Wallpaper |Kira x Clumsy! Reader|

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Wallpaper |Kira x Clumsy! Reader|

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Yeah. He relies on me, and I rely on him.

It's fine with me. I'm glad that I get to be the person closest to him.

"Kira, you skipped your classes again today?" You asked as you opened the sliding door to an unused classroom. The students would clean it once a week so it wasn't dusty at all. Kira lay there seated on the ground, seemingly dozing off. You tried calling him again, and with that, his eyes slowly fluttered open.

He didn't speak. Just looked at you blankly.

"You know you can just go to the infirmary if you aren't feeling well." You sat down beside him and began rummaging your bag for today's notes. "Here." You said while fishing out your notebooks.

He turned towards you and smiled a little. As he grabbed the notes you gave him, he ruffled your hair a little and pushed your bag away which was covering your knee. He sighed as a red spot on your skin began turning purple, and you pushed him away slightly.

"(F/N), how long did you look for me?" He asked, shoving your notes in his own bag.

"Just five minutes actually." You mumbled, attempting to hide the growing bruise on your knee. "I just didn't notice how fast I was running and I..." You flinched as his cold hand made its way on your injury.

"How troublesome..." He stood up first, then let out his hand to help you up. Reluctantly, you took it and dusted your skirt as soon as you knew you were balanced properly.

You didn't mind if he seemed distant. As long as you're of help to him, you're happy. And though he doesn't really admit it himself, he also enjoys your company.

"Kira, let's go home together." You mused as you opened the door. When no reply came, you looked back at him and saw him smiling at his cellphone.

"Kira?" You called again. He seemed to hear you this time and tucked his phone in his back pocket.



Memories of you and Kira last week flashed in your mind, and you smiled at the ground as the both of you walked back home.

"Ah, Kira, look!" You pointed to the fountain that was only turned on a few times a week. You knew exactly why. It uses up a shit ton of electricity and the store that owns it doesn't have that big of a budget. "The fountain's turned on! Can we take a picture? Pleaaaase~" you didn't wait for Kira's reply anymore as you pulled him into the sea of people, just to get to the fountain.

Halfway there, you let go of him so that he wouldn't have a hard time getting through people. The number of the passersby decreased, so that meant you could run now somehow.

You smiled as you saw that you were only a few meters away from the fountain, but before reaching the circle where it was located at, you bumped into a huge ass man and you felt yourself fall to your back.

"(F/N)!" Instead of landing on the cold concrete floor, you felt your back rested on something soft but firm.

You looked behind you, only to see Kira with his usual stoic look.

Funny. You thought someone shouted your name just now.

You balanced yourself and dusted the nonexistent dirt on your uniform and smiled at Kira. "Sorry, my bad. I didn't see where I was going." You sweatdropped.

He just nodded and held your hand, successfully dragging you to your destination.

This is what you meant by "He relies on me, and I rely on him.", since the both of you would have a hard time without the other.

Your eyes widened at the sight in front of you. The fountain was even bigger and more beautiful up close.

As you went on without him, you weren't able to hear him whisper almost inaudibly, "Don't go falling for anyone but me..." (SHET WAIT KINIKILIG AKO WAHAHA BIAS #3)

"Kiraaaa, hurryyyy!" You chirped, running back to him and tugging onto his shirt. "You're slower than an old mannnnnn"

He let out a sigh and let you do what you want. Not like he can do anything about it anyway.

You began rummaging your backpack and looked for your phone. You wanted to take a picture with Kira to commemorate the first you two actually walked up to the goddamn fountain. A minute into the search, panic started to sink in because the fountain usually only opens for an hour and until now, you still couldn't find the stupid piece of metal.

Kira stared at you blankly. He fished something from his pocket and threw it to you, seemingly confident that you would catch it.

Your palm made contact with the device at the last minute and you turned your gaze to the thrower.

"Kira, what's this for? I have my own so it's fine." You looked away and handed his phone back to him. Instead of taking it, he walked past you, leaving you staring dumbfounded. "I left it, didn't I...?" You muttered in defeat.

You unlocked his phone and opened the camera app while skipping to Kira's side. "The fountain doesn't last long." He said.

You took this as a signal and smiled. It was as if he wanted to picture to be taken too. He stood as close to you as possible and you grinned at the camera thing as you snapped the picuture.


"Kira, hold on. I'll go get my phone upstairs so I can pass the picture." The both of you removed your shoes and Kira proceeded to make himself comfortable on the sofa set in the living room while you threw your covers searching for your cellphone.

"Somewhere.... Where is ittttt."

Before you could throw your whole room upside down, you felt something vibrate near your foot. One of the pillows on the floor was glowing with a dim light, and you mentally facepalmed because you found your phone right under your bed. Flipping it open, you felt your jaw drop as you saw 13 missed calls all from the same person.

