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Ryan left her last period class before realizing she can't go home yet. She has to go and watch the cult play their little fantasy game.

"Ryan!" Hearing her name being called she turned around expecting Lily but it was actually Dustin Henderson. "What?" Ryan snarled at the boy.

"Can you sub?" He asked looking up at Ryan. "What the fuck did you just call me?" She snapped at him. "Can you sub for Lucas and play D&D." He quickly blurted out.

"Do I get one of those cool tshirts?" Ryan asked Dustin sarcastically. "I'm going to take that as a no." Dustin stated flatly. "I'm not playing, Dustin." Ryan answered truthfully as they walked through the halls.

"Fuck!" Dustin yelled out. Ryan rolled her eyes at the reaction of the boy before stopping in front of her locker to put all of her textbooks and notebooks away. "I'm coming to watch because Eddie thinks I'm never nice. Which is literally so wrong. Right?" Ryan questioned the boy as she slams her locker shut.

"You're always nice," he says sarcastically. "You're weird, Dustin Henderson."


Ryan left the school only to go and smoke before heading into her murder. She put the cigarette into her mouth before inhaling the smoke and pursing it through her lips lightly watching the white smoke leave her mouth was calming to see, even if it was killing her. The sun had started to set making a pretty hue in the sky. "Well, well, well look who we have here." Ryan sighed as she took the cigarette out of her mouth and blowing the smoke as she turned around to come face to face with Jason. "What do you want asshole?" Jason slowly walked towards the girl before taking the cigarette out of her hand and throwing it on the ground before smashing it with his foot. "What in the actual fuck!" Ryan shouts out in anger looking at the cigarette smushed into the ground.

"Smoking makes you ugly." Jason says getting in her face. "Oh, so you must smoke a lot considering how ugly you are." Ryan retorts back glaring at him. "Go to hell, bitch."


"Ow! You bitch." Jason yells holding the side of his face that was starting to get red from the slap. Ryan laughed at Jason before pushing past him and going back into the school navigating her way through the school to the D&D campaign. "Why in the world do they call it a campaign?" Ryan asks herself while turning a corner seeing the room she was supposed to go into. As Ryan walked in she could see that she was early as there was only one person in the room, Eddie. "Someone is eager to be nice for once in their lifetime." Eddie says smartly while smiling at the girl. "I'll cut your fucking dick off."

"Who's cutting your dick off this time?" One of the members say as he walks in. "Holy shit, I don't believe it, it's Ryan, the bitch, Sullivan." He says in disbelief. "No fucking shit." Ryan rolls her eyes at the boy before going and sitting on the table in back. Pretty soon almost all of the members had shown up besides three. The girl was growing bored of just waiting around. "Looks like your little dates stood you up today." Ryan laughed out before hopping down from the table. "Hold the fuck up." Eddie said as the door opened revealing three people. Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler, and Erica Sinclair.

"Absolutely not." Eddie snarled seeing the child in front of him. "You asked for a sub, we delivered." Dustin answered gesturing to Erica.

"This is Hellfire club. Not babysitting club."

"I'm 11, you long haired freak." Erica snapped out at Eddie making Ryan laugh loudly. "You just got burned by a little girl." Ryan could hardly contain her laughter. "My, my, the child speaks." Eddie stands up from his chair stalking towards Erica. "So, what's your name child?" Eddie nagged the child for her name. "Erica Sinclair." The answer was enough to make Eddie laugh. "Wait did I miss the joke, why is he laughing?" Ryan whispered to one of the guys next to her.

"So this is Sinclair's infamous sister." He admitted before Erica turned back to Mike and Dustin saying, "he's sharp."

"Whats your class and level? Level one dwarf?" Eddie humored the girl as he bent down to get to her height. "My name is Lady Applejack. And I'm a chaotic good half-elf rogue, level 14. I will sneak behind any monster you throw my way and stab them in the back with my poison-soaked kukri. And I'll smile as I watch them die a slow, agonizing death. So, we gonna do this, or we gonna keep chitchatting like this is your mommy's book club." Erica finishes making Ryan very confused at what a kukri is.

