One Cup of Coffee to win your Heart Part 3 (Soramafu & Urasaka)

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Pairings: Soraru (Barista) x Mafumafu (University Student), Urata (Barista) x Sakata (University Student)
Genre: Fluff

Café au
And so, the third chapter is here~ Look at me having so much free time ww Anyways, you guys know the drill~ No proofreading and I hope you enjoy www Also, me and Mai-san have written a collab together! It is on her account and is called "Holding your Heart Hostage" and you can read it when going on mysteryjessica . Anyways, enjoy the chapter~


Urata was usually someone who always had a scowl or an annoyed expression on his face. The default emotions the brunet had usually were being annoyed, mischievous or nothing.

From all of those years that Soraru got to know the other male, he got to learn that Urata was someone who was liked to cause troubles and saw others in their misery while snickering to himself.

And if that wasn't the case, the brunet would usually avoid interacting with people, only talking to people who he was close to.

Even then, the brunet was still always either annoyed or feeling like causing trouble.

That is what Soraru knew about his friend after all these years.

That's why, he wondered what the hell happened in those few hours while he took a rest that the Urata was suddenly distracted from work just to look at his phone and sometimes even smile.


That is something that Soraru had almost never seen and the ravenette was creeped out by it. It was almost closing time with only two more hours to go when the brunet suddenly put his apron away and cleaned his last things up.

"I will go to my room now because there are probably not many customers coming anymore. You can handle it by yourself.", Urata said as Soraru merely nodded, watching the shorter male leave the front café as he was drying some of the cups and put them back in their places.

"Something definitely happened today... He was like this after I came back from taking a break. He was looking at his phone all the time. Sakata had a day off so he talked to Urata— Ah. I see.", Soraru only sighed as he started walking to the tables.

"I knew he had a thing for Sakata.", Soraru said to himself as he was cleaning the last table before he heard the door open as he looked at the entrance to see that a familiar albino entered with both of his hands clutching the hem of his bag as he looked around confused.

"E-eh? Ah, I'm sorry, is it already closed for today?", Mafumafu asked with a troubled expression as the older male could basically see the albino fidgeting nervously already.

"No, don't worry, we are still open. It's just that no one usually comes around this time.", Soraru explained to the albino who sighed out in relief. "I see... Is it alright for me to order something then?", the younger male asked as the barista nodded and motioned towards one of the tables.

"Do you want to sit down or take your order with you?", the raven-haired male asked. "Um... is it alright if I have it here then?", Mafumafu asked as he fumbled with the hem of his sweatshirt.

The ravenette nodded as he motioned for the younger male to sit down before handing him a menu. Taking the menu with a small thanks, Mafumafu scanned through the different things before deciding on something.

"I would like to have some fruits tea with a... Nyantolate cake?", the albino asked in a questioning manner as he looked up at the barista who scratched his cheek.

"Just some chocolate cake. It is made by a friend of mine who insisted on making an extra name for it even though it is also a chocolate cake.", Soraru explained sighing as the albino giggled. "I would like to have that then.", he said as the other male nodded and bowed.

"I will be back with your order then.", the ravenette said before walking away as the albino nodded and waited for the other male to come back. While waiting, the albino slowly but surely became more nervous until after a few minutes, the university student started talking to himself in his mind.

"Ok, you can do this, Mafumafu... Sakatan also managed to ask Urata-san to sit with him and talk to him for a bit! So you can ask Soraru-san to talk to you a bit as well!", Mafumafu thought to himself as he slapped his cheeks.

Just as he did though, the ravenette had returned with his order as Mafumafu looked up, his face frozen as the ravenette only looked at him with a slightly confused expression.

"Um... you alright?", he asked as the younger male's face turned red from embarrassment as he nodded quickly, looking down.

"A-ah, yes.", he answered as Soraru only hummed before taking the cup of tea from his tray first and placing it on the table before proceeding to take the chocolate cake from the tray, placing it in front of the albino who widened his eyes at the pastry in front of him.

Instead of it being a piece of cake it was a small round cake with two triangle chocolate pieces standing up on it while a small face with some whiskers was drawn with a white cream on it. "Cute...", Mafumafu mumbled as he took a picture bed he picked up his fork with a smile.

"Thanks for the food then...", Mafumafu said as the ravenette nodded. "Enjoy.", he said bowing before he turned to leave as the albino snapped out of his thoughts and waved his hands around.

