Chapter 17 Part II

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Blues and blacks

He blinked at her, watching that never faltering smile tug her lips and wondered once more...what thought was turning the wheels of her devilish mind. Suvanna of yore was a girl with transparent emotions, with a single glance at her face you would know the innermost thoughts of hers. Suvanna that stood before him, wore no mask either, her face as expressive as ever; but Pratula knew from an instinct (perhaps the blood they share playing its part) that the accuracy of those expressions were non existent. He drew in a breath, that rattled in-audibly and continued to muse. He had done everything in his power to prevent her from turning into a political animal. His reasons although had been far from affectionate. Pratula as a prince had seen the gravity of power held in a woman's palm. It had once been his mother, with her siren call like charm on his father; the woman practically ran the country hiding in the shadows of her husband's crown. He did give his mother the credit of making him the ambitious man he was. After all it had been her blood running through him that triggered all that power lust. But when more women from his family stepped in to arena of courtroom politics that was hardly something Pratula admired; especially the dispute with his sister Princess Arya had been an unnecessary hitch.

With those thoughts circulating his mind and lips curling into a sneer he turned back to his daughter. His eyes swept over the young man kneeling at his throne, seemingly blank eyed.

"Am I to believe that of yours does not bring war on its wake?" He fought to keep his voice in control as he questioned Suvanna.

"Am I to believe that while you're under the illusion that he is entirely controlled by your power, this - this Vajra won't act as a spy to his people? Or am I to speculate what exactly your intentions behind this action are and exactly where your loyalties lie?"

Suvanna watched him for a moment, her sapphire eyes slightly narrowing before dissolving into a fit of clear bell like laughter.

"My king, in spite of all the narratives on your bravery one might be tempted to think you're wary of the Lord of Vajras if you make such statements. Please retain from denting your glory father."

The court drew in a collective breath as angry purple blotches appeared on Pratula's cheekbones.

Suvanna's gaze did not waver as she held her ground, that steely smile back on place.  

"I made a vow all those years ago that I will bring the Lord of Vajras to your knees. Today I am one step closer to that destination with the brother closest to his heart in my entrapment. Surely, father you must bless me on this occasion."

"Prove it!" Pratula spat, the corner of his mouth twitching.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Prove your hold over him is above his loyalty to his blood." The king stated finally.

Suvanna clasped her hands together, her lips pursing over the overly sweet smile. For a moment a trace of malice crossed the sapphire orbs as she openly glared at her father.

"As you wish your highness," her bow as fleeting and graceful as ever and her voice tight yet unflinching she uttered as she walked up to Lakshya who still stared ahead unfocused.

With a rustle of velvet she undid the dark cloak she wore over her deep crimson dress and produced the bejewelled dragged that hung on her waistband. The sapphire eyes lifted to the king once more.

"Perhaps blood would wash away the blood bonds?" She suggested to a mute court as she held the dagger to the prince. "Slit your wrist!"

Lakshya turned to look at her, his eyes as empty as ever and took the offered tool without a word.

"Anything the lady wishes," he muttered before slicing the skin across his wrist, still holding Suvanna's gaze.

Drop by drop thick and dusky red blood pooled the once spotless floor of the Anjani courtroom. The hum of courtiers engaging in sudden discussions rose and fall as Suvanna once again opened her mouth to speak.  Her face wore an unmistakable look of satisfaction as she eyed the king's face now swelling in a mixture of terror and frustration.

"Is the demonstration  to your satisfaction or shall I cut his throat too your majesty?"

Pratula rose to his feet, the ministers followed him. His cold gaze held Suvanna's for another full minute.

"I hope you enjoy your visit my dear princess and I look forward on your champion's performance on emulations."

That said in a tone clipped and dipped in undiluted hatred Pratula left the assembly abruptly. The ministers followed him and the royal adviser rose to his feet.

"The court is adjourned."


It was the same cursed land that was sometimes featured in his nightmares. The sky, dark with a bluish tint of purple hardly penetrable to the edge - less sunshine. Stars dotted that abyss of darkness failing to dim the omens of destruction etched across those haunting cosmos. Sanskar gulped a breath, into his burning lungs. The very air of the place smelled of death and decay. Shadows from the dead trees played across his vision and the swishing of dark brownish tall grass tapped his ears. The Asanikshestra was as unchanged as the sense of death that lingered in its atmosphere. This was hardly the place he wanted to end up; the last place he had been thinking of.

