Ask the Utaites: Eve & Sou (+ Mary)

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Congratulations for marysa04045 who has won the event Welcome to Wonderland! Thanks for participating and then doing this with me Mary-chan~ Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Sakata: Welcome to another chapter~ Today our host Mikoto-san is unable to be here so we have Mary-san here instead! I can call you that, right?

Mary: yes you can sensei *thumb up*

Sakata: Great! Basically you will take over Mikoto-san's role for today! Do you think you can do this?

Mary: Yes, I will try my best for both you and mikoto-chan~ uwu

Sakata: That's the spirit~! Now, let's go ahead and call the first person in for today!

Mary: yeah Eve-san,you may come in~!

*door opens and Eve comes in*

Eve: Ah, Hello. So you are the winner for this event. I look forward to working with you today then. *smiles and bows*

Mary: *mutters ikemen* I meant I look forward to working with you too today eve-san *screaming internally*

Eve: *smiles before going to sit down on the couch*

Sakata: Well, now you have to give him the asks for today~ *walks to take the asks but can't find them* Uwah, Mary-san, do you have them?

Mary: Yes,I take it from you earlier because I know you would forget it since you're an aho sensei *sigh*

Sakata: Eh?! You call me sensei but you see me as an idiot?!

Mary: aren't we all see you as an idiot? *sighs again* so how about we start now since we don't have much time left and the first question is...

Eve: *chuckles* Good thing that we have Mary-san here then.

Eve: Ah, let's see... *walks besides Mary to see the question* The first one is from MellowMelodyMoon 

The cookies I make? I don't really bake very much... I guess they taste pretty decent? My friends seemed to like them when I made them... So they should be kind of eatable. Do you bake once in a while, Mary-san?

Mary: yes,I have but– *playing with fingers* It doesn't end up like I want hehe.But it's great that you can bake eve-san so you can make your own wedding cake with sou-san~ *whistles*

Eve: *blushes* Eh? I think you're misunderstanding, Mary-san. S-sou-kun and me are just friends.

Sakata: *mutters to Mary* And Urata-san is not a tsundere.

Mary: *whispers back to sakata* and you're not an idiot.

Mary: yes eve-san of course you're just a friend with him~ *no one gonna believe that anyway(secretly thought)*

Eve: G-good... Well, let's read the second question then. This is also from MellowMelodyMoon

Hm... Mary-san, can you come here for a bit then?

Mary: eh?okay~ *stands up approaching eve*

Eve: *hugs her* You were the closest person.

Sakata: Uwah, lemme join! *joins the hug*

Mary: *speechless* Eh,w-what? *died inside*

Eve: *lets go*

Sakata: *hums happily, staying*

Eve: Well, I think those were all of mine. Should I call the next person in?

Mary: Oh yes you may!~

Mary: *slaps sakata* stop hugging me sensei you're heavy.

Sakata: *pouts and lets go* How mean... I thought I'd get some respect if you call me Sensei~

Eve: *opens the door to see Sou standing there* Sou-kun? You are the next person?

Sou: A-ah, yes! Good work for today, Eve-san! *bows* And I look forward to working with you today, Mary-san! *bows again*

Mary: *mutter to herself I ship them* yes I'm looking forward to working with you too sou-san like what I do with your lovers~ *grinning widely* right sakata sensei~

Sakata: Yes, Mary-san~!

Sou: *tilts head*

Eve: A-anyways, I'll go now. See you later! *blushes as he rushes out of the room*

Mary: *still grinning* bye bye eve-san!

Mary: so *walking back to sakata* you can sit where you want sou-san~

Mary: the next question is from MellowMelodyMoon

Sou: A cookie from Eve-san? W-well, I would... eat it because he made it for me... But it would be a shame just to eat it so I would take a picture of it and treasure every bite!

Sakata: Now I want to have some cookies... Do you have some for your sensei, Mary-san?

Mary: Eh?,Nope, buy it yourself sensei.

Mary: *walks approaching sou, grab his shoulder and shake it*. So you will eat it, right? Your wedding cake with eve-san? you will eat it, right?

Sou: E-eh?! *blushes brightly* Wedding cake?! There was nothing like that written in there! Cookie! It said cookie, Mary-san!

Mary: *pouted* Fine!

Mary: Let's we all see the next question then!~

Sou: Y-yes, let's do that. Next question is from marysa04045  Ah, isn't that you, Mary-san?

Mary: eh No,who is that?

Mary: ahh how about we ignoring that one question then~*approaching sakata and hide behind him*

Sou: We have to answer every question, Mary-san. Anyways, the question is:

Hm... I guess I just really liked his character! Doesn't he look really cool? *smiles*

Mary: Isn't when you see the mv at 4 am and freaked out,right sensei? What your personal think about the character??

Sakata: He's so creepy! I mean look at him and tell me why someone would use it! You can't tell me that you think he looks cool, right Mary-san?!

Mary: I know right~but don't worry sou-san we still like your song *thumbs up

Sou: I'm glad then! *smiles happily* Well, one more to go, right?

