Another fluff compilation ww

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So... seems like some people needed fluff so I did this! www I'm sorry if it isn't good though, I feel slightly sleepy and my sentences might not make sense and all but this is for you AhoRiyu


Late night Studies (Soraura)
This is from my University AU that I did with this ship once ww This is for you mysteryjessica , a great and wonderful friend who writes beautiful stories (youcan'tconvinvemeotherwise) www

"Soraru, you staying up again?", Urata asked when he saw a raven-haired male sitting by his desk again, with his laptop laying there and books scattered everywhere.

Urata couldn't help but sigh when he saw the older male sitting there with dark rings under his eyes again. Soraru didn't look up from his work as he just hummed and continued typing on his laptop. "I'll go to sleep soon.

You can go to sleep first. I will make sure to be quiet enough.", Soraru told him as he pushed his glasses up before continuing to work.

Urata only sighed as he walked away as the older male continued noting things down. He stopped though when a mug of hot coffee was placed in front of him and looked up to see Urata standing there with a small smile.

"I am just gonna sit here in case you need anything.", Urata said as he sat down on a chair, pulling his legs up as he held his mug of coffee in his hands. A small smile built on Soraru's face as he closed his eyes for a second.

"Thanks.", Soraru told the other male after a short silence as the brunet hummed in response, the small smile staying on his face as neither looked at each other, knowing that the other one was smiling as well. "You're welcome.", Urata responded before the two of them didn't say anything anymore.

A comfortable silence engulfed them as once again, the two of them spend the night in each other's company.


On the bright side (Mafusaka)
Mafumafu and Sakata looked at the mess in front of them. The kitchen was covered in flour, broken eggs, spilled milk and things that were questionable, like medicine, chili powder and such. The two of them had wanted to make some cake together because they saw a nice video on the internet and immediately wanted to try it.

It looked simple and easy so they thought that even the two of them could manage to do this.

Oh, how wrong they were.

Sakata always let things fall and stumbled over everything while Mafumafu wanted to try to put some ingredients inside the mixture so it would taste more unique.

And it ended up with the two of them covered in ingredients and some food which looked inedible standing in front of them.

"Well... on the bright side! We know that we can't cook next time!", Sakata exclaimed as Mafumafu looked at him as if he was stupid before he started laughing nodding along.

"I guess~", he said as he continued laughing, Sakata joining in. They may have done a big mess and left a lot to clean up for later with no good result.

But throughout the whole time, they had so much fun trying to do so together.

And that was the most important thing.


Just friends? Part 2 (Satomi x Colon)
-L1GHT We both know that we love this ship (Alsothanksfortalkingtomeindmsyesterdayandbeforeiloveyou)ww Also GalacticNonsense Good Job on making fanart of this wonderful ship www

"Colon, let me in.", a pink-haired male urged as he knocked on the door several times as a huff could be heard from the other side of the door.

"And let you do weird things again? Yeah, right! I'd rather study for school!", Colon shouted from inside his house.

Since that last time, Satomi has started making moves on Colon whenever the younger male least expected this.

And frankly, Colon had enough of this as he decided to just shut himself in. This way, the older male couldn't do anything weird anymore.

"Oh, come on, it wasn't that bad~", Satomi said as he could hear some shuffling and some stomping. "You are literally flirting with me like I am some girl! Gross! You are gross!", Colon insulted them older male who remained unfazed.

"Let me in.", he merely said. "And why should I do that?", Colon asked as they could clearly hear the disgust in his voice.

"Cause I brought some pizza over.", Satomi merely said in response as he waited a bit. And a few seconds later, the door was slammed open revealing the younger male.

He had a smile on his face and looked excited until he noticed that the older male didn't have anything with him as his smile dropped.

"God freaking damn it, Satomi! Don't lie to me about food! Especially not with pizza!", Colon exclaimed as Satomi only crouched down, hitting his knee with his hand as the other one was holding his stomach while he was laughing loudly.