"I'm so doomed if this is mama." You internally wept and slowly pressed the 'open' button. You prepared yourself for the worst by closing your eyes, but when you slowly opened them again, you didn't expect what you saw.

"Kira?" You said with your head cocked to one side. You skimmed through the rest of the missed calls and found that all of them were from only one person. "Really now..." You locked your phone and ran back to the living room where your visitor was waiting.

He was oblivious to your presence at first and simply stared at the picture frames scattered near your TV. There were pictures of you and your family there, and you could see a small smile tugging onto his lips every once in a while.

Deciding to finally call out to him, you grabbed his shoulders and showed him a cheeky grin. "Boo~"

Phones in hand, you passed the picture you previously took from his device to yours, then smiled a little when the transfer was a success. Without waiting for another second, you used the picture as your wallpaper and showed it to the man in front of you.

"That's nice..." He said. He too began clicking shit on his phone, and from the corner of your eye, you saw him click a red button.

Ah... So he deleted it...

You put on the best smile you could muster and grabbed his arm. "Kira, it's getting late..."

"I was just about to leave too." He pushed your hand away from him and walked to the door. "See you in school tomorrow."

"Yeah." You waved your hand as his silhouette slowly disappeared in the dark.


"What were you looking at in your cellphone a while ago?"

"It's nothing."

"Ehh, tell me already!!"



"I'm not telling you."

You crossed your arms and looked away. "Fine."

Upon arriving to your house, you already saw him walking to the direction of his own.

"Bye then." You muttered as inaudible as you could. Ironically, you didn't want him to hear you, but for some reason, he kinda did.

"See you tomorrow." He said before disappearing around the corner.


"Did you guys hear?!"

"Ehh?! Kira has a girlfriend?!"

"No way! I thought he was single!!"

"His friends saw his phone!! He has a picture there with his girlfriend!"

"It can't be! Kira likes me"

You cringed at their voices. And what were they talking about? Kira doesn't have a girlfriend... And you knew that if he did have one, you were the first person he'd inform.

But somehow, the thought of him liking some girl you didn't know just couldn't sink in...

"(F/N)!" You turned your head to the direction of the caller and smiled. It was one of Kira's classmates. He held out his hand in front of you and rubbed the back of his head. "Kira left his phone in the locker room and well... We don't really talk much so I thought you could-"

You cut him off by grabbing the phone in his hand and shoving it in your pocket. "Return it to him? Got it~!" You chirped.

You pushed yourself through the crowd of Kira's fangirls and went up to the rooftop since you expected him to be cutting again. You grabbed the keys from your pocket and unlocked the door.

"Kira?" You called out. You saw him dozing off by the railing, making you smile. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep.

"Kira, your cellphone-" his eyes shot open at the mention of his phone and he hurriedly grabbed it from your hand.

"K-Kira?!" He held it so tight that his knuckles began turning white. You tried to grab his shoulder but he slapped your hand away from him.

"You opened it, didn't you?" He asked, shooting you a menacing glare. You shook your head violently while waving your hands.

"I would never!"

He sucked his teeth and opened his phone. "Liar. Then why are you blushing?"

You covered your face with your forearm and shook your head.

Maybe he didn't want anyone to know about his relationship?

"Well I'm sorry if you think I saw your picture with your girlfriend!" You exclaimed, adding stress to the last word. "I'm also sorry for sticking my nose in your business all the time but I can't help getting worried about you! I'm sorry for liking you and not being able to control my feelings if I'm getting jealous over such childish things!" Your eyes widened by a fraction as you realized what you just said, and you used your hands to cover your mouth.

"N-No I mean... I'm sorry I just-" you grabbed your bags and stood up, but before you could, Kira's hand held the side of your uniform.

"Stop saying such stupid things..." The piece of metal he was holding fell to the ground and he wrapped you in a tight hug. "You're a weirdo, (F/N)."

You saw the wallpaper of his phone since it fell behind him, and you couldn't believe it at first.

It was your picture with him at the fountain.

I thought he deleted our picture...

"I wanted our phones to match." He still didn't let go of you for what seemed like an eternity, and when he finally did, he placed one of his hands on your head and pulled you to his chest. "Will you go out with me?"

There was no hesitation in your answer. "Yeah."

* * *

CL: I have no idea how Kira acts, I don't know what his surname is, heck I haven't even tried reading one of his oneshots to at least have some sort of reference QmQ

Reiji: *nudges CL* that's because you only read Ai-Ai's oneshots riiiight~?

CL: WRONG *pushes him away*

I forgot who requested this but I'll just post her name in the comments and dedicate it to her~

The next update will be a---- dun dun duuuun

Human! Ai x Reader LEMON 0.0



2015 / 6 / 7

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