Chapter 6

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Above is Megha, for those already met him ;-)

The Vessels

Mumbai, 26th June, 2010

The silvery light was shifting through the branches, dipped against the window; creating a display of pendulous shadows across the peach color walls. The white lace curtains, dark wooden furniture and the heavily framed photographs on the walls were unknown to Swara as she blinked at them. There was a large vase of chrysanthemum by her bed side and a lady was arranging it, cutting off the stems of the flowers in her hand to suit the vase and humming a tune to herself as she worked.

Swara shifted a little, so the shadows casted over the lady's face would shift with her, giving her a clear vision of her face. The lady, noticed her moving and turned to face her. Her face was unfamiliar to Swara, but lit with a warm smile.

You woke up already Jaanu?' She asked her, still smiling as she kept aside the flowers in her hand and sat on the edge of her bed, helping her to a seating position. How's your head feeling now?'

I'm sorry...' Swara said slowly, raking her brain to recognize this woman. Do we know each other?'

The woman looked at her shocked. Then she stood up, trembling slightly.

Why, Janki, you can't recognize your Ma?' She said in a terrified tone and before Swara could investigate her confusion turned over her shoulder and called out for someone. Shekar! Shekar!'

Two men, one clearly a doctor and the other in his late forties, rushed in to the room. The woman (Shermishta was her name as Swara discovered later) threw her arms around the later, staring to sob.

She doesn't remember me! She asked me who I was!'

The doctor caught Swara's bewildered expression and gestured her to be calm, meanwhile Shekar, consoled his wife.

The doctor said this could happen my dear,' he muttered patting her hair and leading her away from the room. She had a terrible accident, that could have messed up with her memories...' muttering some more incoherent words to his wife who was nodding her head, Shekar Gadodia left the room, shutting the door behind them.

Swara who was glaring after them in concentration snapped at the sound and looked at the doctor, shaking her head.

Alright, I don't know what they told you, but I'm not what they think I am.'

The doctor smiled at her gently and occupied the position at the edge of her bed, where Shermishtra sat earlier.

I know Swara,' he said in a very familiar tone and held out his palm for her. Swara, looked at him astounded for a moment and then hesitantly placed her palm on his much larger one, closing her eyes.

Mohan?' Her eyes snapped open again. The doctor, who looked nothing like Mohan, or Mohan in disguise, smiled at her, nodding slightly. How, I mean, how come? You can change your appearance?'

No dear, unfortunately I can't.' Mohan sighed. It is an art I've learned in my time with Anjani's. I can influence people's nature, use them to roam places I normally cannot. You might remember I was posing as a gothic freak, outside your playground many years ago?'

Uh, oh.' Swara said, tilting her head. And the couple? Do you know them?'

I've worked with Shekar Gadodia's mentor, in 1980s up until the time Shekar himself became a renowned magician, that had been my cover in the human world...taught the man a few elven tricks myself.'

1980s! Mohan, how old are you?'

Mohan grinned, shaking his head.

Not our concern at the moment.' He said shortly. I'm old enough to be a legend.' He added noticing the look Swara gave him and then said briskly. The daughter Janki they speak of died in an accident. Mrs. Gadodia was still in trauma when you crashed in to their car, she started believing you're her Janki.'

Oh,' Swara muttered. Although she did not touch the woman, somewhere in her heart she could feel her pain. She had lost her mother, losing a daughter would hurt more. Uncomfortably she reflected to the warm smile she had received from the woman not a long while ago...her mom used to smile like that as well, when she was extremely happy. But... I'm not Janki, we have to tell her that!'

That is your decision to take.' Mohan said thoughtfully.

What do you mean?'

Shermishtra's condition is delicate Swara, she might not handle that information very well. But I see where you're coming from. You don't want to deceive anyone.' There was a pause. Think this can offer to help return they are offering you the perfect hideout in their world. Happiness in exchange of safety, is a good bargain isn't it?'

Swara was silent for a long time.

And in all the affection she showers on me, I would feel like a cheat, someone stealing love...'

Then you can love her in return,' Mohan said with a wistful smile at his always righteous child. In the years passed she had grown more and more in to the shadow of her mother. Until you feel free of your debt...'


Ragini legged through the terrace, her burned hand clutching Huggy Bear loosely as she reached the swing in the side and sat there, seemingly preoccupied. She had seen her father trying to console her mother earlier, downstairs, as she kept repeating Janki doesn't recognize her. Ragini frowned a little. How can her mother just give Janki's position to another?

The wind caressed through her cheeks as closed her eyes.

Did you feel bad Jaanu?' She whispered to the wind. Seeing her forgetting you so easily?'

The voice inside her mind replied, but the words came out of her own mouth.

