Q & A {A bit different I guess ww} + Ask the Utaites [Open]

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Hello~ Before I start what I wanted to do I wanted to thank you guys for reading my stories and also thank you for 100 followers! Well, the amount might be more or less 100 by the time I publish this www But really, thank you!!

Enough about that though, right? Ww Well, to "celebrate" this I wanted to make a Q & A Chapter~ But fear not, it's not going to be like the usual ones where you ask me a question and I answer ww

Well, you can do that too but let's do it another way so I can get to know more about you guys too!

I am going to ask a question, answer it and if you are comfortable with it please answer in the comments~ Let's just do it and after that, I'll explain the second part you've read in the title ww

In case you didn't read through all of the above: Please answer the questions as well in the comments as long as you're comfortable with answering~

1. Which ones were the first Utaites you've listened to?
For me, it's 96Neko, Luz, Kashitaro and Soraru~ And that's when I didn't even know what Utaites were yet ww I listened to 96Neko actively without know that she was an Utaite, I listened to Luz's Bitter & Sweet, Kashitaro's Cover of Love Trial and finally, I listened to Soraru's Cover of Lost Time Memory and Kagerou Days~ Oh, there was also the Danganronpa ending which he sung and I loved it so much not even knowing that Soraru was the one who sang it after finding out about Utaites until someone pointed it out for me so yeah www You know who you are if you read this ww

That was long ww Next question~

2. How long have you been in the Utaite Fandom?
For me, it's not even been a year ww It'll almost be one year for me! Yay~ But I love this Fandom already and look forward to stay in this fandom for many more years~

3. If you could have two Utaites you like collabing who would those be?
I mean, it'd be nice to see Soraru and Amatsuki collab for me ww I searched it up and just found like three songs where they collabed together~ If anyone knows more songs of them collabing, please please tell meeee!

4. What is your favorite ship in the Utaite Fandom?
I know it's basic or something but I really like Soramafu the most~ Cause it's so cuteeeee

5. What's your favorite rare pair in the Utaite Fandom?
Probably no one except me ships that but I kind of really like Soraru x Amatsuki (๑>◡<๑) But I still ship Soramafu and Kashitsuki more than this ship www

6. What kind of songs do you like the most? Do you prefer Happy, cheerful songs? Sad, depressed songs? Hopeful songs? Funny songs?
For me it depends on the mood ww Most of the time I like to listen to calm, hopeful songs and happy cheerful songs like~ Nothing beats the songs that you can hear at any time for some reason though! Like Roki!

7. Which Roki cover do you like the most?
Ok, I know this is a weird question but I really want to know what you guys think. I like the Mafumafu ft. Soraru one the most but I have a second favorite and that is the one with Amatsuki and Hashiyan~  What about you guys?

8. Did anyone listen to Sanagara Bye Bye?
Like really. Did anyone listen to it? It's great ww Ok, I'll stop now ww

9. Did you like this kind of chapter?
Don't worry, I'm finished with this now ww I hope you guys enjoyed it though~


Well, now that that's finished let's go to the second part~ I don't even know if you guys are still reading up to this point. Are you? Are you? Prove it by commenting here ww Sorry, I'll stop ww

Anyways, if you did, you read the title already right? So.... I decided to open some Asks for the Utaites~

You can ask them anything you want as long as it's appropriate enough~ And you can ask them to do something as well like:

Can you read a chapter of Mikoto's book and react to it? If you want, you can ask them to read a chapter of your book or to look at your drawing and react to it as well~ Both are allowed~

But please don't ask them to react to a book which is not yours because I don't know if the authors would like if I'd do that www And I'm sure you already know this but just to make this clear ww Every answer was written by me and not actually by any of the Utaites www Anyways, here are the Utaites you can ask something to do:













Mikoto (Me)

So this was everything for this chapter~ For those who've read this, thank you ww And see you in the next chapter~

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