Lonely Breakfast + ///Taekook /// short story/// Vintage STYLE

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This short story is inspired by the poem Breakfast by Jacques Prevert.

Imagine this story with a COFFEE colour filter on!

 Taehyung turned the gas off and turned towards the cupboard to get his tea set out. It was a cold Saturday morning in the middle of autumn. The trees dressed themselves in reddish glory outside the window. But Taehyung had no interest in looking at that. He took his china out and placed it on the dining table. One for him and another for his partner. Jeon Jungkook. With whom he used to share a bedroom. But thanks to an unfortunate turn of events they now sleep in two separate bedrooms.

Taehyung turned his head and listened carefully to see if he could hear Jungkook's footsteps. But the bustling streets right outside their rented room did not help him whatsoever. Despite the cold humid weather, Taehyungs palms got sweaty. He wiped them on the back of his pants pondering what his next step should be. 

"Should I got talk to him?'

"Or should I just call him down to breakfast?"

As his mind was busy thinking what to do next he heard a door opening. It was their... Jungkook's bathroom door. Taehyung quickly looked up and smiled at the closed door, of which he could see a part of through the pattern of the railing that decorated the staircase. 

Now that he knew Jungkook was out of the bathroom he guessed that he would make it down to the breakfast table within a few minutes. Ten minutes at the most. Taehyung felt nervous. 

Almost as if they were are a couple in their first years of courting. Like lovers at the beginning of lovemaking.

Jungkook poured coffee into his ceramic cup that matched in design with the one that Taehyung had in his hands. The cup had a small line of ruby red roses around the edge of it, making it Jungkook"s favorite.  He'd usually spare a moment to look at the design and toss a smile at Taehyung. But this time his hands straight went to the jug of milk that Taehyung heated up a while ago. 

 By now he would have said something to make Taehyung smile. Perhaps even gifted a gentle kiss on his cheek. But there was nothing. No smile. No laughter. Not, even a look. 

Taehyung watched him from a distance to see a reaction. An emotion. But to his dismay, Jungkook's face remained dead with emotions. His eyes looked lost amidst the items on the table. A flower vase with dying flowers that Taehyung forgot to put new flowers into, the teapot , the saucers, and the spoons that lay ready next to a pot of sugar.  Taehyung could see that Jungkook was looking nowhere particularly. It was nothing but an aimless gaze. He did not look at the cup as he poured coffee into it. Did not look at the milk as he poured it in. It was almost as if he was ready to look everywhere except where Taehyung was. 

Taehyung watched him pour milk into his coffee.

 And then he proceeded to put two teaspoons of sugar into the mixture of coffee and milk.

He took the smallest spoon and churned his milky coffee slowly.

For a moment Taehyung felt like the world had stopped.  As Jungkook lifted his head slowly lifting the teacup up with so much concern, Taehyung felt a pang of pain pierce through his heart. He wanted him to look at him. 

Talk to him. Be close to him. Hold hands with him .

He wanted his warmth to wash away the harsh coldness that batters his heart.

But Jungkook did not care . Without a word without a look he was minding his own business as if he was the only person in the room.

Taehyung watched him take a cigarette from his pocket and knew he was about to head out without talking to him. No good mornings and good byes.

And to Taehyung's surprise he sat down while smoking his cigar to finish his coffee. 

Taehyung tried to smile with him but he had no intensions of looking Taehyungs way. After finishing his coffee and the cigar that took a painfully long time with an awkward silence he got up ,put on a hat on his head,  put on a raincoat because it was raining and  left into the rain without any word to Taehyung, without any look at Taehyung .

Tears began filling the edge of his eyes but he tried to push them back. Even though there was none in the house and none would be for a good while, since Jungkook would not return before evening , Taehyung did not want to cry.

 He stared at the closed door that deprived him of the privilege of looking at Jungkook. He buried his face in his  hands, and wept. Despite the sinking humiliating feeling that told him to not to cry he broke down in tears in the safety of the closed door. 

Jungkook pulled his hat down as the rain was hitting is face .  He walked along the sidewalk toward the train station while smoking his cigarette, hurrying his steps to get away from the apartment as quickly as possible. He soon finished it before reaching the train station. He threw the finished cigarette butt into the street. It fell into a muddy puddle on the gravel road over which a horse-cart ran over. A man that was walking past him stepped into a puddle and splashed water onto the man's shoes. But he did not care. He sank his hand into his pockets and took out another cigar. He checked for a lighter in his pockets. He found one in the inner pocket of his raincoat. He lighted the cigar with it and put its back. 

The rain was getting harder by every passing second and water seeped in trough the thick raincoat Jungkook was wearing . And just the same way how water seeped in despite Jungkook's will through his thick coat , back in the apartment a heartbroken man sat at the foot of the staircase with tears seeping through his closed eyelids , despite his will.

Jungkook clutched his hat tight due to the strong wind. And even though it was morning it looked like the latter half of the day , with the grey clouds rolling in blocking the warmth of the sun. Jungkook heard a gentlemen cursing as his hat flew off of his head because of the wind, exposing his bold head.  

In a different situation Jungkook would have  had good laugh out of the situation but he felt as pathetic as the weather. Perhaps even worse . Because even though the weather was gloomy and dark the sun would eventually come through rejuvenating the earth and making the nature bright and happy again. But for Jungkook tings were not the same. 

He sighed after realizing that he had come to the train station. His heart began beating rapidly as his eyes searched for someone. A special someone. He threw his cigar on to the ground and breathed in the cold morning air to get rid of the bad smell. He poked his cheek with his tongue as he walked through the busy station. There were all sorts of people there. Beggars in rags , children that ran around whom Jungkook assumed to be street kids  by their condition, Young gentlemen that were dressed like him and old men with pot bellies. And among those people of all sorts , she stood with her back turned towards him.

Like a moth drawn in to the flame he walked towards her scraping his way through the crowd. 

And once he got behind her he touched her shoulder , grabbing her attention and the two smiled dreamily with each other.

                                                                                       THE END

How was it? 

yet another abrupt ending huh................ Anyway I have been getting writers block recently and it is so annoying. That is cuz I couldn't bring myself to write and though this short story is only a little less than 1500 words I'm so proud of myself for finishing a short story in one sitting.

So what do you think ? please let me know in the comments!!!!!!!

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