Incorrect Utaite [168]

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_amatsuki_: I want to do bad things to you

kashitaro_ito: Oh, really, like what?

_amatsuki_: Like break your fucking neck


kiyo_saiore: I want to adopt you

uni_mafumafu: You can't, I'm a grown man


neru_sleep: What's going on with you?

soraruru: What do you mean?

neru_sleep: You're not being as mean to me as usual

soraruru: ...

soraruru: I can punch you if you want


sen_senra: Mom says "alcohol is your enemy"

sen_senra: God says "love your enemy"

sen_senra: Case closed


uratasama: Name a more iconic duo than my fear of abandonment and instinct to self-isolate, I'll wait

sakatandao: You and I

uratasama: Alright


96_neko: You have twelve fish. Six drown. How many do you have now?

kashitaro_ito: Hmm

kashitaro_ito: Six

96_neko: Fish don't DROWN!

kashitaro_ito: WHAT


sakatandao: No offense, but I think no one could top Soraru-san's music

luzabs: I think Mafu could top him

sakatandao: As in like, his music or... ?

luzabs: I'll leave that to your imagination


nqrse: Why isn't there sad sunglasses emoji to show that I'm unhappy but I'm still cool


kashitaro_ito: I hope that my boyfriend would have a little trust in me

_amatsuki_: Kashitarou-san you used the b-word!

kashitaro_ito: Yeah I used the b-word. It doesn't freak you out, does it?

_amatsuki_: No, because I think of you as my b-word too

_amatsuki_: My bitch


uni_mafumafu: All my friends are Dwayne Johnson

luzabs: Explain

uni_mafumafu: They Rock

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