Still lying, on his back in the hard, cold ground Sanskar narrowed his eyes. He had intended to enter the city, and he was sure his powers were strong enough to get him where he wanted to. Then, how can it possibly go wrong? Did that mean for some reason...The city has closed its barriers on him?

Slowly the memories of the previous encounter filled his mind with details. The fugitives, the guns and bullets, the thoughts he sensed in their minds...All fixed themselves into a picture. Rishi Agrawal; the man who had been hunting elves all his life, the man he had skilfully kept distracted. He had seemed to acquire a lot of nerves somehow. Who was benefiting him? How entangled all this were actually and most importantly how many were after her?

He no longer called her "the eye" even in his thoughts. She had earned herself a place as a person in his psyche, a place that he fully intended to confirm she was given by others as well. Turning his eyes as the realisation hit him Sanskar searched the wasteland for her. Knowing the girl well enough he would not have been surprised to find her already running amok through the darkened plains, under the misconception that she was escaping from danger. However with a hint of surprise he found her figure, not very far from where he was laying, hunched against the shadows and sitting stiffly on the icy earth, staring at the stars above. Swara had her arms wrapped around her knees, her curly head buried within their confines. The creamy colored dress she wore highlighted as a beacon in the many folds of darkness.

He eyed her critically, wondering the reason for her silent submission. It was hardly unlikely that she would simply sit there without a fight.  

By then, most of his senses were restored and the striking pain returned to torment him. Unconsciously Sanskar clapped a hand over his abdomen,  his jaw clenching in a suppressed groan. He was sure he made no noise, but as if a trace of his mind numbing pain passed through her, Swara jerked and looked at him. Her golden orbs Hooded against the shadows. Cautiously she got to her feet and stilled in that position, watching him fight against the impulse of crawling into a pitiful ball. Her eyes donning a wary, guarded look. It seemed she was tempted to help, reach out and touch him. At the same time he mused why must she entertain such thoughts when his truth was finally revealed to her. As yet another ripple of pain passed through Sanskar flinched. Of cause, it was the hold of his charm, she would not leave even if she could. His brows knitted together. That idea was far more agonising than a bullet. He would have appreciated  her decision to stay had it been out of trust. But no; not when she was compelled by a force other than her own sentiments.

Sanskar was no stranger to injuries. Yet even he had to admit there was something different about this particular bullet wound. As he felt the blood drain out from the puncture under his palm he could also sense the aura of his power diminishing. Something similar to a sly poison tickled his veins. Exhaling a tortured gulp of air he struggled into a sitting position. In a fraction of a second Swara was kneeling beside him, her head bowed in concern as she laid a soothing arm on his shoulder. For a fleeting second their gazes met and he deceived himself into thinking he saw care flash through the honey color swirls of her eyes. But Sanskar knew better. She was still under the charm, nothing else.

"Does it hurt terribly?"

Those were not her words, he told himself firmly. It was his subconscious trying to extract some reassurance from her. The knowledge was far, far excruciating to experience. Sanskar slapped away her fingers from touching him, his eyes cold and face expressionless.

"Where is Agni?" He muttered trying to sound dismissive.

"Here my lord," a reply came from the shadows as the man stretched into his full height. "We've been waiting for you to wake up."

"Waiting..."Sanskar repeated thoughtfully. "How long?"

"Hours," Swara replied her eyes still trying to assess the damage. He looked elsewhere unable to hold her gaze. Her concern unsettled him, the tiny moment in which he was distracted with the fugitives she had managed to fight the charm. Was she back in its influence or was she actually worried for him.

"Why did you bring us here, my lord?" Agni spoke again, his eyes travelling the shadowy landscape warily.

"I didn't," Sanskar bit back the groan that almost escaped his lips. "The barriers of the capital pushed us out."

For a moment he felt thankful that Agni did not question him further. Sanskar closed his eyes and sighed, pulse throbbing against his temples.

"Agni," he said after a moment. "I want you to visit the borders, Nagas are camping there."

"Yes, my lord."

"With the lady." As he finished both parties turned to look at him, with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.

"Mohan can take care of her..."