Mary : yes *smiles too*

Sou: The last one is from @antonellachan

Eh?! I can't do that! They'll hate me!

Mary: *shock* yea you better don't do that sou-san,bad idea.

Mary: but even people hate you eve will still love you though~, hurry up and agree with me sensei~

Sakata: I agree with you on that, Mary-san~ But I'm sorry to say this but Sou-kun has to do it cause it's still in the green area of Mikoto-san's rules~

Mary: *shock*( ゚д゚)how dare you not to agree with me for this one, I'm believe in you,bad sensei!

Mary: but if mikoto-chan's rules said so then we can't do anything about that *turn to see sou* we're sorry sou-san

Sou: I-it's fine! You did your best to help me, Mary-san... Well, I'll go and do that then... I just hope they won't end up hating me. *prays to himself before exiting the room*

*in the background*

Eve: Sou? What are you doing?

Sou: I'm so sorry...

*screams and struggling can be heard before there is a silence*

*Sou locked Eve and Isebukuro in a room together. What happened will be revealed in the next chapter of Ask the Utaites UwU*

Sakata: So you thought that this would be over huh? But we still have a small bonus to do at the end, right, Mary-san?

Mary: Yes~ me and sensei will dum dum dum reacting the chapter from the book Servamp x Utaite by mikoto-chan~ right sensei?

Sakata: Yes, you're right, Mary-san! But I'm confused... Will we read the whole book together now or just a chapter?

Mary: ohh It'll be better if we reads the whole book to the latest chapter,right~

Sakata: Oh, ok! Just lemme get some snacks real quick~ *runs to the door* Do you want anything too, Mary-san?

Mary: Chocolate for me please~but hey we're late now go back to your place sensei *slap his arm hardly*

Sakata: Ow! B-but I'm hungry? Please? I'll be back in a minute!

Mary: *frowns* Eh but aren't you just doing takopa with the rest of usss before coming here ,you will get fat if you eating too much you know~ *smirking* urata-san will hate you,are you okay with it,sensei~

Sakata: Uwah, I don't want him to hate me! *pouting* Fine... I'll just read the chapter with you then. *sits back down on the couch*

Mary: Good boy,good boy *patting his head* so let's start then~

*They sit next to each other while reading the book together before finishing it until chapter 10*

Sakata: Mafudon... *hic* Waaaah, I'm sorry for being so mean to you! *cries*

Mary: How dare you,how dare you doing that to our angel~ *while keep poking sakata face*

Mary: *cries along with him* ....hic but luz-san is the bad guy here it's kinda suit him right~

Sakata: Luz-kun just needs more loveee! I should have been a better friend and help one of them out at least... Waaaah! *starts crying more*

Mary: yes, but you should help yourself first~ but at least we have urata-san to the rescue, I'm glad he is a good guy here *sob *sob

Mary: also shima and senra-san here kinda umm

Sakata: Well, Mashi seems pretty normal to me in that story. He's not that different ww It's a bit much though~ And yaaay, I have a moment with Urata-san now!

Mary :aww someone happy~ but you will become his eve so Its mean you will have that moment you know that moment //slapped I'm sorry we shouldn't said it here.

Sakata: Eh? What moment are you talking about? *tilts his head in confusion*

Mary: *semi-glared to him* , nevermind you're an idiot sensei how can I forget *sigh

Mary: so let's change the subject now most of the sutopuri cute members are already here can't wait to see the other two too *clap *clap*

Sakata: Uwah, I was being called an idiot again.... And yes! I can't wait to see them too~ Even though I probably won't read it unless it's asked for ww

Mary: ahh how sad,you will miss out mikoto-chan great book you know,how bad of you sensei!~ *slap his arm hardly again*

Sakata: Owie! *whines* Stop slapping me~ I thought you admired me as your teacher or something!

Mary: yes I admire you but slapping you is fun anyway so no,not gonna happen *continue slap his arm

Sakata: Is this how people show admiration these days? Uwah, now I sound as old as Soraru-san...

Mary: yes you're *cough* 29 *cough*,but hey at least tsun-urata-san will still love you no matter how old you are right *poking his face*

Sakata: Urata-san is older than me ww But wait what? Urata-san doesn't love me, Mary-san~

Mary: yea go ahead,said it to all the shipper out there,you're a married couple to our eyes *continue poking his face*

Sakata: W-we're not... *blushes* We're not even together yet...

Mary : yet,huh! *smirked*

Sakata: Huh? I-I mean— I— A-anyways, that's it for the chapter! Any last words you want to tell the readers, Mary-san?

Mary: invite me to your wedding with urata-san

Sakata: I will— *realizes what he said and blushes* Wait, no! We are not going to get married!

Mary: umm yea not gonna change my perspective anyway that is all for today thanks for having me!

Sakata: Eh?! Ah! I.... Thanks for being here...

Mary: you're welcome anyway Sayonara reader-san *bow *bow*

Sakata: W-well, thanks for everyone who has read this! I-I hope to see you guys in the next chapter as well! If you want to ask more questions then please always do so in the Q & A and Ask the Utaite Chapter! See you next chapter!

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