Madeleine Drowned BIO

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NAME BEFORE: Madeleine Fosh

NAME NOW: Madeleine Drowned

TITLES: The Drowned, The Blue Devil



PERSONALITY: Open, calm, Lively(Normally), Brutal, cold, quiet and calculated(In combat)

LIKES: Fish, eating, Her trident, swimming, isolation, animals, juice, the sea, Kelp, Meat, Hylan, Snyde and Tea

DISLIKES: The ancient builders, dumbasses, perverts, Guardians, Willow, dolphins, hunters, poachers and Guardians

Backstory: Madeleine was once a member of the ancient builder society; she lived a relatively peaceful life there. Though this quickly changed when she realized the society started to go down a dark path, a path that she wanted no part of. She gathered her stuff and attempted to leave, but her escape was quickly realized, and she was captured by the builders. They use her for their experiments, testing on her to make her into they're ideal specimen. Unfortunately, they deemed her as a failure, after her transformation. They through her into the basement of the lab keeping her there, along with many of the other failed experiments. She stayed down there for years, with one day she met the Builders successfully experiment, Merium. The two grew a connection, a sort of sisterly bond as they comforted each other. Though this all fell apart one day, when the builders installed the command block into Merium and unleashed the Wither Storm. Madeleine through the chaos of the out-of-control Wither Storm escaped, sadden that she possibly had lost her "sister".  Madeleine escaped to the sea as she stayed there for many years. And through those years, she gained a lot of new gimmicks to her arsenal.

Madeleine's Trident:

Info: A Trident that Madeleine found at the bottom of the sea, this trident becoming instantly locked to her, always coming back to her no matter what. It even granted her elemental abilities

Nether Star:

Info: A powerful star like object that Madeleine found in some ruins near the sea, she installed it into her Trident, making it even stronger, while also increasing her own power just from wielding it

Madeleine's Armor:

Info: Armor forged from powerful crystals and gems from under the sea. This armor protecting Madeleine from and all damage. It being able to reflect and absorb and damage sent at her


Strength: Planetary Level

Durability: Star Level

Speed: MFTL

IQ/BIQ: She's pretty smart


Hydrokinesis- Can create, shape, and manipulate , inorganic compound with liquid, gas (steam, water vapor), and solid (ice) states, including changing them from one state to others. Madeleine even having so much control over the weather and liquids within the body of individuals. Along with being able to Completely Control the Temperature if the Water at Will

Cryokinesis- Can create, shape, and manipulate, water frozen into a solid state. As an elemental power, cryokinesis has a nigh-limitless number of uses, only limited by the user's imagination and their natural limits. Fundamentally, users would be able to generate ice through various means, such as lowering the temperature of the surrounding air until solid ice forms or by freezing nearby water sources. They could release and channel this ice in the form of ice beams that freeze whatever it comes into contact with, or extremely rigid and durable ice walls and domes that can be used offensively and defensively. There's also the capacity to use ice in order to freeze one's opponents to death by trapping in ice that slowly kills their cells or shattering them to pieces once frozen

Electrokinesis- Can create, shape and manipulate, a form of energy resulting from the movement of Charged Particles. As an elemental power, electricity manipulation is very simple and straightforward accompanied with a near-limitless myriad of uses. Most commonly, users would be able to discharge large amounts of electricity in order to shock their opponents, potentially paralyzing them, burning them, or even stopping their hearts in severe cases. Also being able to, while even stronger users can, or even  at will. Even if their opponent is, the immense heat generated from lightning traveling through the sky, which is around 6 times hotter than the surface of the sun, will definitely pose a threat to them. Madeleine is also able to exert control over electronics and other devices powered by electricity, allowing them to remotely access, disrupt, and control technology, such as mobile phones, televisions, computers, traffic lights etc. And be able to control Electrical Fields and all charge carriers, allowing them to manipulate the force that holds atoms together within objects or flow through the nervous systems of living creatures

Mirror Reflection- Madeleine has an invisible barrier around her that reflects any attacks sent at her right back at the attacker

Titan Mode- Madeleine is able to grown into a titanic form thanks to the Nether Star, all her power being upgraded even more. Once going into this form a storm of all the Elements she has control over immediately generates in the area that she's in

Madeleine's Titan Form:

Madeleine's Pets:

Hylan the Hydra

Synde the Sniffer

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