From Tsundere to Deredere (ShimaUra)

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Requested by Gaming_Crystal3099
Pairing: Shima x Urata
(I honestly don't know what genre I just made. I guess it's Fluff ww)

Shima sighed after he finally managed to leave the party to go home. He and Senra were invited by their fellow colleagues to go to their year end party and because they didn't have anything to do, they both accepted.

Just hanging out with each other and playing games. They were all having a really nice time. Until some of them started to drink alcohol. Everything escalated at that point.

Shima didn't even want to think back on what happened anymore. He tried to leave with Senra but the blonde was drunk and insisted on staying. After a long argumentation, one of the only sober people, Shoose, came to stop them.

He said he'd take care of the blonde and make sure he was alright, saying that he could sleep over and so, Senra stayed while Shima thanked the other male and packed his things before finally leaving. He sighed in relief as he fixed his scarf, breathing into his hands to make them warmer before he walked home to the shared house of USSS.

It was already past midnight but Shima ignored that as he walked the last steps to their house and opened the door before stepping in. He noticed that there were two pairs of shoes as he raised his eyebrows confused.

"Who would be already back at a time like this? Sakatan said he was busy with something... Maybe it's Uratan... but didn't he want to do a livestream with Mafu and the others today?", Shima questioned but his question was soon answered when he heard two people talking to each other.

"Urata-san, please stop clinging to me....", a light-haired male pleaded as the other person just giggled. "Why? We're friends, aren't we, Luz~?", the older male asked and Shima walked into the living room to find a tall light-haired male with the brunette having an arm around his neck, pulling the younger male down to his height as the both of them were sitting down.

"It's New Year so celebrate a bit more with me~ The others are out right now so I would feel lonely.", Urata said laughing while Luz merely frowned worriedly when he saw that the brunette reached for another glass of sake.

"Urata-san, please stop drinking! You're already drunk enough and you have a low alcohol tolerance!", Luz reminded the older male who ignored him and kept drinking.

"Don't worry about that~ Here. Do you want to drink some as well?", Urata asked and Luz shook his head. "No, I already had enough. And you should stop as well— Urata-san!", Luz shouted when he saw that the brunette drank another glass of sake. He merely laughed as he ruffled the head of the younger male.

"You don't have to worry cause I'm completely fine~", Urata assured but Luz merely frowned. "Why did I have to bring Urata-san back? I'm not used to do this... Soraru-san or Mafu-kun would have handled this much better than me.", Luz thought and hoped someone would be back soon so he could go home.

And just when he wished that he heard some footsteps and looked up to see the purple-haired male looking down at them.

The purple-haired male had been watching them for a while but decided to step in just now. The younger male immediately brightened up as he stood up, startling the brunette and Luz ignored Urata's protests as he walked towards the purple-haired male relieved.

"Shima-san, I'm so happy to see you right now! You see, me, Mafu-kun, Soraru-san and Urata-san were doing that new year end livestream and even though Mafu-kun warned him to not drink too much, Urata-san still ended up getting drunk.

They both sent me to bring him back while they said they still had something to do.", Luz rambled and Shima sweat-dropped cause he knew that Soraru and Mafumafu just wanted to spend some time alone and that's why they chose Luz.

"But now that you're finally home, I can go home too. I'll leave it to you then, Shima-san!", Luz said as he took his bag and waved happily before opening the door and exiting the house leaving a speechless Shima and a drunk Urata in the house. "Eh, Mashi, you're home already?

Welcome back~", Urata said flashing him a smile and for the second time this day, Shima was speechless again. He never saw the brunette being this happy and cheerful in front of him.

And the older male would only call him Shima usually. He really wondered where his usual tsundere side was.

"Uratan, you alright?", Shima asked carefully as the other male just laughed nodding. "Of course I am! Now that you're here, I'm feeling way better already~!", Urata exclaimed and Shima felt his face beating up like Urata's.

But unlike the brunette it wasn't because he drank too much. In fact, he didn't drink anything at all. "I thought you'd still be at Mafu's house or something.", Shima said as he sat next to the brunette and eyed the half empty bottle.

