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"September 1st, 1995. Dear Diary: I believe I'm a good person. You know, I think there's good in everyone, but here we are first day of senior year. I look around at all these kids I've known all my life and I ask myself: What happened?" Dee Dee wrote in her lavender fur covered journal .

"Freak!" "Slut!" "Burnout!"  "Bug-Eyes!"  "Poser!"  "Lard-ass!" This colorful language was popular amongst the high school students of Cartoon Network High. Dee Dee always felt bad for the receiver of the insults whether it was supposed to be a joke or not words can still hurt.

Dee Dee sighed when she overheard the insults being thrown around. "We were so tiny, happy and shiny, playing tag and getting chased." She added. She missed the days when she did not have to worry about being the most intelligent of her peers. When she could dream of being a ballerina. Today she simply hoped that she would not be made fun for still wanting to make it a reality.

"Freak!" " Slut!" "Loser!" "Shortbus!" The teenagers yelled at one another. Did they lack a vocabulary? Dee Dee found herself wondering every time she walked the halls.

"Singing and clapping, laughing and napping, baking cookies, eating paste." She was just describing kindergarteners but, that would be so much better then the present Hell she had to work through.

"Bull-dyke!" "Stuck-up!" "Hunchback!"

"Then we got bigger. That was the trigger, like the Irkens invading Earth.." With her head buried in her dairy bumping into another student was inevitable. "Sorry!" She quickly replied before walking around.

"Welcome to my school. This ain't no high school: this is the Dimmadome. Hold your breath and count the days, we're graduating soon." She laughed at the comparison. The Dimmadome was a chaotic place mention in the Fairy Odd Parents, one of her favorite cartoons.

"White trash!" Another teen shouted.

"College will be paradise. If I'm not dead by June! But I know, I know, life can be beautiful. I pray, I pray for a better way. If we changed back then, we could change again. We can be beautiful..."

The stereotypical blonde football player shoved one of the school's outcast to the ground. "Ow!" The curvy brunette said before searching for her black framed glasses. That had fallen off due to the football player's actions.

"Just not today." Dee Dee wrote before closing her book. She picked up the glasses and handed them to the girl on the floor.  "Hey, are you okay?" Dee Dee asked as she held out her hand only for it to be slapped away.

The brunette took a moment before replying. Pushing her glasses up as far as they could go. "Get away, nerd." The brunette did not want to be pitied by Dee Dee. Most may think that's madness but, Dee Dee was the complete opposite of her. Blonde hair, thin but some how maintained an hourglass figure, blue eyes, and no matter what she did no one could hate her. She instantly regretted being rude but thought it was too late to apologize so she just moved on.

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