"Eh? Ah! W-wait!", the younger male exclaimed as the older male turned around confused.

"Yes? Would you like to order something else?", Soraru asked. "Th-that's not it... I wanted to ask if you would maybe... want to... if you have time... um... want to... sit down and talk with me? Y-you don't have to though! I understand if you're busy!", Mafumafu assured the other male as he waved his hands around.

There was a short silence as the albino looked down on his cake, clenching his fists.

"Great. Now he thinks that you are a weirdo...", Mafumafu thought to himself. But before he could continue to wallow in his own sadness, he saw the ravenette sitting down on the bench in front of him. "Eh?", the albino let out confused as the ravenette raised an eyebrow.

"You wanted me to sit with you, right? It's not like I have anything to do anyway right now because of customers so might as well talk to someone.", Soraru said as the albino nodded and looked at his cake smiling before deciding to try some as he picked up his fork.

He carefully scooped some cake up as he then lifted it up and put it in his mouth before carefully chewing, his expression turning into that of amazement as he did so.

"You like it?", Soraru asked as the albino nodded with a bright smile. "Yes! It tastes great! Your friend really knows how to bake well!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the older male hummed in agreement. "She does know how to bake well. Always made us some pastries whenever we had club activities.", Soraru said as the albino tilted his head.

"Eh? So she went to school with you?", Mafumafu asked as the older male nodded.

"Me, Urata and two other girls were in the classic club together. And I guess her pastries were some sort of unspoken payment in exchange for me satisfying her curiosity.", Soraru explained sighing. When he noticed that the albino got confused, he waved his hand.

"Must sound confusing. Just forget it.", the older male said as the younger male shook his head. "No, please tell me. I want to understand!", the albino exclaimed as the ravenette looked at the other male in slight surprise before nodding.

"I guess... she kind of loved mysteries? And because I could solve them more or less, she always came to me to ask for that while Urata and our other friend only mocked me and laughed seeing me have to work. It was a pain really. But I guess I grew pretty fond of her after a while.", Soraru told Mafumafu. "Did you love her?", the albino asked as he immediately regretted asking that.

The question just suddenly slipped out when he heard that as he felt unsettled by the fact that they could be together. "Eh? I guess I do...", Soraru said nodding as the albino felt his heart sink into his stomach until the next words helped the younger male feel better again.

"She is like a little sister to me so I guess I do love her. About the other two... they are too annoying to consider them as family like her.", Soraru said as the younger male giggled at that.

"But you guys had fun, right?", Mafumafu asked as the ravenette thought about it for a bit before a small smile formed on his face and he nodded. "Yes... I guess we did.", he said making the other male blush when he suddenly saw the older male smile. Soraru was already really handsome without everything. And the smile made it even more so as the albino could only think of how much more handsome he looked with it.

Even so, Mafumafu couldn't help but wish that the older male's smile was directed at him. "What about you?", Soraru asked, making the albino snap out of his thoughts.

"Did you and Sakata know each other for a long time already?", the older male asked as the albino thought about it before smiling.

"We have known each other since high school. Me, him and someone else were close friends. And luckily, the three of us got into the same university together! Maybe I should suggest him to visit this coffee shop someday as well!", Mafumafu said as the raven-haired male nodded.

"By the way, did you also go into this university, Soraru-san?", the albino asked as the older male nodded in response.

"Studied Criminology and Criminal Justice.", Soraru said as the albino widened his eyes before letting out a sound of surprise, the ravenette clasping his hands over his ears as it was a loud high-pitched squeak.

"Ehh?! You studied Criminology and Criminal Justice?!", Mafumafu asked as the older male sighed nodding.

"Yes... why is everyone always so surprised whenever they hear that...?", Soraru asked, more to himself than to the albino.

"W-well, I guess it is a bit surprising because Soraru-san doesn't look like he would choose that.", Mafumafu explained as he laughed sheepishly.

"Well I guess... That is because my friend chose it for me. She helped me choose a major because I didn't know what to choose. I didn't really have anything I wanted to do.

Besides games I guess... but taking it as a major is... well, in the end, I still took it as a minor class but I tried finding something else as a major just in case. In the end, neither really ended as some kind of job for me as you can see.", Soraru said as he motioned towards the coffee shop as the albino giggled.

"Why did you decide to work in a coffee shop then?", he asked.