Eddie side eyed the girl after she sassed Eddie, the freak, Munson. Eddie soon broke out into a smile before putting his hand in front of the girl. "Welcome to Hellfire." Erica and Eddie shake hands before they get set up for their little game. "What the fuck is a kukri?" Ryan asked pulling Eddie off to the side as he was already set up before the three of them got there. "Its basically like a knife, it has a single-edge, with a heavy blade that curves forward." Eddie explained to the girl smiling at her curiosity. "So why not just call it a knife?"

"Calling it a knife is boring, boring is basic." Eddie said as he sits back down as everyone was ready for the game to start. "Uhm, before you start, how long does one of these take?" Ryan wondered seeing as all of them had notebooks out to take notes with. "Sometimes a couple hours to a day." Ryans mouth was agape hearing the words come out of Eddie's mouth. "Close your mouth, you'll attract flies." Eddie says putting his finger under Ryan's chin before using light force to close it.


"The hooded cultists chant, 'Hail Lord Vecna.' They turn to you, remove their hoods. You recognize most of them from from Makbar. But there is one you do not recognize, his skin shriveled, desiccated. And something else. He is not only missing his arm, but his left eye." Eddie said making the whole group clamor about it. "What is a Vecna?" Ryan furrowed her brows together as they were all arguing about how he was dead. "Not a what, but a who." Dustin answered Ryan before going straight back into the arguing.

"So it was thought, my friends. So it was thought. But Vecna lives." Eddie slams down a little toy in front of the group making Ryan laugh as this was more interesting then she thought. "I say we fight. To the death." Dustin says after they had some time to think. The rest of the group agreed to fight to the death. They all started to chant 'to the death' while hitting the table making crumbs go flying through the air. Eddie slumps back into his chair with a big smile on his face. "What are you so smiley about?" Ryan questioned as she stands next to the chair. Eddie didn't answer her, he grabs her waist making her sit down on his lap.

Ryan rolls her eyes at Eddie's antics before getting comfortable in the chair. First Erica rolled, resulting in cheers but not so much when Mike rolled. Eddie had reached over to knock his character down before Ryan stop him and did it herself. The club was getting killed left and right and only two people were left standing, Erica and Dustin. "Time out!" One of the members said frantically. The rest of them go to the other side of the room huddling together.

"So how are you liking it so far?" Eddie asked as they had a little break. "It's more interesting than I thought." Ryan said truthfully smiling at him.

"I could teach you how to play." Eddie said looking Ryan in the eyes. "Sure."

"Let's kill the son of a bitch." Dustin said pulling the two from their trance. Dustin rolled first in hopes of landing on the number 20. But he didn't. "Thats a miss!" Eddie says crazily. Then Erica had to roll. "Crit hit!" Erica shouts out seeing the twenty show up on the dice. Ryan was lifted up from the chair as Eddie was getting up to celebrate with the members. "Thats why we play!"

Everyone started to pack up quickly seeing how late is was getting but Eddie and Ryan were in no rush. "How does one even get into playing something like this." Ryan asked Eddie coming up to the side of him seeing the notes and other things about D&D. "It would take too long to explain it to you right now." Eddie says as they leave the room and head out the two doors to outside. "It was exciting watching but I don't know if I can handle playing the game." Ryan laughs out at her own words considering how she was being nice, especially to the freak of the school. "Goodnight, Eddie." Ryan says turning on her heel to face him.

"Goodnight, you bitch." Ryan gasped at him before lightly hitting his arm. "Sorry, goodnight Ry."

Before Eddie got into his car Ryan ran up to him and gave him a light kiss on his cheek before running off.


wc: 1606

yes. have i ever mentioned
how much i hate slow burns.


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