Sanagara Bye Bye (Soramafu)

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Pairing: Soraru x Mafumafu
Genre: Slight Angst

Ok, I know I still have a lot of requests and I'm working on those but I wrote this story last year in November and didn't get to publish it www And when I found it again, I decided to just publish it today~ This story was based off the song Sanagara Bye Bye and like I probably told you guys a lot already, please listen to it~ Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy it (><)

"This is Mafumafu. He'll be staying here for a year so I hope you will get along with him, Soraru.", a white-haired woman said smiling as an fifteen year old albino hid behind her.

The raven-haired male just looked at her nodding before walking to the albino and holding his hand out. "I'm Soraru. I hope we can get along.", he said smiling lightly and the wind blowed the sakura petals as the albino stood their speechless before hesitantly walking towards the raven-haired taking his hand. And thus their friendship began.


"Soraru-san! Soraru-san! Let's go outside again!", a young albino said as he kept shaking the older male who slightly glared at the albino.

"I don't want to. I'm too tired for this and it's so hot outside.", he said as he continued reading the book he had in his hands making the albino pout. "But Soraru-san~ I'm bored! And you've been reading that book for over an hour already!", Mafumafu pouted as Soraru kept ignoring him.

"Soraru-san~!", the albino kept persisting as he poked the ravenette several times. After a few more minutes Soraru had enough as he closed his book and looked over to Mafumafu.

"Stop that. We can go outside if that makes you happy so just stop annoying me.", Soraru said as Mafumafu happily nodded and pulled Soraru outside. They decided to go into the forest to just relax there.

Soraru laid down on the grass as he closed his eyes trying to enjoy everything while the albino was running around trying to catch a butterfly. Soraru just watched him mindlessly for the few hours until the young albino tripped falling straight on his face making Soraru snap out of his daydreams.

"Mafumafu, are you alright?", Soraru asked as he ran over to the younger male kneeling down. He frowned worriedly as the albino got back up and sobbed. "It hurts, Soraru-san...", Mafumafu sobbed as the ravenette frowned once again before holding out a hand to the albino.

"Let's go home for today.", he said as the younger male nodded and tried to stand up with the help of the older male.

When he stood he immediately fell again if not for Soraru to help him and that's when the two of them noticed the bruises on Mafumafu's knees. Soraru sighed as he ruffled his hair before kneeling down and turning his back towards Mafumafu making the latter tilt his head in confusion.

"What are you doing Soraru-san?", the albino asked confused. "I'll carry you home because you obviously can't walk right now. Now get on before I leave you here.", Soraru said and at that Mafumafu quickly scrambled on Soraru's back as Soraru chuckled at how gullible the albino was.

He stood up as he started walking home and they soon got back into their town again. It soon got dark as Soraru fastened his pace and walked a bit faster so they could get home quickly.

"Soraru-san!", Mafumafu called out to the older boy who just hummed.

"Look up! It's so beautiful!", Mafumafu instructed as Soraru looked up to see the wide night sky filled with fireworks above him. It was indeed beautiful as a small smile formed on his face. "Yeah, it is.", he agreed as he turned his gaze back to the front to see where he was walking.

It was silent for a while as Soraru just continued walking while Mafumafu giggled adoring the night sky above them. "Soraru-san?", Mafumafu called out again after a while to which the male responded with another hum.

"Can we go here more often?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru thought about it for a second before nodding. "Sure, I don't see why not.", Soraru said as Mafumafu smiled happily hugging the older male tighter. "Thank you~ See you again!", Mafumafu said as he got down off Soraru, making the other male look at him in worry. But Mafumafu only assured him that he was fine now and waved at him before running away.


"Soraru-san! Soraru-san! Let's go outside again!", Mafumafu urged as Soraru nodded complaining a bit less this time as he followed the albino outside. Not before taking a scarf and putting it on because it was going to be winter soon.

They walked together the path they always walked for the whole year since they've met. "It's going to be winter soon, huh? It's so cold~", Mafumafu shivered as Soraru simply nodded staying silent like he almost did the whole time.

"Where do you want to go today, Soraru-san?", the albino asked as the ravenette just shrugged. "I'll leave that to you.

Just don't choose a cat café like last time. You didn't even tell me you had allergies. Did you know how shocked I was?", Soraru asked sighing as Mafumafu just giggled sheepishly.

"I'm sorry~ but I can't help myself! Cats are just too cute! But do not worry! We can go somewhere else this time!", Mafumafu assured as he walked ahead pulling Soraru along with him who just smiled as he let himself being pulled.

They walked more and more into the forest as Soraru felt slightly concerned for a while but still let the albino pull him in there.

Soon they arrived at a building made out of glass which had many different kinds of plants in there. Just like an inside garden.

"Wow, I didn't know we had a place like this.", Soraru exclaimed as Mafumafu nodded happily. "I found it some time ago and because you're always reading books about flowers I thought I could bring you here.", Mafumafu said as he fiddled with his sleeves nervously and Soraru smiled patting the albino's head.