"Don't tell me he drank that all by himself...", Shima thought as Urata noticed the purple-haired male looking at the bottle.

"I was but for some reason they told me I should go home! Even though I wanted to stay there longer...", Urata pouted crossing his arms and Shima wondered if this was really the real Urata who was sitting next to him right now.

"Luz ended up bringing me back home. He's such a nice guy, isn't he?", Urata praised but for some reason Shima didn't feel happy when he heard that. "You're really early too, Mashi~

Didn't you go to some party with Senra?", Urata asked confused tilting his head and Shima just laughed sheepishly.

"I left earlier than the others. They all started to party really much and all. Senra will probably be so wasted tomorrow. I didn't really drink anything and decided to go home. Seems like I didn't really feel comfortable drinking there...", Shima said.

Urata looked like he thought about something for a while before he snapped his fingers and smiled brightly. "Well, now you're home so you can drink a bit with me!", Urata suggested and laughed at Shima's worried expression.

"Don't look at me like that~ It's not like anyone will be harmed, right?", Urata said and stood up stumbling a bit as Shima held him before he could crash down on the table.

"Thanks~ But I can walk by myself, you know?", Urata said giggling as he walked to the kitchen before coming back with two cans of beer handing one to Shima. "I'm sure you can handle beer, right? Or are you still worried about something?", Urata asked grinning.

Shima blushed seeing the brunette grin like that before he opened the can of beer before gulping some of the beer down.

Urata just clapped his hands cheering. "I knew you'd be more fun than Luz!", Urata praised before he opened his can to drink some as well. "I was getting bored of sake anyway!", Urata said before he chugged down the beer.

"Oi, Uratan! You've had enough for today!", Shima scolded before taking the can out of the brunette's grasp as the shorter male tried to reach for it. "Mashi, stealing is wrong!", Urata scolded back as he still tried to reach the can.

"You already drank half a bottle of sake and this beer. We can do anything else you want so stop drinking alcohol for today.", Shima suggested and Urata pouted before sighing.

"Fine... if you say so, Mashi.", Urata gave up and Shima nodded satisfied.

He thought of what to do with the brunette next to him while he was drunk. "It would be best to help him go to sleep I guess...", Shima thought but before he could think any further he was interrupted by the sudden force he felt when Urata threw himself into Shima's arms and sneaked his arms around Shima's torso startling the other.

"Uratan, what are you doing?", Shima asked confused and Urata looked up at the other, flashing him a smile. "Well, because someone told me to stop drinking, I want a hug you now! Now pet my head!", Urata demanded like a child.

"Huh?! Why should I do that?!", Shima asked and Urata tilted his head. "Sakata didn't infect you with his stupidness, did he?", Urata asked and Shima felt slightly annoyed hearing that.

"You said we'd do anything I want if I stopped drinking. So I want you to pet my head now! You're not going to break your promise, right?", Urata asked frowning and Shima gulped before nodding. "Fine... but you really have to promise me not to drink anything afterwards.", Shima said and Urata nodded satisfied.

The purple-haired male raised his hand hesitantly before slowly running his hand through the brown hair. It was surprisingly soft as Shima continued and Urata merely hummed happily as he put his hand on the other's chest.

"Mashi is really nice~", Urata praised and Shima felt happy hearing that. "Of course I am. You better thank me by treating me to breakfast once you're sober again.", Shima said and Urata laughed. "Yes, yes. It's a promise then~", Urata declared and Shima nodded as he continued to pet Urata's head, playing with his hair.

There was a short silence before Urata spoke up again. "I'm getting tired...", he said and Shima hummed. "Go to sleep then.", he said and Urata weakly shook his head.

"I don't wanna go to sleep yet... you'll leave me once I fall asleep, won't you?", Urata asked hugging the other tighter. "I'll just hug you like this then! You can't escape this hug of mine~", Urata said and Shima laughed amused.