I didn't, I have my Raagu with me right?'

I thought you left me that day, when I failed to save you from the fire. Aren't you angry with me for that?'

I was, a little.' The voice admitted. Then I realized, you're already punished for that.'

How did you survive the fire Jaanu?'

Doesn't matter...I won't leave you ever again. Jaanu and Raagu would be together forever, Okay?'

Okay,' she agreed cuddling against Huggy Bear and listening to her sister's voice, inside her head.

On the island of the spirits, in the gray shrine, Suvanna lit a candle. She was one step closer to her goal, her vessel in the human realms was found.


Gurukul, Kaldwaara, 24th February 2015

The memory of Ma Baba back in the human realms crossed her mind for no reason, as she watched over the injured (still unconscious) stranger. It just enlightened her as to why Uttara's theory could be wrong. She had once touched Shermishtra Ma, unintentionally and had a vision of Janki's accident.

There was something wrong with this person, she wondered, narrowing her eyes as she watched him. It seemed he did not belong in her universe, where she could see what has happened or is yet to happen. Or perhaps he was a spy, as Uttara suggested and has taken some precaution against her power.

I wish you are one of the warriors from the battle,' she muttered watching him. Then I would have touched you and found out what is happening at the battlefield. What the terrible Vajras are doing now.'

Other than silence nothing replied to her words. Swara sighed, as the cold breeze blew in through the window, making faint goosebumps rise along her arms. She hugged herself, brushing her palms against the length of her upper arms, warming her skin and recalling the storm that made Mohan leave her with the Vajra prince all those years ago. Although not as much as it would effect a Naga, the cold winds Vajras seemed to create around Kaldwaara effected her. She wondered, shivering slightly, how Mohan might be coping up with the cold and cursed the Vajras inwardly.

The stranger shivered, underneath his closed eyelids, his eyeballs moved furiously.

He is cold as well,' Swara muttered, standing up to fetch a blanket. That means he is human.' She consoled herself, as she went to the cupboard by the window and took a bundle of heavy blankets out. Keeping them on the top of the cupboard she leaned out of the window and scanned the view below before shutting it. The outer walls seemed still under the attack of Vajras, there were fires lit. A fraction of a second before she pushed the window shut, something wheezed through the air, towards her and struck on the window pane, shuttering the multicolored glass in to shreds. It was an arrow, weak flames still licking its top. It seemed the Vajra archers had somehow managed to cross the river.

She turned around, intending to shout for someone and found her throat dry. The stranger was awake, his eyes fixed on her. They had a strange color of lake green, glossy and pleasant. He said nothing, as he watched her intently, his gaze pinning her to where she stood. For some reason, that gaze made her gulp, it made her uneasy. There was something amiss about that expression in his face, as if it did not belong there.

Who are you?' She asked him slowly and the stranger raised his eyebrows.

There were footsteps outside in the passageway as people ran for cover. Someone shouted over the chaos.

We're under attack! Take cover! Take cover!'

A shower of arrows now pricked the window, completely blasting the glass panes off and some of them flew inside the room. Swara lost her balance, trying to fling herself out of the path of arrows and in the process landed on the green eyed stranger.

The curtains had caught fire, flames licking at the walls around them, casting eccentric shadows. He watched her raise her head, a curtain of lavish, dark hair framing her pale face. Her eyes were dark, heavily lidded and honey brown, glowing with tints of gold in the light of the flames around them. She took her time to meet his gaze, the honey brown locked to the hazel green. They remained looking at each other, for a few more long moments, and his lips curled in to a smile.

So,' he said still holding her gaze. We found each other again...hmm?'

The door was thrown open the next second and Mohan strode in, pulling Swara away from the stranger. Suddenly, finding her senses again, she shivered, looking at the burning surrounding with widened eyes. When her eyes found the stranger again - he was unconscious.

What - what was that?' She asked Mohan, who was gazing at the worriedly.

It was the Vajra prince, using his brother as a vessel.'


Vajras' camp on the borders of Kaldwaara, 24th February 2015

There were signs of a storm on the darkened skies. The wind humming in a restless way and even the horses seemed unsettled. The soldiers, who had their eyes on the city of the Nagas, were distracted by the galloping sound approaching them.

The torches were waved signaling the oncoming partly as the camp suddenly buzzed in to a hive of activities.

Yuvraj is coming!' Someone shouted, to the night as riders emerged from the night. Even in the years spent in the absence of a king, they still called Sanskar Yuvraj since he had refused to be crowned until his vow to the queen mother was fulfilled.

Aryamaan stood up from his examination of maps in his tent, hearing the commotion outside, squinting uncomfortably.