"You actually fell for it! Oh god...", he said as he tried to calm down before he stood straight again with Colon crossing his arms and was ready to slam the door shut again.

Before he could, Satomi already marched in though as Colon gasped before starting to protest loudly, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Now now, I promise not to do anything weird today. Let me just make you something to eat and let's play some games afterwards.", Satomi said as he could see the younger male's lightening up.

"You better promise it! Or I will punch you!", Colon threatened the older male who laughed.

"Yes yes~", Satomi said as the two of them spent the rest of the day together, just playing games and joking around with some occasional flirts which were rewarded with getting hit by a pillow.

Just spending some time together like normal friends. Of course, no one from Sutopuri would ever believe them that.


Heights (Mikoto, Loann & Galaxy-Nyan)
Here is another one for us cause you know, we've known each other for some time now ww

"How the heck did you even get up there, Mikoto?!", a brown-haired male asked as a black-haired girl sat on a sakura tree terrified, clinging onto a branch as if her life depended on it.

"I don't know I just saw a cat up there which looked helpless so I tried getting up to help it but turned out that it wasn't helpless and now it's gone and I'm up here and don't know how to get down help me.", Mikoto explained quickly as she said everything without taking a single breath.

"Hah... you're helpless, aren't you? Wait, I'll help you so you better make it up to me!", Loann said as Mikoto muttered an apology while still clinging to the tree, being very thankful that someone would help her now.

Turns out that that person would not be Loann.

"Miko-chan?! Loann-san?! What are you two doing up there?!", Galaxy-nyan asked as she looked at the two sitting on a branch, holding each other in fear. Mikoto opened her mouth, about to explain until Loann interrupted her.

"Who cares about the explanation?! Get us down from here first!", he said as Galaxy-Nyan complied and helped both of them get down, successfully.

Mikoto and Loann both were happy to finally stand on the ground now as they both hugged their savior. "Thank you!", they exclaimed with teary eyes as Galaxy-nyan was startled but hugged them back.

Mikoto and Loann were both older, yet this time it was her who helped them as she only giggled in amusement when she realized that.

"You're welcome! Now let's get away from here before anything else happens.", Galaxy-nyan said as they spent the rest of the day peacefully.

At least that was until Mikoto spotted another cat running after it as Loann groaned and ran after her to stop her from doing anything stupid with Galaxy running after them to make sure that they wouldn't get themselves into trouble again.

Yes, just their usual daily life.


Angst or Fluff (Mikoto, Mai &Aki)
"You know... maybe angst isn't so bad after all! It's nice to write and maybe read sometimes.", a short black-haired female declared as both a blonde female and pigtailed-haired girl snapped their heads towards the girl who said it.

"Aha! So Mikoto finally sees the truth and beauty of angst!", Mai exclaimed as the blonde gasped as she pulled the shorter female into a hug.

"Who did this to my lil Hanpen? Do I have to make them regret for doing this to my little sister?", Aki asked as Mikoto returned the hug.

"Don't worry, onee-chan, I still love fluff way more!", Mikoto assured as the older female sighed out in relief.

"But I'm still gonna write lots of angst with Mai-san!", she declared as the blonde female fell over in shock while Mai only laughed as Mikoto also laughed before going over to the other female to give her a hug as if to seal their alliance.

Such seemingly useless topics. And yet those topics were what made their all day life happy.


Riyu and Ruyu (Riyu, Ruyu & Loann)
"You know, I've been irritated for this for a while now but...", a brown-haired make started as a blue-haired female and red-haired female looked at the male in confusion.

"Your names are so similar what the heck?", Loann said as they only rolled their eyes. "You see, it is so confusing so how about making a nickname for one of you or both?", Loann suggested as they looked at each other before shrugging.

"Sure if you want to.", Ruyu said as the brown-haired male nodded before thinking. "Hm... I can't think of anything...", he said.