Swara scrambled to her feet watching him in astonishment. Agni folded his arms.

"I refuse to leave you in this condition your highness." He said in a tone that had an edge of one admonishing a child beneath the respectful address. "So would the lady I'm sure."

Sanskar raised an eyebrow as he turned to Swara. Surely, she would not let this opportunity slip by. She watched him with narrow eyes.

"He is right," She said then. "We can't leave you in the middle of nowhere injured like this."

Sanskar bit his lip, his fingers curling into fists as he fought to keep the pain in restraints and pushed himself to rise.  His eyes swept over her face taking in the stubborn tilt of her chin and the angry glint of those golden eyes.

"Do you have any idea how come you're feeling so concerned?"  He asked her slowly.

"Yes, although I know you are far from noble you did save my life back there." She replied in a tight tone.

"Far from noble? Well, in spite of how amazing that're still here because you're under the charm."

"The charm?"

Hmm, the same charm I'm sure Mohan warned you against. The seven vows and all that."

"All this time you've been playing a game?"

"Pretty much."

"Very well," Swara folded her arms and Sanskar sighed, exhausted from the conversation. "Then I will not be your plaything anymore."


"A man who had played such a sly game will not let me slip away at the last step unless of cause he has a bigger win on cards. I'm sure there is some kind of a catch in ushering me into the Naga camp. Perhaps this charm of yours will turn me into a spy."

Sanskar exhaled deeply, running a hand through his already tousled hair. What Mohan had been teaching her?

"Look I've had enough of arguments for the day. Leave now."

"I refuse to obey"

Sanskar turned his back to her and glared at Agni.

"Just take her off my sight," he told him.

"We shall see about that." Swara snapped back. A moment ago she had been gripped by concern, at the moment her frame shook in anger. Obviously one bullet was not enough to dent his ego.

He turned around with a smart reply at the tip of his tongue and then stopped. In her frustration Swara had moved a few paces ahead and now they stood too close for comfort, nose to nose and breath mingling. Sanskar could no longer recall what he was about to tell her. She stared at those hauntingly elegant eyes, flakes of aqua marine floating in swirls of Lake green. How many times had she stood in this same position in her dreams, in shadows and starry canopies similar to the present. Involuntarily she wondered if there was any truth to those dreams...was he as dangerous as she had been taught from the beginning? Who was right about Yuvraj Sanskar, her subconscious or her mentor Mohan?

He could have watched her for a age and still feel mesmerised by the trillions of different shades in her shifting eyes. But for the moment Sanskar had other concerns. In the fragment of a moment spent between them his vision blurred out of focus. As he lost his balance her cold hands grabbed hold of his shoulders. Swara's breath fanning the side of his neck was the last sensation his mind had registered before blackout.


Rishi Agrawal rubbed his hands together. He looked nervous, almost fearful as his eyes shifted around the room. In front of him sat a woman, her featured faint underneath the veil drawn over her head, yet her clothing screamed of wealth and power.

"I'm sorry," The man almost fumbled over the couple of words. "I couldn't bring the girl."

"Oh dear, there is nothing to fear now. Is there?" As she spoke the woman employed a sweet tone which hinted at a foreign accent. "Although I agree you could have done well...I agree a very compassionate person towards my friends. And our friendship goes decades back doesn't it?"

Rishi wiped his forehead his lips twitching in a pitiful attempt of attempted smile.

"Yes. Yes. Of cause."

"You helped me when my position was threatened, by removing the woman who could have grabbed that title."

She paused for a moment.

"You helped me keep a restraint over a man who knew too much...even gave me a chance to make a weapon out of his daughter. And now you've done something even brilliant by sticking a lead bullet into the sacred body of the young lord of Vajras."

Beneath her veil, she smiled faintly.

"You deserve a reward."

"Thank you! Thank you your -"

"But don't forget in return I've kept you alive a lively these years when I have your lifeline in my possession."

There wasn't a pause as Rishi shifted in his chair uncomfortably.

"So let's keep our our deals to ourselves, shall we?" The woman rose to leave and Rishi followed her. "I brought you a few of our help with the experiments."

The vision blurred to the swishing winds of the Asanikshestra and something jerked Swara from her trance.

"Well well well," said a broody voice. "What do we have here, a prince, a shadow and...The eye?"


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