Let's all get tagged ww

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So... I got tagged by KawaiiPatootOwO ! Thanks for tagging me ww

1. Nickname
I guess some of you call me Miko which is also a nice nickname so thanks to the people who call me that www

2. Your fears
I'm kinda afraid of heights and syringes ww

3. Something you hate
Loud places and fights

4. Favorite Things to do
I love to listen to music and to write fanfics ww

5. The reason why you join the Wattpad community
I wanted to read fanfics ww And this is how I ended www

6. Three habits you have
1. Hm... I tend to unconsciously scratch on my lips whenever they're dry which hurts afterwards when I eat salty things ww Luckily, I have my best friend to help me and tell me whenever I do~

2. I don't know if this is a habit but... my voice changes and gets way higher whenever you poke/tickle me and I sound like a "dying mouse" according to some people www I can't argue with that though cause I kinda agree

3. I can't think of one anymore www

7. Three things that annoy you
1. Some anime characters in animes ww

2. When my younger sister talks to me whenever I try to sleep ww If you are reading this, Shizuka, stop it ww And if not, at least stop on the nights before important tests www Please ww

3. When I'm not able to listen to music when I want to. Which is almost always ww Luckily, I can always listen to music until now www

8. Favorite Movie
Hm... does an anime movie count? www If so, I like Your Name~ To my best friend: Thanks for watching it with me even though you don't like anime and we both got very confused~

9. 20th and 30th pictures in your Gallery
The 20th and 30th pictures had people in it so again, I'll just show the pictures closest to them~

10. Favorite Wattpad Author
Why is this so difficult? www Um... Let me think... I'll put four in here, ok?
(I'm sorry for tagging you guys ww)

11. Three things you love
1. My best friend and my family~

2. Music

3. Fanfics

12. Wattpad Profile picture

13. How you feel right now
Like a Hanpen~ Sleepy ww But I feel as happy as a marshmallow cat!

14. Something you're proud of
I'm proud of all the people who have been reading this tag chapter ww Are you here? I'm proud of you www

15. One thing you're excited for
I have several things... I guess I'm excited for the bubble tea that my sister promised me and... I'm excited for the all the drawings and fanfics you guys publish~ ww

16. Picture of Favorite artists

17. Your future goal
My goal is to finish the Utaite x Servamp book by the end of August/ beginning of September or earlier~

18. Current Relationship
I have none~ www

19. Something you really really want
I want Utaite merchandise ww And I want the people who started reading my books to stay with me until the end or at least for a bit longer UwU

20. Tag 15 People
Ok, let the hell of tagging start again ww I'm gonna stick to tagging all 15 people~ (Sorry in advance if you were already tagged ww)

21. Have any future book in mind?
No ww I am probably going to stop writing new books after the Utaite x Servamp book unless I have really really much motivation to write a new one (which won't happen probably)~ I will still continue the books like the Utaite oneshot book though ww It will go on in all eternity~! www

That was another chapter~ Thanks for everyone who read this and see you next chapter where I'll hopefully be a human again~ Sayonyara~

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