Chapter 14: The neutral Party

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"Eh? Where am I?", Mafumafu asked himself as he sat up and looked around to see that he was in a large white room with countless of doors on the walls. "So you're finally awake now! I wondered how long it'd take and was about to throw this bucket of water on you~", a black-haired male chirped as he held said bucket up.

Mafumafu was about to retort on how mean the other male was but widened his eyes when he recognized the guy in front of him as the guy he bumped into today. "W-wait, you were the guy from this morning!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the black-haired male chuckled and nodded.

"Yes, it's me, it's me~ I guess I haven't introduced myself yet, huh? My name is Hashiyan! It's nice to meet you, Mafumafu-san~", he introduced himself as Mafumafu tilted his head confused.

"How did you know my name? We've only met once and I never told you my name, did I?", the albino asked confused as the other male only hummed. "You didn't~ But given the fact that you are the eve of the Servamp of Sloth now, makes it necessary for me to know~", he answered which shocked the other male even more.

He immediately stood up as he got into a defensive pose while the black-haired male only laughed amused. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you or anything like that. And I'll explain to you who I am and why I know you and the existence of servamps~ But before that...", Hashiyan grabbed a brown paper bag before he threw it towards the albino's direction who clumsily caught it before opening it curiously to see a cheeseburger, some fries and some coke.

Mafumafu only stared at the food confused before looking at Hashiyan who was eating his own burger while reading through some files.

He noticed the albino staring at him though as he raised an eyebrow. "Don't worry, it's not poisoned or anything. I just bought this at the nearest McDonalds.", Hashiyan assured him as Mafumafu only nodded even though he was still confused. "Ah... I see. Thanks for the food then...", Mafumafu mumbled before he opened the wrappings of the cheeseburger and took a bite.

Hashiyan saw that as he smiled happily before he continued to eat as well. "Well then, let's get to some explaining~", Hashiyan said.

"I'm Hashiyan a member of a neutral party between servamps and humans, C3. We research the servamps and their eves which is why I knew about you already. We aren't really killing any vampires just because they are vampires so don't think too much about that~", Hashiyan said as he crushed the wrappings of the burger and threw it into a trash can laying across the room.

"Foo! I didn't miss!", the black-haired male cheered happily. "C3? A neutral party between servamps and humans? So you won't try to kill Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked. "Yes~ I just want your cooperation to stop Luz.", Hashiyan chirped as Mafumafu perked up at that.

"Cooperation to stop Luz?", Mafumafu repeated confused as the black-haired male nodded. "Yes, yes~ Our C3 wants to stop Luz from taking the lives of innocent people. But to do that we need the help of your *sloth* as well. After all, he's the oldest out of the servamps and can be the strongest if he gets enough blood.", Hashiyan explained as he leaned back in his chair.

Mafumafu listened to the other male and hesitated before speaking up again. "I... do want to stop Luz-san and I do want to help you but... I think I should talk about it with Soraru-san first. After all, we are partners so I have to listen to his opinion as well.", Mafumafu explained.

Hashiyan's smile froze as he nodded. "I see... Well, Luz was originally in the possession of C3. But it's our fault that he got out of here and is causing havoc in Japan right now.

So we want to destroy him so he can no longer do anything to the citizens of Japan.", Hashiyan said as he stood up from his chair.

"By *destroy* do you mean... killing him?", Mafumafu asked as the black-haired male didn't answer at first as a small silence errupted. Hashiyan didn't answer which was already enough for Mafumafu who nodded.

"I see... In that case, I'm sorry but I can't cooperate with you. One of Luz-san's subclasses is my friend and I promised to him that I'd save him!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he put a hand on his chest while Hashiyan seemed unfazed and sipped on his can of coffee.

"You are talking about Sakata, right? Choosing this option is really childish of you... but who am I to talk?", Hashiyan asked as he finished his coffee before throwing it into the trash can as well. "I won't force you to work with us then.", Hashiyan said as the albino nodded.

"Thanks for the meal...", Mafumafu said as the black-haired male only nodded. "You are very welcome, Mafumafu-san~", Hashiyan chirped as the albino looked at all the doors before turning to Hashiyan. "Where is Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked as the black-haired male tilted his head as if he didn't know what the other male was talking about before snapping his fingers.

"Ah, Soraru-san, you mean sloth? He's on the school campus with two of my coworkers~ Someone has to keep him from going after you after all~", Hashiyan answered as Mafumafu was confused. Even more so when Hashiyan suddenly started laughing.

"Did you really think I would show you the way out? I said, I wouldn't force you to join but if you don't, I have no reason to help you out. Now, Mafumafu-san, you can find your own way out. I will stay here in case you change your mind and want to join. And might wanna hurry up~

Because the distance limit between you guys is gone and it's only a matter of time until you can't do anything anymore.", Hashiyan warned him as Mafumafu widened his eyes.

