Chapter 9

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The Price

Kolkata, 14th March  2015

It was a widely known and undoubtedly accepted fact that Parvati Gadodia was not fond of her elder granddaughter. But some benefits that came with the girl could not be neglected even by her. One of them had always been her immense flexibility, which effortlessly led her to lend a helping hand in the cafe Parvati ran, in a much unnoticed side of a crooked street in Kolkata.

Swara recalled distinctly, how she was initially horrified with the idea and her discussion with Mohan that followed.

Just imagine! Me, the one who is supposed to be hiding, handing out coffee cups at a roadside inn?'

Mohan frowned for a moment.

Your grandmother's there and it's not a bad place.'

Yet...' she huffed.

Sometimes things out in open, where everyone can see them are hardly spotted and very well hidden.' He smiled slightly. Think of it this way...who on earth would think the Vajra's eye, handing out coffee cups in a roadside inn?'

With the memory crossing her mind, a pleasant sunset found Swara at the threshold of Coffee Delights, fixing the display board with utmost concentration. Daadi had wanted some new items on the menu and Swara wanted to escape a certain messy haired forgotten elf prince inside. She had her hair pulled in to tight pony - tail and a large white apron flung over her tee - shirt. The sun had vanished behind the buildings that edged her view a long ago; the air drizzled with a sense of foreboding. It had nothing to do with her ability, but more with the uneasiness of her mind in recent days. A danger was looming closer, but still managing to retain itself in to the shadows, making it unable for her to guess who or what it was.

Something, a similar sense of instinct jerked her out of her thoughts. Jerking her head, Swara turned around and looked at the opposite end of the street. Much away from her, in relative darkness of the shadow offered by much taller buildings, someone stood watching her. From this distance she could not be certain if the figure indeed had its eyes on her or not, but there was that feeling, which felt like having someone's eyes on her.

What's the matter?' Someone asked closer to her ear, making her jump a foot backwards. It was Lakshya, his eyebrows knotted together as he took in her troubled expression. Instantly he followed her gaze and turned to stare at the same spot; which was empty now, the on looker gone.

Janki?' He called her again. Not managing to get a response to his earlier question.

Nothing,' Swara shook her head and caught a sight of Ragini who was sitting at the table by the window, her essay book propped open, but her eyes following their movements. She looked rather forlorn and sickly in the florescent lights inside the cafe. Let's go in, I'm done.' Swara added, digging her hands in her apron pocket and brushing past Lakshya to get inside. He watched her retreating back for a moment before skipping after her.


Kolkata, 16th March 2015

            Who would have guessed that the divine and the damned could be brothers of blood, that evil was the mirror reflection of the good, similar at the first glance but utterly different in the way it operated? At least the ancient ones did not, until their celestial king was betrayed by his kin, compelled to take on a fate far worse than death to save his subjects. Walking in to darkness had made Astra a devil; the same path was taken by Agni towards his divinity.'

Shobha Bose had a voice that could command silence even in whispered tones. It was the launch ceremony of her latest book, Immortal; Chronicles of Elves, and as she read out the above extract from the opening chapters, except for a keen silence nothing else dared to enter the auditorium.

In the center of the hall, Swara sat with Ragini and Lakshya on her both sides. The later came in tow uninvited as usual. She was a bit apprehensive about him coming along, there was a tad bit of doubt in her mind about the topic of discussion triggering his memories on the elven lands. Swara glanced at Lakshya from the corner of her eye, assessing the effect the speech had on him. He yawned, covering his mouth with the back of his palm and repelling any suspicions she had about the scenario effectively.

Lakshya was bored out of his wits. He could not understand what a girl of Swara's caliber had of interest in a typical fantasy novel like the one being launched here. But the girl had her attention fixed on the author, who was still reading on in to the utter silence. He yawned again and leaned his head back in the seat, trying to catch Ragini's eye. She looked mildly interested and slightly bored, there was no high level fascination reflected in her expression. She looked at him after a moment and he rolled his eyes, Swara who decided to look at him the same moment scowled at both of them.

Remind me why we're here again?' Lakshya said quietly.

