-1- The Deadly Sins Of Pokémon

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We see a version of Union that were basically torturing a group of Pokémon trainers and there Pokémon. One female trainer laid on the ground blood covering her body while her Gardevoir stood in front of her in a protective manner though they were also incredibly injured. All the while the Issei of this world approached while in his Juggernaut Drive. The trainer slowly looked up seeing the bodies of multiple other trainers along with their Pokémon littering the ground. Her eyes then move to Union, tears perked in them.

Female Trainer: W-Why are you doing this?

Issei: Isn't it obvious by now? You "trainers" and your monsters are nothing more than useless wastes of space. Though I have to say that some of you and your Pokémon have some nice bods

Gardevoir glared at the perverted dragon, while their trainer slowly tried to pick herself up from the ground.

Sirzechs: Plus, you trainers don't fully utilize the true potential of these creatures. Once we have all of them in our hands after we kill you all we can truly use them as the weapons they're meant to be!

Female Trainer: Th-They aren't weapons, they're their own living beings with thoughts and feelings

Ozpin: That doesn't matter we'll turn them into weapons if we have to. Now then kill the rest of these useless brats and their Pokémon

Issei laughed and began charging a blast of draconic energy aimed at the trainer and their Gardevoir. The Gardevoir braced themselves hoping to block the attack.

???: Well, are you just pathetic

Issei stopped and everyone looked to the voice seeing a blue hair boy sitting atop a rock.

The boy jumped off the rock and began approaching them.

Ozpin: Who are you?

Blue hair boy: Does it look like I have to answer to you Ozbitch 

Sirzechs: You have no right to say that to a headm-

Blue hair boy: I don't give a fuck 

They glared at him as he chuckled. The girl and her Gardevoir looked at him in shock at him just simply talking back to the leaders of Union.

Blue hair boy: You say you're gonna control Pokémon and use them as weapons huh. Heh heh, let's see if you can put your money where your mouth is

He reached behind him and brought out a strange looking pokeball that had a fiery symbol on it.

Blue hair boy: This is what I call a sinball

He then gives Union a crazed grin.

Blue hair boy: Come on out and teach these bastards a lesson Wrathan!!!

He tossed the sinball up and it opens with a burst of dark energy. Once the energy subsided, Union and the remaining Pokémon trainers looked on at the Pokémon that now stood in front of the Blue hair boy.

Blue hair boy: Say hello to Wrathan, the sin Pokémon of wrath

Female Trainer: Th-That's a Pokémon?

All of Union shook at the aura that Wrathan was giving off, with it soon letting out a roar of rage, its aura expanding as well. All of Union got into stances ready to fight as the Blue hair boy extends his hand out towards them commanding Wrathan.

Blue hair boy: Show them your true wrath Wrathan, Use Dark Pulse!!!

Wrathan followed its trainer's orders and fired out a beam of dark energy at a group of Union individuals, with when it made contact with the group it completely vaporized them. Wrathan then dashed in and took another one's head off with a claw slash. Before then turned and bite into one's jugular with a fire fang tearing off a huge chunk of their neck afterwards.

Blue hair boy: Fire Blast!!!  

Wrathan turned a shot the fire blast into another group burning them to a crisp. Wrathan quickly turned and clashed with Issei. The two struggled against each other for not even a second before Wrathan quickly overpowered the devil. Then shoving their claw into his abdomen with blood pouring out. Wrathan then pulled out an orb from Issei along with his intestines, blood and shit coming out now. Issei dropped to his knees dropping out of his Juggernaut Drive. He looked up in horror seeing Wrathan devour the orb, its aura expanding further.

Blue hair boy: Kill him with a Hellfire

Wrathan roared and stabbed its claw into the ground in front of Issei before dragging it forward sending a wave of fire out that cut Issei in half. The ground underneath him opened as he fell into two, a spout of lava firing up consuming and melt the remains of his body.

Blue hair boy: Now take care of the wizard

Wrathan nodded and turned its attention to Ozpin rushing at him faster than he could react. Once it made it to him it stabbed him with its claw as well grinding it inside the wizard's body causing him extra pay. It then quickly pulled hard completely ripping off Ozpin's front while also taking out another orb. Wrathan devoured this orb too, its aura expanding even more. An orb of energy then hit it not doing anything the Pokémon of wrath. It turns and sees Sirzechs standing there in horror as Wrathan roared at him.

Blue hair boy: Hell Claw!!!

Wrathan rushed at Sirzechs with its claws ignited and began to rapidly and brutally mauled the devil king, to the point where he was nearing nothing but a bloody carcass. After it had dealt with him it turned its attention on the rest of the Union individuals and was about to attack but was stopped by the Blue hair boy.

Blue hair boy: That's enough Wrathan, it looks like we got a message across

The Blue hair boy looks at the remaining Union Individuals who looked back completely terrified. He smirked at this.

Blue hair boy: Now then, SCRAM!!!

They did so and quickly evacuate the area leaving the Blue hair boy and the remaining trainers and their Pokémon. The Blue hair boy lets out a content sigh before petting his bloodstained Pokémon.

Blue hair boy: Good job buddy, not only did you terrify them we got our three main targets. You earned yourself a reward, now then return

He brought back out the sinball and returned his Pokémon to it. He snickered to himself and turned to leave.

Female Trainer: W-Wait!!

He turned and sees the Female trainer now up being supported by her Gardevoir.

Female Trainer: Th-Thank you for helping us

Blue hair boy: I was only doing my job

Female Trainer: A-Alright, who are you anyway?

He smiled and chuckled to himself looking at her. He then gives them a two-finger salute.

Blue hair boy: Name's David

With that he suddenly disappeared leaving the remaining trainers confused. We then cut to somewhere completely unknown space. Nothing seemed to be there until the sound of a ship was heard. We then see a ludicrously large ship hovering the in the empty space.

Inside the ship we see multiple lush fields with a multitude of many different and diverse creatures roaming. We then see a large mansion in the middle of it all.

Going inside we enter a room, that looked high tech in nature. Inside we see David resting on his bed.

Soft snores escaped his lips as he was then awakened by a set of hands gently shaking him. Looking up he sees a woman with short blonde hair looking down at him with a smile. He smiled right back up at her and the two inched closer to each other and kissed. They pulled away shortly after.

David: Hey, Lusamine. Is something wrong?

Lusamine: No, nothing's wrong, I just came to tell you that Chaotic called a meeting

David: Ah, alright

He gets up and gives Lusamine one last kiss on the cheek before heading out of his room and to where they'd usually have their meetings. He makes it there and enters to the meeting room.

(Ignore the people)

David entered and saw the two other members of the Chaos Brigade already there. The first was an anthropomorphic blue hedgehog that had a human face. He wore a bowtie and had a wide up key in his back like a toy. This was Majinn.

The other was a boy with white hair and red eyes, wearing a face mask. He was known as Jirard.

Majinn looked over to David.

Majinn: Ah, nice to see you finally made it David you sleepy head.

David: Well excuse me, I needed the sleep after my mission

Jirard: Well, I suggest you keep better track of your sleeping schedule, because you know Chaotic would be pissed if you were late to a meeting

David: I know, luckily Lusamine woke me up

They nodded and heard a set of armored footsteps. Looking over they see Chaotic enter the room.

Chaotic: Good you're all here. Let's get started

They nod and sit down.

Majinn: So, what's this whole meeting about Chaotic?

Chaotic: It's about a bigger threat than any Union that we've ran into up until now

They looked at him a bit confused as the screen went to black.

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