He wanted to ask what he meant but then he vividly remembered that Soraru told him that they had a distance limit and could only be apart for 24 hours. "What happens after the 24 hours?", Mafumafu asked even though he already had a guess of what might happen.

"What will happen? You die.", Hashiyan answered as Mafumafu felt a shiver run down his spine. "I-i'll die?", Mafumafu asked as the black-haired male nodded. "Mhm, do you better choose and act quickly before that happens. The clock is ticking~", Hashiyan reminded as the albino gulped and thought about it for a short while.

Soraru hadn't told him about this yet and he really didn't want to die. But he knew that joining Hashiyan would mean having to go against Sakata which he absolutely didn't want to.

And he wanted to listen to Soraru's option as well because the ravenette was the one who would probably have to cooperate and work even more with C3 than him.

Thinking that he didn't want to risk losing Sakata nor Soraru's trust, Mafumafu made his decision. And with that thought , he walked up to one of the doors, opened it and walked through it.


"You are not giving up are you?", Jel asked as he kicked Soraru who blocked his attack with his arms and pushed him away as the orange-haired male flew back and would have crashed into the glass wall if not for Nanamori to pull him back.

"Please don't cause any more damage you two! I am the one who has to deal with this later!", Nanamori said as he charged towards Soraru and slid down, trying to make Soraru stumble by kicking his leg, which was in vain as the older male only jumped and muttered an apology before kicking the purple-haired male onto the floor.

"Naa-kun!", Jel exclaimed as he ran towards the other. "I'm sorry, but either you let me go now or I'll have to go further.", Soraru told them as he stepped back and only stared at the orange-haired male kneel down next to Nanamori, asking him if he was alright. After assuring the orange-haired male that he was fine, Nanamori turned towards Soraru with a wry smile.

"I'm sorry as well but these are our orders and we will do our best to fulfill them at all costs.", Nanamori told him as Soraru's expression darkened. "I see... I guess I will have to do some work then.", Soraru said as he took in some breath before charging in towards the two again.

They got into a defense position, ready to block his attack but were shocked when Soraru suddenly ran past them.

And when they turned around, the Servamp of Sloth was gone as they cursed themselves and stood up before running after him.

"Wait for me, Mafu. I'll come and get you out of there."


"Is this the exit?!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he opened the door only to find himself back in the same white room as before where Hashiyan was waiting for him.

"Yo, Mafumafu-san~ Welcome back~", Hashiyan chirped and Mafumafu only panted in exhaustion as he slumped onto the floor. He had run through several doors already.

But none of them seemed to be the right one as he always ended up in here again. And Mafumafu slowly felt his energy leaving him. One reason was probably because of the distance limit weakening him. But the other reason was probably because he was just a shut-in and he only had this limited stamina. And the albino had never wished for more stamina than today.

"Now, Mafumafu-san, you have two choices. Continuing to struggle to find an exit out of here. Or to finally just join us to defeat Luz.", Hashiyan repeated as the albino got on his feet again still trying to catch his breath.

His breath was ragged as he found it hard to breath through his lungs. And he really didn't know what to do and was about to despair when suddenly, he remembered his deceased father's words.


"Listen Mafumafu. When you grow up, the world won't be always fair to you. It can be cruel and bitter. And there may be some times when you can't find the right way on how to answer the question. If that happens, you just have to create an answer of your own. Find your own way to solve the problem and you will see that you can learn a lot from that."


"You're right, father... Why should I just try to find an answer from the options given to my by someone? I don't even know if the answer is behind of one of those doors! I don't need to search for an answer there! I will create my own answer!", Mafumafu thought as he opened his eyes.

"You get it now? The only option for you is to join us. Unless you want to die that is~", Hashiyan chirped as Mafumafu ignored him and summoned his lead.

"I'm sorry but... I don't want to work with someone who forces someone to cooperate with them and think that the only solution to save the citizens is to kill someone!", Mafumafu exclaimed before he closed his eyes and prayed to himself muttering some words, hoping that it would do something. Hashiyan stood up in alarm as a pink light surrounded Mafumafu creating a strong wind which kept Hashiyan away from the albino.

And before he knew it, the light exploded as the ceiling was wide open now. Mafumafu opened his eyes and saw that as the black-haired male only sighed and smiled before clapping his hands.

"Congratulations! You found the exit. I guess I'll have to let you go then. But if you ever do change your mind, you can find me in the recording room where the school announcements are made.