Because Shobha Bose is looking for a travelling companion, who would take care of her on the same cruise journey we're supposed to take.' Ragini offered an explanation before Swara could snap at him. And Janki is hoping to get the opportunity, that way, even though Mr. Maheshwari doesn't want her to, he cannot stop her from joining us.'

I don't understand why we're bothering so much.' Lakshya said gloomily. We can smuggle her in with our tricks can't we?'

Swara raised her eyebrows.

I don't want to end up in a jail, thank you very much!'

Oh, the little law abiding citizen you are!'

Yes I am, got a problem?'

Guys...!' Ragini sighed. Save your energy for a wrestling match, we'll be thrown out if you don't shut up.'

Swara opened her mouth to say some more, when her eyes caught another object of interest and diverted her mind's attention from her speech to her sight immediately. It was the same figure who was stalking her at the Coffee Delights, now a few seats to her right and front, staring at the orator with immense interest. Narrowing her eyes slightly she watched the back of his head, a mop of dark hair and pale skin was all that she could notice.

It might have taken her a few minutes to search through her memories and try to place him with someone she did know, a match however did not pop up. Before she had finished analyzing the situation the event preceded to a book signing and the stalker stood up and exited the auditorium. Swara got to her feet unconsciously.

Are you going somewhere?' Ragini asked her, examining the copy of the book she had just picked up.

I'll be back in a minute.' Swara told her, sprinting towards the exit before they held her back. The figure was long gone. She stopped in the passageway outside and looked around. There was no sign of him.

She thought to herself for a minute, there was no way he made it to outside in this short a time span. He has to be around here somewhere. Resolving to search the vicinity, Swara walked briskly along the passageway, reaching a waiting area with open windows.

There was another colorful poster of the Immortal; Chronicles of Elves put up in the middle of the vast space and the figure she had been looking for, stood there, gazing at the poster with curiosity.

Unintentionally Swara's hand went to the waistband of her trousers, where she could feel the cold hilt of a concealed dagger against her skin. She distantly remembered Mohan making her swear that she would be armed wherever she went. It seemed Mohan did have a point there. She looked around the space around them again, a mere flicker of a glance that assured her there was no one in the vicinity and Swara pulled out the dagger in a flash movement.

Mohan had put so much effort in training her that she did not even give the stalker time enough to turn around, before the edge of the cold blade was placed against his throat.

Who sent you?' She asked in a low hiss, taking in the jerking movement of the man's neck that had unintentionally drawn a scarlet line across his pale skin. Answer me!'

It's me Shona,' the stalker spoke in a very familiar tone. Would you give me a minute to turn around or have you already made up your mind to slice my throat?'

Swara exhaled deeply and lowered her weapon.

Adarsh,' she said in a relieved tone. I'm very, very sorry.'

Adarsh turned around, it was indeed him, but with an expression much graver to his always happy face. His face was paler than it was usual for the Nagas and his forehead marked with creases. His thumb brushing against the scratch she made on his skin he gave her a curt nod.

I'm rather relieved that you are taking your security seriously,' he said then. I was supposed to keep an eye on you while I'm around here.'

I take it; it was not me that brought you here.'

Adarsh smiled faintly at this.

Ever so observant,' he said clapping her shoulder lightly. No, it was Mohan that brought me here.'

There was a troubled silent in which Swara watched him, hunting for words and then said in whisper. Please tell me he is alright.'

He is not.' Adarsh said gravely. He was on a mission and got wounded by an Anjani blade. You know enough to guess the rest.' He finished taking in her paler face. Swara clapped her hand to her lips and watched him wide eyed.

So, you need an Anjani to heal him?'

That is out of option. Pratula would not allow that.'

He said the king's name with casual tone. Although it was considered a sin to take the king's name, Pratula never commanded much respect among the Nagas. Especially with the stories Mohan had to share with them on the ruthless side of the much unpopular Anjani ruler and the rumors of how he treated his father and eventually had him murdered, they never felt he deserved any sort of honor among their race.

Damn him, but whatever are we going to do?'

That's why I'm here. There are rumors among Nagas, especially Kaldwaara ones about a witch who lives in human realms...I don't know to what extent but she is the only one I believe can help us.'

Do you know where she would be found?'

