Ask the Utaites: Thanks for 10k!

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Mikoto: We've reached 10k in this book! Thanks for everyone who has been reading this book so actively until now! For 10k, I wanted to do something a bit different I guess ww You guys can read this story and try to find all of the song references I used in this chapter~ There are seven in total (at least seven that I put in intentionally~ ww) so let's see if you can find all of them in the end~ Anyways, here we go!


Mafumafu: *running towards Soraru* Soraru-san! Soraru-san!

Soraru: Oi, calm down... What is it, Mafu?

Mafumafu: *trying to catch his breath before talking* This book finally reached 10k!

Soraru: Ah... that's great?

Mafumafu: *pouts* Can't you be a little bit more enthusiastic?

Soraru: Fine... *in the same monotonous was as always* Ah, that's so great! I'm so happy that we've reached those 10k!

Mafumafu: So-ra-ru-san! *puffs out his cheeks*

Soraru: Sorry. Anyways, if you want to celebrate the 10k, we should call everyone and just sing a song together as a celebration or something like that. We are Utaites after all.

Mafumafu: Eh? Um... how about doing something else instead! Like doing a livestream with everyone or something like that?

Soraru: ...Something's wrong. You'd usually be really enthusiastic when you hear a suggestion like singing with everyone.

Mafumafu: Ehehe~ You got me~ As expected of Soraru-san! You are really good at deducing things!

Soraru: No changing the topic—

Mafumafu: Eternal Force Blizzard!

Soraru: ...

Mafumafu: Fufufu~ My powers have weakened you this much, haven't they? I know that I'm—

Soraru: *slams his hand against the wall with an annoyed face, trapping Mafumafu* Oi. Stop trying to change the topic and tell me what's going on.

Mafumafu: F-fine... The truth is... I caught a cold so I can't sing!

Soraru: Hah? Don't give me that—

*door is being slammed open as someone comes in*

Amatsuki: Hello~ I've heard that we've reached 10k and... *sees Soraru kabedoning Mafumafu* A-am I interrupting something?

Soraru: *pulls away and walks towards the brunette, grabbing his arms* You... forget what you saw.

Amatsuki: Eh~ I don't know if I'll ever be able to forget about it~ But I could promise to not speak about it in front of you~ Under one condition~

Soraru: ...And that would be?

Amatsuki: Hmm... Let me think about it. Ah! I've got something~ You always act so annoyed and cold so... how about changing that for today?

Soraru: Wha—

Mafumafu: Good idea, Ama-chan! I kind of want to see a different Soraru-san!

Soraru: I... don't want to.

Amatsuki: *cups his hands to a speaker* Everyone! You can't believe what I just saw! Soraru-san just—

Soraru: *clamps a hand over Amatsuki's mouth* Fine! Just shut your mouth!

Amatsuki: *puts Soraru's hand down and smiles* Great~ Now what character should you be...

Mikoto: *jumps in and waves* Hi~ I have one! Lately, I've been listening to this one song that Soraru-san covered a long time ago so now I wanna see him say those words life~ I really had Danganronpa memories listening to that ww (Hint: song reference is here ww I wanna see who actually gets it cause I think that no one will but I still hope~)

Soraru: Which one? *leans down as Mikoto whispers it to Soraru* I see... Alright. I'm going to make you regret asking for this, Amatsuki...*closes his eyes as everyone looks at him expectantly before opening his eyes again smiling* (A/N: It's exactly here guys ww) Alright, alright~

*Mafumafu and Amatsuki look shocked while Mikoto only fangirls*

Soraru: (A/N: still goes on ww) Now, now, Amatsuki and Mafu~ I'll enlighten you~ *puts an arm around both of them*About all those things that worry you~ Those problems you're thinking about~ All of it! I will help you get rid of them, ok~? *Amatsuki and Mafumafu shivering in fear as Soraru pulls them closer with a smile*

Mikoto: *smiles as she goes into a corner to watch* I'll stay out of it so you guys have fun.

Amatsuki: S-soraru-san? Let's talk about this!

Soraru: Of course~ I will start, ok?


Urata: Come on already! We're going to be late!

Shima: Well, Sakata was the one who slowed us down! Sakata, come on already! Don't trail off behind!

Sakata: A-ah, I'm hurrying already!

Senra: Guys, just calm down—

???: *screams in terror*

USSS: *stops running as they just stand in front of the door*

Urata: W-what the hell is happening in there?

Senra: I-I don't know... Should we go in or rather stay outside?

Urata: Staying outside would be better. Who knows what's happening there...

Sakata: B-but Mafudon, Ama-chan, Soraru-san and Mikoto-san are in there... What if something happened to them?

Shima: Yeah! We should help them! Even if I don't really know any of them.

Senra: *sweatdrops* Was the last part really necessary? I agree with Urata though. Maybe we would make everything worse by going in there...

Sakata: A-at least we should try! They're our friends after all!

Shima: Yeah! Even if I don't really know any of them that good!

Sakata: Shima-kun, stop adding the last part every time!

*Shima, Sakata and Senra start arguing*

Urata: ...Shut up! *everyone stops* I'll go and you guys stay outside ok?!

Shima: Leader! How brave of you!

Senra: Alright... If you say so. Please take care of yourself then...

Sakata: Eh?! We're just going to let Urata-san go in alone?! Wait, let me go with you— *being held back by Shima and Senra*

Urata: Well, see you later then. *proceeds to open the door and step inside the room*

Sakata: U-urata-san! Don't go!