"Hm... I guess it was because of the late owner here. He was a really kind person but had to stop working because of his age. Me and Urata both had been working part time for him before. And both of us decided that we would continue to keep this café alive for him for our own reason.

I didn't have anything I wanted to be anyway. And working at this coffee shop as part time job made me realize... that it is fun here. Unlike those coffee shops like starbucks which everyone likes to go to... this one here gives me a calming feeling.

And he taught me a lot so in the end, I decided that I would work here.", Soraru explained to the albino who smiled at that.

"I see... it's great that Soraru-san found what he wanted to be in the end. I hope I can find that too.", Mafumafu said as he looked at his reflection in the cup of tea before taking a sip.

"...You make music, right?", Soraru asked as the albino looked back up again, startled that they were now talking about him. "Eh? Ah, yes. I took music as my major and want to become a singer who writes his own music.", Mafumafu explained as the ravenette nodded.

"Do you like music?", Soraru asked as the albino nodded smiling with a bright smile.

"Yes, I love it! Music is my life!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the ravenette nodded with a small smile on his face.

"Then I think you'll be fine. If you have a clear goal ahead of you and do your best and never give up, I'm sure that you will someday for sure reach that goal. So good luck with it.", Soraru encouraged the other male who looked at the ravenette surprised before he averted his gaze as he scratched his cheek sheepishly

"Th-thank you. You really are kind, aren't you, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked as he tried to regain his composure and look the older male into his eyes again. "I just said something obvious. Don't worry about it.", Soraru said.

There was a short silence where Mafumafu just ate a piece of his cake again to try and calm down before talking again. "Does Soraru-san like music?", the albino asked as the older male thought about it for a second before answering.

"Well... I do like music more or less... I used to sing some songs while doing some things when I had free time.

I stopped but I still listen to music.", Soraru answered as he looked back to the albino, surprised to see the other male with sparkling eyes.

"So you like music?! What genre? What songs? Are they vocaloid songs? Or pop? Classical? Or even rock?", Mafumafu asked as he stood up, leaning closer to the other male who backed away.

"Eh? Um... I guess vocaloid songs in the past and jazz and rock ballads now...", Soraru answered as he put his hands up in an attempt to create some distance.

"Ehh~ So Soraru-san likes to listen to jazz and rock ballads huh? They are nice genres too!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the older male hummed.

"What about you? Any genre you prefer when you write a song or do you like everything equally?", Soraru asked. "Well, it changes from time to time... I think it depends on my mood...", Mafumafu said as the raven-haired male nodded understanding.

"I see... well that makes sense I guess. Not that I get anything about music or song writing anyway.", Soraru said. "Last time you were kind of struggling to find a melody for something, right? Did you find one or are you still lacking the inspiration?", Soraru asked as the younger male perked up at that.

"Ah, I found a melody thanks to you, Soraru-san! Your coffee art was really motivating and helped me to find what I needed!

And thanks to you, I could compose a positive and cheerful song again! Sakatan was so happy when he heard about my new song being about cats!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the ravenette sweat-dropped when he heard the albino saying that he actually wrote a song about cats.

Nevertheless, he decided to ask about something that he was more curious about at the moment. "You said that you could compose a positive and cheerful song again. Does that mean that you usually compose different kinds of songs?", Soraru asked as the albino nodded, his smile disappearing as he now sat back on his seat.

"Well, I guess I really do write songs depending on my emotions... and usually whenever I get sad, I feel the need to write it into a song... So most of my songs aren't too cheerful.", Mafumafu explained until he realized what he just said and bowed.

"Ah, I'm sorry! I didn't want to suddenly talk about this! I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable!", the albino apologized as he bowed several times. "No, it's fine. I didn't mind.", the older male assured as the albino looked at him surprised.

"Y-you didn't mind?", he asked as Soraru nodded. "Hearing you speak about your songs in such passion even if most of them aren't cheerful, makes me think that you really do love music. In fact, I would like to see you sing one of your songs someday and listen to it.", Soraru said as the albino sat there frozen for a minute before he scrambled to get his phone out, pointing at it.

"Th-then... do you want to exchange phone numbers? I-I could send you some of my songs so you can listen to them!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the older male nodded and took his phone out as well before handing it to the albino.

"Just type in your number. I will put mine into yours.", Soraru said as the albino nodded, handing his phone over to the older male while taking the ravenette's phone, typing in his number quickly and checking if it was right one last time before handing it back to Soraru who had already finished typing but was only staring at the phone.

