Incorrect Utaite [108]

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shima_s2: Totally random but if for some reason I started dating Senra, would you guys be okay with it?

uratasama: Yeah, of course

sakatandao: Wait, you're not a couple yet?

shima_s2: ?!

uratasama: Sakata, you're supposed to act like you haven't seen the secret glances and totally not platonic ass-grabbing before

sakatandao: Ohhh

sakatandao: Yes, Shima-kun, why do you ask?

shima_s2: Ugh


syounen_t_sako: Cookie dough is the sushi of desserts

soraruru: WHat the fUCk


luzabs: Kashitarou-san loves you so much he'd throw himself in front of a moving car for you

_amatsuki_: He would throw himself in front of a moving car for fun


nqrse: I'm faster than a calculator

Pusu_kun: Oh yeah? What's 87 x 55?

nqrse: 235

oO0Eve0Oo: That's not even close

nqrse: No, but fast as fuck


uni_mafumafu: You deserve an award for putting up with me

soraruru: You are my award


kashitaro_ito: You deserve an award for putting up with me too

_amatsuki_: You're damn fucking right I do, you're a nightmare


neru_sleep: Lasagna is just spaghetti-flavored cake

soraruru: Stop


kiyo_saiore: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint at what you might do, or back them into a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way and they're a wide-eyed mess

Nico_nico_Sou: Fuck kinda subway are you going to?

luzabs: It's not about subway


sen_senra: You should go alone

uratasama: Alright

uratasama: Sakata, pack your things

sen_senra: NO


kashitaro_ito: And once again, Kashitarou and Amatsuki save the day

96_neko: You didn't do anything it was all Amatsuki

kashitaro_ito: We're a package deal, everyone knows that

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