Shima & Senra: May you rest in peace, Leader.

*a few minutes later*

*door opens and Shima, Senra and Sakata see Mikoto*

Mikoto: You guys can come in now~

*They come in to see Urata standing there slightly disturbed, Mafumafu shocked, Amatsuki crouching on the floor very disturbed and Soraru standing in front of him with his arms crossed*

Soraru: Anything you want to say?

Amatsuki: I-I'm sorry... *hic* for asking you to change. Please stay like this forever.

Soraru: You're forgiven. Just remember what will happen, next time you ask for this again.

Mafumafu: I... never expected Soraru-san could smile like that...

Sakata: Soraru-san can smile?!

Amatsuki: Not the type of smile you'd want to see...

Soraru: Anyways, where are the others? Shouldn't they be here already?

Senra: They said, they'd come a bit later because they are still buying cake for everyone.

Sakata: Oh~ Cake!

Urata: It's better anyway. This way, less people got disturbed by this.

Shima: Did you see what Soraru-san did?

Urata: Just a small glimpse... And I want to forget it for the rest of my life...

Sakata: Eh? What did you see?

Urata: Well—

*door is being slammed open as some Utaites come in*

Nqrse: Hi~ Did you guys miss me?

Sou: H-how did you even manage to run so fast in those shoes? *pants in exhaustion*

Eve: *pats Sou's back* You alright? Do you need some water? *holds out a water bottle to him*

Sou: Mhm! Thanks, Eve-kun! *flashes him a bright smile*

Eve: *returns the smile*

Urata: Jesus, where are my sunglasses?

Sakata: Sorry, I'd give mine to you but I'm blinded by the light so I can't see anything at the moment.

Sou: E-eh? *blushes* You've got it all wrong! Eve and me are just friends!

Eve: Y-yes, Sou is right. We just get along well.

Luz: You sure? You both are blushing really much right now. Oh, by the way, I've brought the cake.

Kashitaro: And I've brought some mochi and tea

Sakata: Food! *runs to the food*

Amatsuki: K-kashitaro-san~! *wails as he runs to Kashitaro*

Kashitaro: A-amatsuki-kun?! Are you alright? *catches Amatsuki looking worried at the younger male who still sobs and doesn't stop* Shh... it's alright. It's alright. *starts patting Amatsuki's head to calm him down*

Amatsuki: I n-never *hic* want to see Soraru-san smile again *hic*

Soraru: Oi, you— *looks at Mafumafu who suddenly hugs his arm*

Mafumafu: It's not fair that Ama-chan gets all of your attention! Soraru-san, look at me!

Soraru: Eh... Why should I— *sees Mafumafu tearing up* I get it, I get it! I'll pay attention to you so don't cry!

Mafumafu: Yay~! That's why I love you, Soraru-san~!

Soraru: ...What?

Mafumafu: What?

Mikoto: Why do I have this deja-vu feeling...?

Nqrse: Soraru-aniki~ I'm here as well~ *clings to Soraru's other arm as Mafumafu gasps*

Soraru: Oi, what are you doing? Let go of me!

Nqrse: Eh~? Why does Mafu-kun get to do this but I don't~?

Mafumafu: *pouts at Nqrse who smiled teasingly*

Nqrse: Hey, hey, Soraru-aniki! Let's go play splatoon after this~

Soraru: Eh, really? Sure.

Mafumafu: W-what? I want to play too!

Soraru: What are you talking about? You can't handle those types of games, Mafu.

Mafumafu: B-but—

Luz: What are you guys talking about?

Nqrse: *muttering to himself quickly* This was my perfect plan to make Mafu-kun jealous and get him to maybe accidentally to confess to Soraru-aniki and play some games with Soraru-aniki as a bonus... Dammit Luz. *in his normal voice* Luz~ Let's go over there to talk a bit!

Luz: Eh? About what? Can't we just talk here with Mafu-kun and Soraru-san?

Soraru: Yes, why can't you just talk here?

Nqrse: *gets away from Soraru before clinging onto Luz and pulling him away who is confused but goes along* Because this is a top secret~ *winks before walking off*

Urata: Oi, Sakata! Leave some food for everyone else too!

Sakata: If no one is eating then I will! And Shima-kun is eating a lot as well. See? *points at Shima who stuffs himself with mochi*

Urata: Mashi! Stop it! Senra, don't encourage him! *runs towards Shima who is being encouraged by Senra*

Senra: Eh~ But Mashi might be able to finish all of this in 3 minutes! Ah, great, you can do this, Mashi! *starts cheering Shima on*

Sakata: Oh, I wanna eat some cake too! *rushes over to eat with Shima*

Urata: *groans* Oh my god... You guys, stop it! *tries to stop them to do something stupid... and fails*

Mikoto: Ok, this is getting worse so let's just stop this before anyone can see how this chaos is getting worse... So let's end this for today~ Once again—

Everyone: Thank you and see you next time!


Ok, so that was the chapter~ Did you find all seven song references I put in there? To the ones who did, congratulations~!

Also, in the last chapter of Ask the Utaites, I asked you guys about choosing ships for my Fairytale AU fanfics and I chose the one combination which was voted for the most~ So this is the result~

Cinderella: Soramafu
Little Red Riding Hood: Urasaka
Snow White: Kashitsuki

I am going to work on them and publish them all at once after I'm done~ I already finished the first one and it's kinda really long www So two more to go~ Thanks to everyone who gave their opinion! See you in the next chapter and Sayonyara~!

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