The prince? At the moment? Was he not supposed to be on vacation in New Zealand, keeping tabs on the war proceedings with messages they exchanged between the realms? Aryamaan did not like that Naga nose on his battle plans, this was his camp, his war for god's sake and it had been so for a decade.

His thoughts however, had to be kept at bay, like his disdain of the heir apparent. Forcing his lips to form a tight smile, he pushed himself out of the tent, to acknowledge the riders.

The prince, who hopped off the horse, was hardly the skydiver in the human realms. He was now dressed in the fine threaded robes, the sword strapped to his belt and a very rigid expression. Aryamaan approached him and bowed low, although his forced curtsey did not go unnoticed by Sanskar who pursed his lips.

I need to have a word with you captain,' he said in a steely cold tone. Now, if you please.'

Hari dismounted behind them, his expression clearly betraying he was nervous. As he approached them, his dark eyes flicked between Aryamaan and Sanskar, in a fearfully widened look.

We have a lot of tasks at hand my prince, if you could wait for a moment...'

I assure you it is utmost urgent captain,' Sanskar gritted his teeth. I don't wish to inquire you in front of your men; it would dishearten them and also will worry my mother. When I request, I hope you to give me your time...'

My lord, we can...' Hari begun, only to be silence by Sanskar's gesture.

Order your men to retreat from the Naga gurukul, we have no war with children in there.' Sanskar said in a firm tone, forcing Aryamaan to hold his gaze.

My lord; who gave you this false information?' Aryamaan asked innocently puzzled. I have no men attacking the gurukul, in the shield lines.'

The air around them thickened with unrest, the weather seemed to turn stormy.

Do you dare lie to me Captain?' Sanskar asked in a dangerous tone. If I ride out right now, are you sure I wouldn't run in to a battalion under your banner...wracking the Naga gurukul?'

His eyes flashed silver as the skies thundered.

Well captain?'

Aryamaan said nothing, as he turned to summon his second in command.

Send a word,' he said in a lower tone. Order them to retreat.'

Sanskar watched him, with a cold, unaffected gaze.

I think you should rest captain.' He said then, in a tone that matched his expression. Retire to your tent for now; I can manage the battle for a while.'

With the words that indicated he was dismissed in a manner which boiled Aryamaan's blood, Sanskar walked away, with Hari following him, looking rather relieved to finally end the conversation with the fearsome captain.


Shamashikara citadel, Kaldwaara, 24th February 2015

Swara shivered again, this time not from the cold Vajra armies brought with them, but from the memory of those hazel green eyes, the intent gaze of them and Mohan's explanation.

It was I, who taught him that art of Anjanis.' Mohan was telling Ashvini, while Adarsh scowled at his mother. How can you be so foolish, as to bring his own brother inside our walls and expect him to not use the opportunity?'

Ashvini said nothing, as she paced the discussion room, her brows knitted.

We sent the message that we have her son, to Devi Annapurna, not to the Vajra prince.'

Obviously, the message was intercepted!' Mohan said exasperated. Devi Annapurna might not yet know about this and in the meantime...using his brother, Yuvraj has found out everything he needed to, about Swara.'

Yes. Swara needs to leave, as soon as she can.' Adarsh supplied, casting a worried glance at the girl who sat in the corner, quiet for a very long while.

I don't think that will help much,' Mohan shook his head. He has seen her, she is not safe anywhere now.'

Still she has a chance, if she leaves.' Ashvini said finally. And take the young prince along with her.'

Excuse me?' Mohan was frustraited. Are you still under the impression that Swara can use Lakshya as her shield?'

I know she can, because the vajra prince would think twice before harming his brother right? As long as Swara remains in his vicinity, she has less chance of being harmed.'

Still, he will find out where she is!'

I will go,' Swara said in the end, a deep somber silence followed her words. She stood up, facing the three who were arguing earlier and drew in a breath. She knew why Ashivini was so keen in sending her away. It had much to do with her fear for her people than for Swara. Ashvini did not want anyone inside her city, who had a direct connection with the commander of the enemy forces. The farther she is from the battle, the safer the Nagas will be. By sending Lakshya with her, Ashvini would still have that trump card in her hand.

No you won't!' Mohan roared.

I will.' Swara said calmly. He won't find me in Kolkata, we both know that. We will make sure his brother...will not betray our location again.' She went to Mohan and took his hands, squeezing them, she held his gaze. Let me go, I can take care of myself. Yuvraj Sanskar, isn't going to find me again.'

Mohan sighed, Adarsh frowned and Ashvini smiled finally.

Miles away from the Naga discussion room, Sanskar opened his eyes.

I have already found you my lady; I'm just not going to lose you again.'


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