You changed my Feelings (Urasaka)

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Requested by: @TypicalReader346
Pairing: Urata x Sakata
Genre: Slight Angst

Sakata buried his face into his knees as he tried to keep in his tears. Just now, he was rejected by his crush, Mafumafu.

He had invited him out to a nice dinner and then brought him to the cherry blossom trees where he confessed his love for the albino. When he did though, the albino apologized to him as he told him that he couldn't return his feelings because he had a crush on someone else and because he only saw Sakata as his good friend.

Mafumafu apologized for him so much and almost even cried from the guilt as the redhead had to assure him that everything was ok having his signature smile on as the albino was only relieved when he saw that.

After that, he brought Mafumafu home before going to his own house where he finally broke down. He cried for such a long time before his tears finally stopped.

And now he was in his current state as he desperately wanted to think of something else besides his friend which proves to be difficult. People sent him text and his phone lighted up from the notifications but Sakata was too much of a mess to even pretend that he was fine now.

So he just decided that he would stay in his room alone for a while to get rid off his feelings before he would go back to his usual self.

Seems like god didn't even let him do that as his doorbell rang after a few minutes as Sakata looked up confused. Sakata didn't answer as he just continued to stay in his bed. There was about one minute of silence until the doorbell rang again as Sakata really wondered who it was.

So he stood up and reluctantly walked to the door and opened it to see a familiar brunet standing there with a white plastic bag and in just a casual green hoodie and some black jeans.

"Yo, Sakata. I came to hang out.", Urata greeted him as he walked in without waiting for the redhead's answer. Sakata only closed the door as he followed the older male inside confused.

"Urata-san? What are you doing here at this time? We didn't agree any time to hang out...", Sakata reminded the other male as he tried to wipe the tears away to make it less obvious that he was crying just now. "I know. But I'm still here so bear with it.", he said as he placed the bag down on the small table in the living room.

Sakata only sighed at the brunet who already did everything at his pace again. He usually never came to hang out because he was always busy with something. And whenever Mafumafu invited the two of them, he'd always decline the offer saying that he had something to do.

Sakata seriously wondered why the older male decided to hang out here now out of all times. "Do you want anything to drink?", the redhead asked as the other male hummed in response.

"Some water please.", he answered and Sakata nodded as he walked off into the kitchen and took two glasses of water before he returned to the living room where he saw that Urata had already seated himself on the couch with one controller in his hand and the other controller laying on the couch.

The television was already switched on as the theme music of the game was playing in the background.

Sakata looked inside the white bag to see that there was some chocolates and all of his favorite sweets and snacks in there as he only looked at the older male confused who didn't show any expression on his face as he only leaned back.

"What? I just brought some some snacks because when you play games they are necessary, alright?", Urata explained to him and the younger male only nodded as he sat down next to the older male and took his controller. Urata only started the game wordlessly as they started playing.

Sakata didn't expect this, but playing some games with Urata did help him to distract himself from Mafumafu. "Ah, Sakata! Go! Let's defeat that weak piece of—". "Ah, Urata-san, wait, I need to equip myself with some healing potion!", he informed as the brunet told him to hurry up.

A few minutes after that, they both stared at the screen telling them that they've won as they both smiled and hugged each other. "Yes, we did it!", Urata exclaimed as Sakata hummed.

"Ah, we should have done a livestream so the fans would have seen this!", Sakata exclaimed as Urata pulled away making the redhead want to pull him back for some reason.

The older male took out his phone as he took a picture of the television before writing something and the next second, Sakata saw a new notification on twitter telling them about it. "There you go. Now everyone will know about it.", Urata told him as the younger male nodded happily.

"Mhm! Thanks, Urata-san!", Sakata thanked the older male who only blushed but nodded.

"Yeah... don't mind it. I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick.", he said standing up as Sakata was confused but nodded.

"Ah, ok!", Sakata said as he looked at the brunet walking off and just stared at his phone to see some responses from his fellow Utaite friends.

Finally managed to clear this stage with Sakatan! We are the greatest team in this world!
*attached pic*
Replying to @uratasama
Ok, I get it;; You left me while hanging out with me to hang out with Sakatan, I get it ( ';ω;' )
Replying to @uratasama and @shima_s2
Eh? He did? Www Wow, our leader sure loves all of us equally as I can see www
Replying to @sen_sen_sen_senra and @uratasama
Right?! I mean, he just left me after he got a text and then said that he had to go to a sulking dog which we all know, can only be Sakata!
Replying to @uratasama and @shima_s2
Wanna hang out with me instead? Let's make Urasaka jealous www
Replying to @sen_sen_sen_senra and @uratasama
Yeeeees! To everyone who's reading this, root for Shimasen! We're gonna crush Urasaka!