"How about not changing it then?", Riyu said as Loann shook his head.

"No! Well, did anyone else ever give you a nickname or something?", Loann asked as they thought about it before Ruyu nodded.

"Yeah but I was called Mafuteru only I guess...", she said as Loann sweat-dropped before looking at Riyu who smiled but shook her head.

"Ugh! We will think of something and— Wait... Oi! MIKOTO GET AWAY FROM THAT FREAKING TREE! GALAXY COME AND HELP ME STOP THAT IDIOT FROM MAKING THE SAME MISTAKE AGAIN!", the male suddenly shouted as someone responded with a startled yes.

Before they could ask what he meant, the brown-haired male had already run away, leaving the two girls behind. "Ruyu-chan, do you want to go eat some cake with me?", Riyu suggested as the other female nodded.

"Sure! Let's go then!", Ruyu accepted before they went to eat some cake together.

Spending time together as they laughed about the small things in life.

That's everyone I'll use for now but I will do more in the next one promise ww


Cold (Evesou)
A small sneeze could be heard as the mushroom-haired male turned towards the younger male who was rubbing his hands together and pulled his scarf up to shield him from the cold.

"Are you alright, Sou-kun?", the older male asked worried as the younger male only nodded. "I'm fine, thank you, Eve-san.", the shorter male assured.

Sou walked ahead as the older male watched him and walked beside him, looking at the other male who was trying to warm his hands.

Neither of them said anything as Sou only hoped to quickly get back home so he could just dive into the warm covers of his bed.

The younger male was surprised though when his hand was suddenly taken and intertwined with that of the other male's as his face turned red.

"E-eve-san?", Sou asked flustered as he looked up at the mushroom-haired male who gave him a soft smile, making the younger male's blush darker. "This way your hand will feel less colder.", Eve said as he put their hands in his jacket pocket. Sou only blushed even more as he averted his gaze and hid the lower half of his face in his scarf.

"Cute.", Eve only thought to himself and smiled again when he saw that as they started walking again. In the cold they were walking through the snow, a comfortable silence enveloping them as they shared their warmth together.


How we first met Part 2 (Urasaka)
"Uwah, I'm late again!", a redhead mumbled to himself as he sprinted to the train as fast as he could barely managing to get in before the doors behind him closed. He breathed in and out a few times before he went to find a seat.

It was still early in the morning so it wasn't difficult to find any seats this time. There little to no people in here as Sakata decided to just sit anywhere.

That was until he spotted a familiar person sitting close to one of the doors.

Sakata smiled as he walked closer to the brunet before standing in front of him as the other male looked up from his phone to look up.

He didn't say anything though as he only raised his eyebrow, waiting for Sakata to say what he wanted from him. Sakata didn't know why he suddenly felt nervous but he still spoke up anyway.

"H-hello! It's me, Sakata! Do you still remember me?", Sakata asked as Urata stared at him for a few more seconds before nodding.

"Yeah, of course. You're that idiot who fell asleep on my shoulder last time.", Urata said nonchalantly as the younger gasped and pouted. "I'm not an idiot! I was just tired from studying!", Sakata defended himself as Urata merely hummed.

"Whatever you say. Did you need something from me or why are you standing here?", Urata asked. "Eh? Uh, I wanted to ask if I could sit here?", Sakata answered sounding unsure. Urata only sighed as he shrugged.

"Do what you want. It's not like it's my train or something.", Urata said as Sakata nodded before he sat down while Urata only went back to scrolling through his phone.

There was a silence as Sakata shifted around uncomfortably while Urata didn't say anything. This continued on until Sakata couldn't take it anymore and decided to break the silence.

"U-um, Urata-san!", he said as the older male looked up from his phone waiting for the other male to say something.

"D-do you have any pets?", Sakata asked as he immediately regretted asking afterwards.

"Ahhh, he is definitely going to think that you're a weirdo now!", Sakata scolded himself as he felt the embarrassment overtaking him.

