Winning you (Sensaka)

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Requested by: @Freboredom
Pairing: Senra x Sakata
Casino AU

"And this round is being won by Senra-sama as well.", the dealer announced as the others clapped. "Hah... I hate this but I guess you win this time, Senra.", a brunette said as he shoved his chips towards Senra who only smiled before he took the chips with him and stood up from his seat.

"Well, maybe you have better luck next time, Urata—". He heard some uproar as he looked at the table close to him to see a familiar redhead with his friend next to him.

"Good job! Let's go out to drink sometime with the money you've won just now!", his purple-haired friend exclaimed as the redhead just chuckled awkwardly. "Shima-kun, I didn't even exchange the money yet so we can still lose it.

And you should really drink less...", Sakata mumbled when he noticed that his friend looked more hyper than usually.

He then noticed the blonde looking at them as his expression immediately brightened up and he ran up to the other male.

"Senra-san! Are you here gambling today as well?", Sakata asked and Senra could literally see the puppy ears and the puppy tail swaying around as he chuckled. "Yes, as you can see I just played a bit...", Senra answered as he lifted his bag of chips. Sakata smiled as he clapped on fascination.

"Wow! You won so much already! Anyway, do you want to play a game with me today?", Sakata asked as Senra could only sigh smiling when he saw how eager the red-haired male was to play a game with him. Now that the blonde thought about it, the redhead was quite fond of him for some reason even though he couldn't find the reason why the other male should think so.

Senra didn't know but Sakata of course knew why. He had liked Senra since they first met. It started from respect and slowly changed into love as the time passed. The first time, the two of them met was in this casino as well.

Sakata was just starting with gambling but he had a high winning streak as he won one game after another that the other gamblers thought he was cheating.

They all called the dealers to check if he was cheating which didn't work anyway as cheating was allowed as long as one wasn't caught cheating. So in the end, the other gamblers even tried bribing him so he would tell them his secrets.

Turns out that Sakata was actually playing fair and square, without any cheats and was only winning with his ability and luck.

Sakata was actually soon getting annoyed by these games because, even if he won every time, it just wasn't any fun in that. And all the people he played with only played for the pure reason of money and cheated the whole time.

He expected that when he came into the casino but he decided that if he didn't have any fun, then he would just leave. He decided that this would be the last day where he would gamble.

That was when he met Senra. There were already rumors about the blonde being the best gambler in this whole country but that was the first time he actually saw him.

And to say that he was handsome was an understatement. Sakata felt his breath being taken away when he first saw the blonde walking in with his suit.

And when they made eye contact and Senra actually walked to him he felt so nervous as he could feel his heart beating so fast as if he just ran a marathon. And when the blonde gave him a small smile he wondered if he could actually go home alive.

"So you are the new gambler everyone has been talking about. Playing without any cheats but still winning nonetheless... that is quite impressive, isn't it?", Senra asked as Sakata looked away as he played with his hands.

"I-it's not anything great, really... I am just playing and having fun.", Sakata said as he didn't dare to look at Senra. But when he heard Senra chuckling he looked up as he thought that he just had to. "That is what is admirable, isn't it?

I mean, it's rare to see a gambler around here who still plays fair and square so I was interested when I heard about one who always wins in that way.", Senra explained and Sakata only stood there not knowing what to say.

"Is that so? Um, is there anything else you need from me?", Sakata asked as Senra only chuckled once again while the others noticed the best gambler talking with the rookie as they talked with each other about it.

"I came here because I wanted to ask if you were interested to play a round of poker with me. I wanted to know just how good your skills are. And don't worry... I am going to play fair as well.", Senra assured the younger male.

Sakata wouldn't usually just believe anyone saying that. After all, when people said that, they would still cheat on the game anyway. But he still nodded as he accepted Senra's offer.

"Alright. I will play one round with you.", Sakata accepted as Senra smiled satisfied before leading the younger male to a table. A dealer came to them and widened her eyes surprised.

"To think that I would be the one to deal the cards for the best gambler in the country against the lucky rookie with a winning streak... I sure am lucky today...", she muttered as Senra only chuckled while Sakata laughed.

"I am not that impressive.", the two of them argued as they looked at each other in slight surprise when they noticed that they said the same thing. Senra only chuckled as he placed his chips on the table and Sakata saw that as he did the same.