Sakata put his phone down as he felt slightly touched. Did that mean that Urata actually came to visit, not because he was bored and all... but because he was worried about him? And the fact that he was hanging out with Shima but still insisted on coming... for some reason Sakata's face felt hot as he slapped his cheeks slightly.

"S-so Urata-san was actually that worried about me? Did Mafudon send him that message which is why Urata-san came? And is this why he bought all of these snacks? To cheer me up?", Sakata asked himself as he felt how his face heated up even more making the color rival his hair.

He heard footsteps as he panicked and switched his phone off as the brunet entered again and the redhead only blushed as he laughed sheepishly. "U-urata-san, you're back again!", Sakata exclaimed as the older male raised his eyebrow.

"Yeah... Did you expect me to spend the rest of the night there?", Urata asked him as Sakata shook his head. "T-that's not it!", he responded as the older male was confused by the younger male's sudden change of behavior. But he decided to shrug it off as him being weird as always and walked to the kitchen.

"Anyways, I'm sure you're hungry, so I'll make us something to eat.", Urata informed him as he walked into the kitchen, the red-haired male following him like a dog.

"What are we going to eat, Urata-san?", Sakata asked curiously while Urata was taking a simple apron he brought with him and put it on before taking the ingredients he needed.

"I'll be making some sushi. I bought most of the ingredients so all I have to do is to put the fish on the rice that I'll make quickly.", Urata answered him as he started cooking the rice specifically made for the sushi and took out the fish cutting while the rice was cooking.

He then proceeded to take the rice out and let it cool for a while as he took that time to take out a plate and put everything needed on the table before he went back to finishing the sushi and placing everything on a plate. Sakata was just watching Urata in awe as he wondered when Urata even had the time to learn to do that.

And Sakata couldn't help but wonder if Urata made the food because of him. After all, Urata knew that Sakata loved seafood and such. At the same time, it could be just because Urata just wanted to eat some sushi because he liked seafood too.

"Oi, snap out of it. What are you even daydreaming about?", Urata asked as he put everything on the table and Sakata snapped out of his thoughts as he helped the brunet set up the table before he sat down and took his chopsticks.

"Ah, that looks good... Ittadakimasu!", Sakata exclaimed before he dug in and Urata only hummed as he started eating as well.

Sakata only stared at the older male as he noticed something subtle which wouldn't be noticed by anyone else but he did. Sakata noticed that Urata was leaving his favorite sushi for him while only eating the others.

And he really wondered if that was just a coincidence or if he was imagining things or if it was true. The rest of the day he decided to take more notice of how Urata was around him and without a doubt, he could say now that the older male always considered everything and did the things Sakata liked in a subtle way like with dinner and the snacks and such.

And it seemed like he did that without Sakata ever noticing. But now, that he thought back about it, Urata probably acted like that the whole time already and he just never noticed. And when he realized that, his heart thumped so loudly and fast in his chest as his stomach felt weird.

It was going to be night soon and Urata had taken his things as he stood up confusing Sakata. "Well, I'll be heading back home now. Go to sleep so you won't burden anyone tomorrow when you work with them.", Urata told him.

And Sakata quickly used the Tsundere translator in his head which meant that Urata just told him to take care so he wouln't be too tired at work tomorrow which made it worse for him as his heart starting beating quickly again and he wondered what was happening to him right now.

"See you soon then, Sakata.", the older male said as he turned to leave but was confused when he was slightly pulled back by his sleeve and looked down to see the younger male looking away bashfully with a red face. "U-um... if it's alright with you, can you stay the night?", Sakata asked him and Urata's face turned red as well as he took a minute to regain his composure before coughing.

"W-well, if you insist, I will stay the night then, idiot.", Urata said nodding as Sakata's face lightened up and he jumped up giving the other male a hug which startled the brunet.

"O-oi, what are you doing?! Get off me!", he said as he pushed the younger male off who only giggled apologizing.

"It's just that I'm so happy that you agreed! Well, let's go to my room then~", he chirped as Urata only nodded and walked towards Sakata's room while Sakata trailed closely after him.

They entered the bedroom as Sakata closed the door behind him as Urata sat down on the chair backwards leaning his arms on the backrest. "Well, it's late so go to sleep now.", Urata told him as Sakata tilted his head confused.

"What about you, Urata-san?", he asked as Urata raised an eyebrow in return. "What about me?", Urata asked back. "Well, you need to go to sleep too. You don't want to stay on that chair the whole night, right?", Sakata pointed out and Urata thought about it before nodding.

"I guess...", Urata agreed as Sakata went to go and bring a spare mattress. But before he could go, Urata pulled him back by the wrist.

And Sakata wondered how strong Urata actually was despite his small body structure, that the redhead fell back on the bed. He landed softly because of the blankets but closed his eyes because of the fall. When he opened his eyes again, the older male was hovering above him.

