Hey You

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Jade left for work so it was only me in the house. This house was large for just him. I look up at the ceiling thinking about (Y/n). I wonder what she's doing, or does she worry about me. I close my eyes for a minute then there was knock at the door. I wait till the knocked stop but it kept going. I sighed and got up from the couch to see who it was. Before I reached the door knob I heard kids.

"We're supposed to be heading back home."

"I know but I want to say hi to Jayden. He told me he was working on something big."

"Well he's obviously not home and Mom going to mad if we don't show up for dinner."

"I guess your right. Well stop by tomorrow then." I heard them walk away from the door. How does those kids have connection with Jayden. I went back to the couch but the door opened and Jayden walked in. He held a bag of wires and cables.

"Hey, G!" He says to me.

"G?" I asked. My name isn't G.

"Yeah, your nickname. Saying Google takes to much effort."

"....." I am I supposed to feel offended by that statement.
"Some kids came up to the door but I didn't answer." I said to him.

"Really. That must've been George and Briana. They're really nice kids like their mother (Y/n)." (Y/n) has kids?

"Wait, do you know (Y/n)?"

"Yeah. do you know her?"

"Yes. We were close you could say." I said. I couldn't find the rights words to describe my relationship with her.

" I know her a little. She works with the police and has a boyfriend. I think."

"You think?"

"I think. I haven't seen her in about a year. Anyway, I'm going into the garage to work on my project. Call me if you need anything." Then be walks off. He was a strange person. He hardly knows me but he's acting to nice to me.

We only need one more piece to finish this.

"You sure, Hellen?"


"Okay. What do we need then?"

Something like heart to start it

"Where are we going to get one?"

My Creator

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