Urata looked up tilting his head as to ask Shima why he suddenly laughed. "You're so honest and all when you're drunk. It's like you're a different person.", Shima explained and Urata pouted slightly which Shima found to be cute.

"Eh~? Does that mean I'm not honest to you when I'm sober? Also, I'm not drunk.", Urata reminded and Shima nodded.

"If you say so. Anyway, I'll stay here with you until you wake up so go ahead and fall asleep.", Shima assured and Urata nodded smiling again. This time, it took the breath away from Shima though. The smile was gently and his eyes sparkled.

He couldn't watch that for a long time though because Urata buried his face back into Shima's chest. "Thanks, Mashi! I knew I could count on you!", Urata thanked as he started to tell Shima what kind of good person he was.

Shima merely hummed and thanked him as he continued to play with Urata's hair until he noticed how the older male would slowly talk slower and quieter. He was about to stop and pulled his hand away waiting for Urata to speak his last words and then go to sleep himself.

"And that is why I love you....", Urata mumbled the last sentence before he fell asleep peacefully. Shima, on the other hand was wide awake when he heard that and his face grew red.

"Did he really just say that? Did he mean that? It sounded genuine... but even if it was, Uratan's going to forget it tomorrow anyway. And maybe he just said it because he was drunk.", Shima thought sadly. "There's no way you'd love me after all...", Shima whispered smiling bitterly.

At least, I'll get to savor this day being with you..., he thought as he kissed the top of the head of the brunette before he fell asleep as well.


The next day, Shima woke up by the sunlight blinding him. He blinked a few times, confused as to why he was sleeping on the couch. But when he saw the brunette he remembered everything that happened yesterday.

The brunette looked so peaceful and young when he was sleeping. Shima didn't get to enjoy the moment that long though because two minutes later, Urata started to stir in his sleep and at that moment, Shima panicked.

"God, how am I going to explain this to him?!", he asked himself panicking even more. He sat still and didn't even allow himself to breath when the shorter male sat up looking around confused before looking at the purple-haired male.

His face was expressionless and Shima felt himself growing more anxious by every passing minute. "U-uratan! Good morning!", Shima greeted him wondering where the hell Sakata and Senra were when he needed them.

The brunette didn't answer him as he just stood up as Shima tried to explain what happened.  "Shima, you're annoying so shut up. I'll take a shower now.", Urata informed before walking off.

Shima stood there for a while before he sighed and started to clean the table and throw the cans away. "Seems like he forgot after all.", Shima thought but he decided to forget this and tried to act normal around the brunette.

He went to his room and changed into a white shirt and black jeans before going to the living room where Urata was sitting, looking at his phone. He changed into a black hoodie and some blue jeans. When he noticed Shima coming, he put his phone away and stood up.

"Finally. What took you so long?", Urata asked annoyed as he crossed his arms. "I was just cleaning and changing my clothes.

Did we have something to do?", Shima asked confused and Urata rolled his eyes as he walked past Shima to take his keys and wallet. "Are you stupid or something?

You were the one who said I should treat you to breakfast. So we'll go now.", Urata said as he sat down to tie his shoes while Shima was still trying to comprehend everything.

"Are you coming or do you want to stay there forever?", Urata asked annoyed when he saw that Shima was still just standing there. Shima snapped out of his daze and smiled.

"Yeah, wait!", Shima said as he took his phone before slipping into his shoes quickly running to the door where Urata was.

Shima and Urata were talking to each other like they usually did, Urata back to being his tsundere self as Shima just laughed when the other huffed and ruffled his head.

"Oi, what was that for?! Do you want to die?", Urata threatened but Shima merely laughed more knowing that the older wouldn't hurt him.

"Uratan!", Shima shouted and Urata looked at him annoyed. "What?", he asked and Shima just grinned closing his eyes.

"I love you.", he confessed and Urata blushed looking away, mumbling a few insults at Shima who just laughed again.

"Love you too... Mashi."

So I thought since it is New Year, I'd do something like that too. Anyway, this was the very first request so thank you~ I hope you liked it and that it kinda made sense to you ww

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