"Thank you for thinking of me. That was nice of you.", Soraru thanked as the younger male simply looked down nodding before they both walked inside. To say that they liked it was an understatement. It was one of his best times they had ever spend together.

Mafumafu loved the scenery and how the light of the sun would shine through the glass making all the flowers colorful and bright while Soraru could finally study all the flowers individually.

They almost finished their tour in the glass building as they reached a small stand making them look at it curiously.

On the table there were many books about flowers and bookmarks with pressed flowers on them as Soraru looked over to see Mafumafu interested in them. "Do you want to buy one, young man?", an old woman asked friendly as she noticed the two males looking at it curiously.

"A-ah, yes. I think they look beautiful.", Mafumafu said as Soraru nodded on agreement looking at them. "Do you want me to buy one for you?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu widened his eyes shaking his head.

"I couldn't possibly let you buy one for me, Soraru-san! I can pay for myself.", Mafumafu insisted as he scrambled to find his wallet. While he did Soraru placed the books he wanted to buy.

"I'd like to buy these books and two bookmarks please.", Soraru said as he gave her the money to which the old woman smiled before taking the money and packing the things into a bag.

She gave Soraru his change back as Soraru raised an eyebrow confused. "Excuse me, you gave me too much back.", Soraru said as the woman just shook her head smiling.

"You don't have to pay for the bookmarks. I made them and I am very happy that there are still young people who are interested in flowers. So take these as a thanks.", the woman said and Soraru argued a bit with her about it before giving up and settling on thanking her while Mafumafu stood there not knowing what to say.

"Come, Mafumafu. Choose one.", Soraru said as Mafumafu nodded smiling. "But Soraru-san! Let's make it more fun! You choose one for me and I'll choose one for you!", Mafumafu suggested and Soraru just shrugged nodding.

"I don't really care so whatever.", Soraru said as he looked at the bookmarks before turning to Mafumafu who picked a bookmark with forget me nots pressed on it as he gave it to him.

Soraru, the person being interested in flower language, raised an eyebrow to ask Mafumafu silently why he chose this bookmark.

"I chose that because as the name says I want you to never forget me!", Mafumafu confessed blushing as Soraru widened his eyes before smiling.

"Is that so? You don't have to worry about that though.", Soraru chuckled as Mafumafu pouted seeing Soraru pick up one which had a pink carnation on it before asking him curiously why he chose that to which Soraru merely shrugged.

"Because it laid close to me.", Soraru answered as Mafumafu gasped offended complaining the whole way as they walked out as the woman laughed lightly when she saw them exiting.

"A pink carnation, huh? Looks like you don't have to fear about him forgetting you, young boy.", the woman smiled as she looked at the forget me nots and pink carnations she planted beside each other in a pot. As the meaning of the pink carnations were I will never forget you.


"Soraru-san, let's go outside.", Mafumafu said trying to be cheerful as Soraru nodded this time not complaining as he put on his jacket and scarf before escorting the albino outside.

They walked the familiar path as the albino blowed out some foggy air because it got so cold. "The year passed so fast, didn't it?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru nodded not looking at the albino.

There was a long silence between them before they arrived at the train station as they waited for the train to arrive. No one said anything and before they knew it the train came as Mafumafu lifted his suitcase and walked towards the train.

Before he stepped in though he turned back to Soraru and flashed him a smile even though he was sad. "See you someday soon, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu said but Soraru knew the truth as he just looked down not saying anything as Mafumafu smiled sadly as well.

Since we've met in spring we experienced so many things. Without another word, our time wound down. And now it's time for you to go.

Mafumafu stepped inside the train as he walked to his seat and looked outside the window to see Soraru standing there looking at him with the same expression but Mafumafu could see the sadness in his blue eyes. Mafumafu still tried to be cheerful as he smiled at him.

"See you soon then!", Mafumafu said as Soraru looked up at him again. "Yeah... see you soon.", Soraru said nodding.

"See you soon" but I know that it won't come true. We are signaling a goodbye. Your laugh in the night in summer as fireworks flew even higher. A goodbye from me to you and a goodbye from you to me. With our words still left unsaid we cry out.

The doors of the train slowly closed as Mafumafu waved with his eyes closed so you couldn't see his tears that started to be built.

He still wanted to see Soraru one last time though as he opened his eyes and widened his eyes when he saw that Soraru reached out to Mafumafu opening his mouth to tell him something but before Mafumafu could even comprehend what was happening the train started going as everything was so loud that he couldn't hear what Soraru said. He opened his mouth to shout something to Soraru as well, crying while he did so but of course his words were being drowned by the train.

Neither of them could tell the other how they felt or what they wanted to say as they both cried as soon as they left each other.

They said "See you again" even though they knew that this was a goodbye for the two of them. It was as if saying goodbye even though they told each other "See you again".

Reaching but I couldn't reach. To stop you from leaving on this platform with you. I could already feel the dust piling up on my everyday.

Signaling a goodbye. We are signaling a goodbye. Since that winter we broke apart. We've seen so many things. A goodbye from me to you. A goodbye from you to me.

Without another word, our time has wounded down. And our final words were left unsaid without a sound.

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