It's in the main building on the first floor. You can also ask people if you can't find me.", Hashiyan told him and Mafumafu simply nodded before he closed his eyes again and prayed just like before, imagining the picture of what he wanted to do and the next thing he knew, he was flying with the help of his staff as he got out of the building.

Once he got out, he noticed that the place was close to the school campus but a bit more secluded away as Mafumafu got back to the school and searched for Soraru. He couldn't see him anywhere and knew that the school was too big to find Soraru immediately so he was about to get on the ground to find the older male.

Before he did though, he noticed three people in the park where the festival once was and recognized the raven-haired male running away from two people who followed him close after. He quickly flew closer as he called out to the other male.

"Soraru-san! Take my hand!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the older male looked up, surprised to see the younger male flying towards him as he wondered how the albino learned to fly. He decided to question that later though as he jumped up high and grabbed the albino's hand before he was pulled up high leaving the other two behind.

They were about to follow them but stopped when Nanamori's phone rang and the purple-haired male picked it up. He then hung up again as the other male looked at him questioning. "Something the matter? Did we get new orders?", Jel asked as the shorter male nodded.

"Yes... we don't have to follow them anymore. Hashiyan-san said that we can go back to our dorms for today.", Nanamori said.

"Yes! Hey hey, Naa-kun! Let's go to eat some udon then! We've worked hard after all!", Jel suggested as the purple-haired male thought about it for a while before smiling and nodding.

"Sure! Why not? You worked hard after all! So it's my treat today.", Nanamori said as he walked ahead while Jel smiled cheerfully and followed the other male.

"Yay, you're the best~ Love you, Naa-kun~", Jel chirped as Nanamori chuckled amused before replying. "Love you too, Jel-kun."


"Uwah... this is so high...", Soraru muttered as he put his arms around the albino's waist and pulled the younger male closer as if he was a stuffed animal. Mafumafu only giggled as he enjoyed the breeze and the expression the older male was making right now.

It was rare for Soraru to make any other expression than his usual tired face after all.

"Ara ara~ Is the great Servamp of Sloth scared of heights? You have been higher some time ago, haven't you?", Mafumafu asked as the older male tightened his grip and lightly glared at the other, a slight blush on his face.

"Shut up... That was different for me....", Soraru muttered as he looked away. But Mafumafu was still able to see his expression.

And seeing Soraru blush like that made him blush as well which made him forget that they were flying for a while as they fell down for a bit and only when Soraru told him in a slightly panicked voice to stop this, did Mafumafu come back to his senses and concentrated on flying again.

"You... take more care of our lives... I seriously thought I was gonna die... And you better explain how you are able to suddenly fly.", Soraru muttered as Mafumafu giggled sheepishly. "Yes sir. I will be more careful and explain everything to you later.", the younger male promised.

There was a short silence as Mafumafu enjoyed the view he got on everything from above. He then looked up to see the clear night sky with the moon shining in its full glory, the stars dancing around it. "The moon is really beautiful tonight.", Mafumafu unconsciously said as Soraru only hummed in response, having finally relaxed a bit.

There was a comfortable silence between them before Mafumafu spoke up again.

"Soraru-san... I want to become stronger... I want to be able to save Sakata... I want to fight alongside with Ama-chan against Luz-san... I want to be able to help people...

But I can't do all of that alone. So could you please lend me your help? I promise that I'll repay you someday!", Mafumafu exclaimed and the albino was so nervous that he looked in front of him the whole time which he slightly regretted later on.

Because he didn't get to see Soraru's expression when he answered.

"Pfft— What's with you? You are my eve and could just order me to help you. But you are really asking me?", Soraru asked laughing causing Mafumafu to blush and pout. He was about to say something but before he could speak up, Soraru leaned in closer to the albino's ear.

"Sure, I'll help you. I'm going to go along with your antics and help you, no matter how difficult it will be. Because it's you.", Soraru said and Mafumafu felt his face explode into a bright red.

"So please just stay the way you are. Don't stray away from your goal and don't let other people ever convince you to change.", Soraru said as Mafumafu was surprised at the raven-haired's word but nodded nethertheless. "I will. Thank you for accepting to help me Soraru-san.", Mafumafu thanked the older male and he felt the ravenette behind him flinch before he answered.

Mafumafu wasn't sure what his relationship with Soraru was and how he felt towards the raven-haired male.

But he knew that Soraru was important to him and that he wanted to help him as well.

And if, at that day, he had looked behind to see Soraru's small but most genuine smile, which had only been reserved for him, he would have recognized his feelings as love as the older male responded with a short "You're welcome."

I'm sorry for messing up the schedule I have! It's Saturday now and I didn't update on Friday ;; I'll make sure it won't happen again! I hope you liked this chapter as well! Until next time, Sayonyara!

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