"No need~ I want to stay close to you after all~", Urata said and Sakata's face exploded into a dark shade of red as the older male only broke into a fit of laughter as he rolled to the side and laid there while Sakata sat up pouting. "Not fair! Why did you do that?", Sakata asked.

"Cause it's fun to tease you.", Urata answered as he wiped the tears away which he got from laughing too hard. Sakata only pouted more before he realized that Urata was laughing. The Tsundere Urata who was always scowling or only smiling when he had something bad in mind.

Sakata knew that Urata said such sentences in his voice acting jobs. But when those words were directed to him, he couldn't help but wish that those words were true. "Urata-san, do you like me?", Sakata asked as he clasped a hand over his mouth as soon as those words slipped out of him. "A-ah, I'm sorry!", he apologized.

"Well... yes. You're my partner after all.", Urata answered as he scratched his cheek. At any other day, Sakata would have been delighted to hear those words. Maybe even start teasing the other male for being a tsundere. But for some reason, it felt like he was just stabbed in the heart.

"What is it? You look hurt. I heard about what happened today. You wanna talk about it?", Urata asked him. "D-did Mafudon tell you about it?", Sakata asked. "Well, he didn't tell me about it directly but I kind of figured it out.

That you are in love with him that is... I could see it... Which is why I tried to not get in your way so you could have more time to spend with him.", Urata told him as Sakata widened his eyes.

All this time, Urata knew.

He knew about his feelings for Mafumafu. And he always supported him indirectly without him knowing.

Now Sakata wondered, what else Urata always did for him without him ever knowing.

"Why would you do all of that for me?", Sakata asked quietly as Urata gave him a wry smile. "I don't think I want to tell you that.", Urata told him as Sakata only tilted his head confused questioning why. To that Urata didn't answer as he only stood up and switched the lights off.

"It's late already. Let's go to sleep.", Urata only said as he went under the blankets and covered Sakata with them as well before he turned away. There was a suffocating silence and Sakata couldn't take it anymore as he decided to break the silence. "Urata-san... do you like me?", he asked.

"Idiot, I told you so before already. Yes, you are—". "No, I mean... do you like me as in a romantic way? Do you love me?", Sakata asked and there was a silence again as he could feel Urata shuffling slightly away from him.

"What does the answer even matter? You won't return my feelings anyway.", he muttered but it was enough for Sakata to hear as he buried his face into the others back.

"N-no, because I... I... do love you...", Sakata mumbled the last words as the older male froze when he heard that. "Don't you love, Mafu?", Urata asked quietly as Sakata sat up abruptly startling the older male as he looked at the redhead.

"I-I thought so too! After all, I loved spending time with him and I wanted to spend a lot of time with him! B-but for some reason my heart pounds as crazy whenever you do something like this or when I'm really close to you!", Sakata exclaimed blushing brightly which the brunet couldn't really see though because it was too dark.

He was actually happy for the darkness right now. Because that way, Sakata wouldn't be able to see his expression at the moment.

"S-so I-I... u-um—". "I get it already, Sakata. You don't have to keep talking.", Urata said as Sakata felt his heart drop. He couldn't see the other's expression so of course he wouldn't know if the other was upset or not.

Well, his eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness but he still couldn't see that well. "Sakata, I don't understand if what you say actually means what I think but I'll tell you this... I love you. In a romantic way. And all I need to know is if you even return my feelings at the slightest.", Urata told him and he couldn't see Sakata's expression.

But he could see how Sakata nodded after a while as the brunet hummed satisfied. "Then that's enough for now. I don't need you to love me back right away. But I hope that you'll maybe return my feelings someday.", Urata said as he turned to Sakata and motioned him to finally lay down again which the younger male did.

"Now let's go to sleep, ok? And from tomorrow on, we can move on in our pace, alright?", Urata said as Sakata only nodded.

The younger male stayed still as he heard how Urata's breathing got steady and calm showing him that the older male was probably asleep by now. Urata told him that he hoped for the younger male to return his feelings someday.

But he didn't need to continue on hoping because today, Sakata finally figured out his feelings for the brunet. He loved him back. And he decided that he would confess to the older male as soon as they woke up tomorrow. But for now, Sakata decided that this was fine as he snuggled closer to the other male to get some warmth.

Maybe it wasn't romantic love he felt for Mafumafu after all because this felt different.

He knew that he loved Urata like he did with no one else before. Because he has never felt like that with anyone else even though he said that he loved his albino friend. And this time, he was 100% sure that it was romantic love he felt towards Urata.

And so, he decided that he would tell Urata exactly that tomorrow.

So Urata could finally feel at ease.

So that Urata was happy.

And so the two of them could be together for the rest of their lives.

Third Update in one day! Ah... I hope you enjoyed this story~ See you in the last request update for today~ ^^

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