"Is something wrong, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked as he got worried that the older male regretted his choices and might want to distance himself from him.

His negative thoughts were soon thrown away though when Soraru shook his head. "Just... Your lock screen.", Soraru said as he turned it to show Mafumafu a picture of the very first coffee that he had made for the albino there.

Realizing what the other male just saw, Mafumafu's face flared up.

"A-Ah, I'm sorry! I just thought that it looked cute and it inspired me for my song so I decided to keep it! I can put it down though!", Mafumafu assured the older male who only shook his head.

"No, it's fine. I was just surprised that a mere coffee art of mine could make you think like that.", Soraru explained as the albino sighed out in relief.

"W-well, it helped me a lot so thanks once again, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu thanked as he bowed down once again. "Ah... you're welcome?", Soraru responded as the albino giggled at the awkward response before glancing at the clock to see that two hours had already passed.

"Ah, so late already?! Your café is also closing now, right? I'm sorry, I will pay and then go so you can take a rest!", Mafumafu said as he stood up and took his bag before searching for his wallet to pay. "Ah, no need to. This is on the house.", Soraru said as the albino stopped for a second, looking at the older male in disbelief.

"You can't do that, Soraru-san. I will pay.", the albino insisted, taking out his wallet as Soraru only stood up and shook his head.

"It's fine. You already paid me by giving me some company and a nice time. So put this back again.", Soraru said as he walked closer to the younger male and out his hand over the albino's to gently push the wallet back into the bag as Mafumafu was too flustered to protest because of how close the older male was right now.

"It's late now so go back to your, alright? You have classes tomorrow after all, don't you?", Soraru asked in a lower voice as the younger male nodded timidly. "Good. Take a good rest then.", Soraru said as he patted the younger male's head before pulling away as Mafumafu breathed out, not realizing that he had been holding his breath in.

"I-I'll be going then... Can I come back tomorrow?", Mafumafu asked unsure as he stood at the door. "Of course. We will be awaiting your return.", Soraru said as the albino nodded with a smile.

"See you tomorrow then, Soraru-san.", Mafumafu said as he opened the door.

"Yes. See you tomorrow... Mafumafu.", Soraru replied as the albino could feel his heart skip a beat when he heard that as he nodded before leaving the coffee shop and heading back to his dorm.

Now that he thought about it, it might have been the first time that Soraru had actually called him by his name. And he liked it.

He liked the sound of the Soraru saying his name, wanting the older male to say it again and again with his deep and husky voice as he held him close just like how close they were in the café.

"What are you thinking?! Stop with these weird thoughts, Mafumafu!", the albino scolded himself as he slapped his cheeks, taking a deep breath of the fresh night air.

"Why is my heart even pounding this much? And so loud too! Ahhhhhh, this never happened before! Not even when I was nervous for my music exams or talking to people! So why is it that Soraru-san makes me feel all weird and tingly?", Mafumafu asked himself as he ruffled his own hair in frustration before he stopped in his tracks, suddenly remembering the words of a brunet that were similar to what he was feeling right now.


"I really felt like I was in a Shoujo mangas when I was with Kashitaro-san! My heart was pounding so loudly, I thought he'd hear my heartbeat! I felt all weird and such was if I had butterflies in my stomach and acted really nervous in front of him! But still... I really do love him, don't I?"


As the sudden realization hit him, Mafumafu's face suddenly exploded into a dark red as he buried his face into his hands.

"N-no way... Is this really true?", Mafumafu asked himself as he thought of any other possibility, only to come back to the very conclusion again.

The barista he had only met one day ago and only talked twice to.

The barista who he had exchanged phone numbers with and who drew a coffee art for him as an encouragement.

The barista who listened to him and showed interest in Mafumafu and his music.

That person managed to win him over in such a short time despite the albino having never really gotten close to anybody despite hanging out with some people.

That person managed to make the albino think about him constantly.

That person managed to make the albino experience an emotion that he had never felt before.

And at that moment, Mafumafu realized that he, without any doubt, had fallen for the raven-haired male called Soraru.

And we finished another chapter again~ I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! This time I focused on Soramafu again as you can see ww I think I will just switch focus of a ship every chapter so I hope you won't mind! Anyways, it's late here so I will go to sleep now! Oyasuminyasai~

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