"Ok, then. Are you both going to bet the same amount?", the dealer asked as Sakata nodded. "Alright, let's start then.", the dealer said and the game started.

After the game ended, Sakata was surprised to see that all of his chips were gone and now belonged to the blonde as his mouth was agape.

The blond has beaten him completely and furthermore he did so fair and square. Sakata only sat there still surprised and Senra smiled as he leaned back.

"Well, you put up a good fight. It has been a long time since I had a nice long game like this.", Senra praised the other male who was still in daze.

"I know that you might be shocked because you might have lost for the very first time. And you must have realized that I didn't cheat. But good news for you. Because you amused me so much and made me enjoy this game, you can keep your chips.", Senra said as he moved Sakata's chips back to the red-haired male.

"Just see it as—". "No! Please keep them!", Sakata interrupted the blonde as he put his hands on the blond's and moved the chips back to him.

"You were the one who won after all! And you won them without cheating so taking the chips back wouldn't be right!", Sakata exclaimed and Senra was surprised as he looked at the other unsure. "Are you sure about that? That is a high amount of money you just lost in this game.", Senra reminded the younger male who just nodded.

"Yes, but don't worry~ I'm just going to play other games with other people in the casino and then I will play against you again and get my money back!", Sakata exclaimed cheerfully and Senra widened his eyes surprised before he laughed genuinely for the first time that night as Sakata blushed when he saw that and scratched his cheek. "Was that weird of me to say?", Sakata asked as Senra shook his head.

"No, it's just... you are a really unique person.", Senra complimented and Sakata pouted as he waited for the blond to calm down. When his laughter died down it turned into a soft smile. "I look forward to seeing you try your best to win against me then.", Senra told the younger male smiling as the redhead blushed before he nodded flashing the other a smile as well.

And that's how they started gambling against each other every once in a while. Sakata always challenged Senra to a game once he won much money from the other gamblers in the casino. And every time he challenged him, he lost.

But that didn't make the younger male give up as he still tried to play with Senra every time. You might be thinking that he had some money problems by now but that wasn't a problem as he separated the money he used for gambling and the money he used for his living so he was fine.

His friend recommended him to do it that way and he was really thankful for that. That way, he could still gamble and live normally at the same time. And today was no exception as he decided to challenge Senra to a game as well.

It has been a year since they've been doing that and Sakata looked forward to it. They searched for a table as they sat down and the female dealer walked up to them as she laughed lightly when she saw them sitting down.

"Are you trying your luck to win today as well, Sakata-sama?", the dealer asked as Sakata nodded grinning. "Mhm! I will do my best today as well!", Sakata exclaimed as the dealer laughed nodding before she started shuffling the cards.

Sakata only hummed happily but he stopped when he noticed that Senra was strangely quiet today instead of talking with him like he usually did. "Is something wrong, Senra-san?", Sakata asked worried as he frowned.

Senra noticed this as he shook his head giving him an assuring smile before his face turned back serious though. "Sakata... it has been one year since we've been doing this, hasn't it?", Senra asked as Sakata nodded happily when he saw that the blond remembered it.

"Yes! Can you believe it that we've been doing this for a whole year already? And I haven't won a single time.", Sakata said as he scratched his cheek bashfully. "Yes... Sakata, you have been losing such a large amount of money by gambling with me. And every time I suggested betting something else besides money, you declined.

I don't want you to keep losing so much money because of me.", Senra said as Sakata was shocked and shook his head.

"But gambling is only fun when I am doing it with you! You were one of the only people who played fair and I respect you so much!", Sakata exclaimed. "So you really insist on doing that, huh... Alright then. Since it's our one year anniversary of when you started gambling with me. Let's make it special for that occasion then.", Senra suggested as Sakata tilted his head waiting for the blond to continue talking and explaining what he meant.

"This game will be a simple round of Poker again. Just like we played it the first time. We are not going to bet any money or chips etc. because for this round we are going to bet a favor.", Senra explained. "A favor?", Sakata asked confused and Senra nodded.

"The loser will have to do one thing that the winner wants to. Anything is fine.", Senra said and Sakata gulped. Sakata just knew that Senra would probably demand for him to stop gambling against him if he wins. But Sakata wasn't one to back down as he simply nodded.

