little tsun, you basically ran to me for help"

You stuck your tongue out at him and bent down to pick your sketchbook up from the ground. He did the same but he was faster, he was able to get it and he hurriedly backed away a few meters to check inside

"What've you been drawing here??"

He flipped to the latest page to see himself wearing a simple navy shirt, black skater shorts, and a black fedora with a blue lace

"Hmm... Can you help me find this fedora?"

He pointed to the fedora you drew on your sketch pad and you just stared at him

"B-but Syo-kun, I just made it... I don't know if it exists anywhere..."

"We'll go to the mall!! Come on!! And besides, I think this'll suit me a lot"

He grabbed your hand and ran to a taxi

* * *

-Random Mall Name-

"Woah •-•)"

You haven't been in a mall this large for ages

"Come on!"

He grabbed your hand and dragged you off- again.

You both went to different shops and fitted different kinds of fedoras, checking if there's one similar to the one you drew

"Syo-kuunnnn!! I'm tiiirreeedd ;-;"

You sat on a bench for a while and let him sit beside you, hands still intwined with each other

He stood up and let go of your hand which made you feel slightly depressed

"Stay here"

And he went off to who knows where

As he left, a group of 3 guys started looking and winking at you, then whispered to each other. When they finished, they all walked towards you

The first one tried to grab your hand

"We're having a party at my mansion tonight. Wanna come?"

You pushed him away then the second was able to grab your other hand and kiss it

"Ditch your short friend and come with us"

Then, the third held your chin and tried to kiss you on the lips

Your eyes were closed and fear took over your whole body. Tears slowly threatening to fall from your eyes.


You heard a weird (and may I add disturbing) cracking sound in front of you and you slowly opened your eyes one by one to see the third guy's jaw bleeding

"Let's go!"

You knew who owned that voice and followed him, both of you grabbing each other's hand and running away with him leading

"You little sht!"

"Come back here!"

The both of you could still hear them cursing behind you but they didn't bother chasing you any further

When you both got to a safe distance (outside), you sat on the nearest bench and panted. Syo knelt down to your eye level and rested his hand on top of your head

"(F/N) I.... I'm sorry I took too long... I..."

You looked up at him and tried your best to smile

"I don't really mind..... you were able to save me, payback from me saving you from Natsuki"

You giggled at the memory but he started to look even more depressed

"But still... I almost didn't make it in time... He could've...."

He clenched his hands and balled them into fist with his knuckles slowly turning white. You held both his hands and looked at him

"But you did make it in time okay? So shut up or I'll shove Na-chan's cooking in your mouth until you die"

You both giggled at each other and as you stopped, a shop suddenly caught your attention

"Syo-kun look!"

You pointed to the shop and it had the hat you designed displayed at the front

"It's there! Lets go!!"

And it was your turn to go all hyper as you took his hand and ran

* * *


Syo immediately called a saleslady and bought the hat. He bought 5 actually, but he wore the hat you designed after buying it

"How is it?"

He started posing a lot and tried to make you laugh

"Hahaha >w< you look like an idiot!"

And you trapped him in a headlock

"H-hey!! Let go of me!!"

You let him go and smiled afterwards

"This is the first time you've ever worn a hat like that, it'll be hard to get used to it"

"You don't like it?"

He pouted and looked away

"No!!!! You actually look better like that but it'll take some time to get used to it, and here,"

You removed the hat, took the hairpins from your hair and placed it on his

"Your bangs keep covering your eyes and it's starting to get annoying"

You put his hat back on and he rested his arm on your shoulder

"(F/N), you already know I like you right?"

Your eyes widened as he said that


"Now you do"

And he gave you a peck on the lips


"Ahh!! So that's why Syo-chan and (F/N)-chan disappeared that time~!"

You, Syo, Natsuki, Otoya, Masato and Ren were playing truth or dare in Masa's room. But you accidentally fell asleep as soon as it was Syo's turn and he was able to tell the story with no sudden interruptions from you saying "that's not what happened!" And things like that

"But Lady and Ochibi-chan here make a good couple, hmm..?"

Ren grinned at Syo who got mad

"I'm not small!!"

"Hey, guys, it's getting late isn't it?"

Otoya yawned and looked at Syo

"Syo, carry (F/N) to her room won't you?"

You slowly woke up and was able to hear what Otoya said

Syo sighed and faced his back in front of you. You rested yourself on his back with your arms around his neck and him supporting your legs with his hands


You said those and fell asleep right after




Someone search for the typos for meh *0*

Lacked inspiration ohmahgahd sorry TT^TT I'm dyyeeennnggg T0T

Requested by and dedicated to Happy_Angel000 ^0^

-le lil fact-

~they're supposed to be a group of 5 guys but I was afraid Syo couldn't defeat even a single one of them so... c:

Syo: what the heck?!?! I can defeat billions if it means to have (F/N)!!

Me: awww how cute :3 now go on and say bye bye until you get requested again ;)

Syo: w-wait!! I still want to be with (F/N)!!

Me: *drags Syo away* next request is Senpai! |Otoya x Kouhai! Reader|

Otoya: *appears* uwaah, so it's my time to bond with (F/N)-chan again ne~

Me: O-Otoya?! You're not supposed to be here yeeeettt


Otoya: ehh??? But (F/N)-chan already wants to be with me~

Syo: what do you mean?! She wants to be with me!!

Me: okai okai okai, both of you, hushhh *pushes them both away* okay, next update, as I said will be Senpai! |Otoya x Kouhai! Reader| and it'll be posted by Wednesday or earlier, kai byeeeee (~^o^)~

Wait nvm I'll post it tomorrow afternoon. I'll start making it tonight

time check: 7:09 pm c:


•-•) <Se emoticon of de day (make it night)

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