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Dear readers!

Thank you for reading our story
𝕍𝔸𝔼𝕊𝔼ℕ - The Ruins of the World!

With just under 38,500 words (in German!) and 27 chapters, our novella was completed in time for submission to the 3rd round of the German Open Novella Contest 2024 - woohoo!

This year was tough, and we faced many obstacles that fate threw in our way. Dear Ignessus had an accident and was out for just as long as I was; we both saw the hospital once too often and would certainly have liked more time and calm for the novella.

BUT: We made it! Yay!

We managed to fit 13 of the planned 16 prompts into this story. The 'missing' 3 prompts will make an appearance in volume 2, even if they have nothing to do with the ONC :)

Although VAESEN was only supposed to be our 2nd project next to 'Taking You Home,' it has blossomed into the ONC main project and our last and only one.

The fact that we were even a Round Winner (the German Ambassador's Pick) still leaves us speechless! x////x

Thank you, dear ONC jury, for this honor!

We are thrilled with how easy this teamwork was for us and look forward to sharing more stories with you!


In 'The Ruins of the World', the story of Myreille and Zane is only just beginning.
We hope you enjoyed this little 'prequel' and we'll see you again in volume 2 of 'VAESEN - From the Ashes' 😉

After all, there are still some unanswered questions and secrets.

Why did Kaye never tell anyone about his brother and Myra?

What is the cultists' big plan?

Why did they choose Zane and Kaye of all people?

Will Myra and Zane overcome their hatred for each other?


As always, we'd love to hear some feedback and hope that you'll find a question or two here that you'd like us to answer:

Did it bother you that two authors worked on this work, or was it also very noticeable?

✶Did you like the mix of alternate history and urban fantasy? or

✶How did the world of Vaesen appeal to you? Did you like the mix?

✶Which character from VAESEN did you like best? And why?

✶Who didn't you like so much?

✶Did you have a favourite chapter? (If so, which one and why?)

✶Did you dislike a chapter so much? (If so, which one and why?)

✶If you could be a VAESEN - what would you like to be?

✶Which side would you be on? (Otherworlders (fae/sidhe etc), nightwalkers (vampires, werewolves...) or humans?

✶Is there a creature or legendary figure whose 'appearance' you would like to see in volume 2?

✶Have you ever been to Paris?

✶Would you like to see a small glossary of the world?

✶Will you also read volume 2 of Vaesen?



We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our dear readers who have already supported us so kindly on our journey!


You are the coal in our furnace!

Thanks also to Kopflastig, who conjured up the incredibly beautiful cover for us <3

Also to the Dreamland Community, who always support their members so well!

We would also like to wish all the other ONC participants the best of luck!

The ONC always produces an incredible number of great stories and every year we are amazed at what can be created in such a short time.

We hope to see you again soon!

Ignessus & BellOfSilence

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