"Alright! If I win, then you will continue gambling with me! Because I don't want this to end!", Sakata exclaimed as Senra only nodded and the dealer looked at them before she started to hand the cards out. Sakata took the cards as he saw that he had a decent hand. Senra's face didn't show what kind of hand he had as always and they played silently as they concentrated on playing.

Usually, they would do some small-talk but this time, the two of them wanted to win at all costs. Normally, there would be people watching their games but it was really getting late so most people went home already.

At the end, the dealer asked them if they wanted to fold or not as the two of them shook their heads as the dealer nodded before she turned over the cards. "Now please turn over your cards.", the dealer said as Sakata turned them over first.

"Sakata-sama has three of a kind. And Senra-sama has... a straight.", she declared as Sakata felt his heart sink. "A-a straight? I... barely lost...", Sakata whispered as he felt really sad.

The woman just looked at the red-haired male in pity as she took all the cards back.

"Senra-sama won this round so as you two said before, Sakata-sama will have to do anything Senra-sama says.", she said and Sakata clenched his fists as he forced himself to smile before he looked up at Senra. "Congratulations, Senra-san! You won! It was a really nice game...", Sakata whispered the last sentence as Senra nodded.

"It was... Eh? Sakata, don't cry.", Senra said as he walked over and kneeled down to wipe the tears of Sakata away.

"I-I'm sorry... *hic* it's just that I *hic* really enjoy playing games with you and now I lost so *hic* I can never play with you again.", Sakata hiccuped. Senra only frowned as he cupped Sakata's face trying to wipe the tears away but the tears kept streaming down.

"Sakata... of course we are going to continue gambling together again. I just said so because I was worried about you but I have a lot of fun as well. And if you like to gamble with me that much then I don't want to stop either.", Senra said and Sakata only looked at Senra confused.

"But you *hic* said and *hic* I—". "Woah, calm down, Sakata. You aren't even making complete sentences now. I never said that I would force you to stop once you lose.", Senra reminded the redhead and Sakata noticed that he was right and that the red-haired male was just putting it together himself and Senra never said so himself.

He then tilted his head confused. "Then why did you want to make this deal? What would you want from me?", Sakata asked confused as he tried to stop his sobbing. Senra couldn't hold it anymore as he lightly pulled the younger male towards him and pressed his lips onto the other.

"I want you to be mine.", Senra answered and it took Sakata a few seconds before his face exploded into a bright red which rivaled his hair color. "E-eh?", Sakata exclaimed confused and Senra only chuckled. "You don't get it, do you?

I love you. I'm honestly surprised you didn't notice after the whole year we spent together.", Senra told him as Sakata was still confused.

"B-but what could you possibly like about me?", Sakata asked as Senra put their foreheads together before he spoke again.

"You are an honest and adorable person who is always so happy and cheerful. And you can bright up anyone's day. I mean, who wouldn't fall in love with you? I thought it would be enough to just spend the nights a the casino with you.

But soon, I wanted to spend more time with you.", Senra explained as Sakata blushed when he heard that. He took Senra's hands who were cupping his cheeks as he smiled at the other bashfully.

"I-I thought you were growing tired of me when you mentioned about me stopping to play games with you today...", Sakata mumbled as Senra shook his head. "Of course not. I was just worried. Anyways... will you accept defeat?", Senra asked as Sakata was confused for a while before he understood and nodded smiling. He leaned forward as he kissed the older male.

"I lost so I am going to accept anything you ask me to. Even though this is more like a win for me...", Sakata said giggling as the blond smiled happily. "You will accept it then?", Senra asked just to make sure and Sakata giggled once again as he nodded once more.

"Yes! I love you after all so... I am all yours now~", Sakata exclaimed happily before they leaned in and sealed their promise with a kiss once again.

"Oh my god... this is so precious... I can't believe that they finally got together after one year of painfully sitting beside them and only being able to watch.... I can rest in peace now...", the dealer exclaimed as she suddenly fainted and Sakata noticed as he freaked out.

"Dealer-san?! Ah, wake up please!", Sakata said panicked and Senra got worried as well as the two of them rushed towards her.

The rest of the night, they had to spend at the hospital because of the dealer fainting from seeing them confessing. And to make sure she was alright, they had to stay there.

Both of them were really tired the next day but they consoled themselves that they at least got to spent the night together. And the dealer was satisfied as well as her ship had finally sailed.

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