Before he could scold himself even further though, Urata spoke up again. "...I have a tanuki at home. Her name is Yamadanuki.", Urata answered as Sakata widened his eyes.

"You have a tanuki?! Wow, she must be so cute!", Sakata exclaimed as Urata was surprised at the younger male raising his volume but nodded. "Do you want to see a picture of her?", Urata asked as the younger male nodded.

They were looking at pictures of Urata's pet, talking about it before one topic lead to another and they just had fun talking. "And then—", the train announcement interrupted Sakata as Urata heard it and stood up. "That's my stop. It was nice talking to you I guess.", Urata said as Sakata's smile wavered a bit and he looked disappointed.

"A-ah, I see... It was nice talking to you as well, Urata-san!", Sakata said even though Urata could here the disappointment in it.

"Oi, give me your hand.", Urata said as Sakata was confused but did so anyway. Urata then magically pulled out a pen as he opened the cap with his mouth and scribbled something on the redhead's hand. "What is that?", Sakata asked as Urata already ran towards the door to quickly exit it.

"Idiot, isn't that obvious? It's my number. So just call if you want to talk again. I guess I can spare some time to talk.", Urata said before he exited the train, the door closing behind him shortly after.

Sakata only sat there in slight daze as the train started moving again before he realized what just happened and his face exploded into a dark of red.

He then looked at the numbers on the back of his hands before grinning to himself happily, knowing that he could soon talk to the brunet again.


Kiss it better (Soramafu)
"Ouch!", an albino exclaimed as he held his hand in pain. As soon as he said that, a few steps could be heard before a ravenette stood in the kitchen in worry. "What happened? Are you alright?", Soraru asked as the younger male nodded.

"S-soraru-san? I-I cut my hand!", Mafumafu told him as Soraru could clearly see the younger male trembling and trying his best to hold his tears in.

The older male immediately rushed over to him and took his hand before going to the sink to wash it off as the younger male hissed and wanted to pull his hand away which didn't work because Soraru was holding it. "Shh, calm down, Mafu. It will be fine.", Soraru whispered behind the younger male who was still shaking and trying to hold his sobs in.

After making sure the wound wouldn't get infected, Soraru gently took Mafumafu's hand as he dried it before going to get bandages, the albino always clinging to him and following him everywhere, holding onto the hem of the ravenette's shirt and Soraru just couldn't help but find it adorable.

After he got the first aid kit, he told Mafumafu to sit down to which he obliged before he kneeled down to tend the younger male's wound.

No one said anything as Soraru concentrated on bandaging Mafumafu's hand while the albino bit his lip, trying to not make any sound.

When the older male was finished he looked at the albino who still looked terrified and was sobbing as the older male gave him a worried look.

Not knowing what to do, the ravenette did the first thing which came to his mind as he gently took the albino's hand before placing a small, gentle kiss on the inside of the younger male's hand causing Mafumafu's face to explode into a bright red.

"S-s-soraru-san?! W-what are you doing?", Mafumafu stuttered flustered. "Hm? Kissing it better?", Soraru answered.

"T-that's not what I meant! W-why did you do twish?", Mafumafu asked accidentally biting his tongue as they both stayed silent before Soraru started laughing while Mafumafu pouted.

"Stop laughing, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu demanded as he muttered something about the pain as the older male apologized before taking the albino's chin and lifting his face up before leaning in closer to the younger male.

"Want me to kiss it better?", he asked in his low husky voice as the albino's blush worsened if even possible.

Soraru knew that Mafumafu would grow weak by hearing his voice like that. And the closeness didn't help at all in that situation.

Nethertheless, Mafumafu only nodded sheepishly at the ravenette's question before answering with an embarrassed "Yes, please."

Aaaaand, we're finished ww Yaaaay, we did it ww Anyways, I hope you liked my second fluff compilation! Thanks for reading and see you in the next chapter! Sayonyara~!

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