Adarsh nodded solemnly and turned to gaze at the poster.

Immortal; Chronicles of Elves by Shobha Bose

Shobha Bose,' muttered Swara. You mean this lady, write actual stuff? Like true facts about the...' her voice dropped. About the elven lands?' Adarsh nodded a little.

Not every ounce, but to a certain level yes. She does write true stories. But,' he shrugged a little. Who on earth is going to believe her?'

So you think she can help us?'

She can, but she would or not is another matter.'

Swara scowled a little. Why?'

Shona, she is a witch and you know their motto, magic comes with a price!'

            So how are you going to persuade her?' Swara questioned him, folding her arms. Adarsh shook his head.

I don't know. I was said to make a deal with her, offer her what we could in exchange of her services...but no one knows what she would actually be interested in. Judging by her status, surely no wealth would do the trick.' His calm gaze fixed upon her once again.

You tell me, what are you doing in the launch of a book, in which you did not have any faith?'

Swara twisted her fingers for a moment, wondering whether she dared to share her plan with Adarsh or not. After all he was easily worried and often concerned about her. Then she was disturbed by the news he brought on Mohan's condition. This surely was not a time for secrets.

It's a long story...but I think you should know.' She said then and launched to fill him up with her side of the events. Adarsh was a very good audience; he widened his eyes at right places and pursed his lips on right pauses. Finally he scowled at her.

You were about to die and you did not call for help?'

Swara sighed. In this whole story the only part that interested Adarsh was this.

I did call Mohan, but I guess he was injured by then.'

But still...' Adarsh begun to protest but his sentence was cut short as someone else approached them. They fall silent, watching the girl who joined the room. Swara looked at Adarsh quizzically and he returned the look before adding.

I had asked for an appointment with the lady, I think the message is for me.'

Riya took in the two people waiting for her with mild interest. It was not usual for Mrs. Bose to have guests, especially ones of the generation to which these two seemed to belong. She let her eyes shift from one face to another as she approached them, noting the eagerness reflected in both faces.

I have a message for Miss Janki Gadodia.'



There were dawn colors, hints of orange, pink and strokes of sapphire coated with slivers of silver in the east horizon. The merged together and proudly met the fainting sea of navy blue night, washing away the gleam of the remaining stars. It presented a replica of a shore, where the ripples would meet the golden sand. It was a glorious moment, where darkness met the light.

Beneath the cosmos, that hid destinies from unwise eyes etched a view of snow capped mountains. They started with white sparkling in red and gold spikes where the sun kissed them and ran into blues, turquoise and green, finally meeting the emerald of the mossy ground.

The ground, surrendered itself to the shades of the silvery boughs overlooking them. They were guardians of the ancient times, with their trunks large, rough and pleasantly smelling. If not for the queer silence, Sanskar would have concluded he was somehow in the middle of the forest in the borders of Vajrateerta.

Now, his eyes capturing the mountain view and his ears noticing the missing whispers, he was sure this was a different place altogether. Looking around, for some sign that would lead him back to his familiar grounds, he took a step forward.

The dew drenched mossy surface, felt soft and bumpy. It was then, he noticed that he was standing there with his feet bare and his toes curled in to the soft mosses. A soft neigh broke the silence, making him jerk his head and look sideways. Mist obstructed his view of what he knew was a clearing of the forest.

Letting the sound lead him he made his way forward, through the mist that wrapped around him its many folds of silky whiteness.

The sun rose a little higher, over the snow capped mountains and painted the world below in a glow of rose and gold. The animal that made the sound which attracted him was a white stallion, its soft and glossy coat catching the sunrays and emitting golden dazzles.

As he approached the stallion looked up, its eyes stunningly golden. It gave him a look of scrutinizing and held his gaze as he stretched out an arm to touch it. It neighed again, softer and met his palm mid way with its snout. Its nose was cold, ticklish as it nuzzled his palm. Sanskar patted its neck, his fingers running through the smooth coat.

It was then, it happened.

His fingers gliding through the glossy coat touched something more solid and warm. They were fingers of another, much smaller hand. Before he had made a conscious decision, his palm covered the smaller one, his fingers filled in to the gaps between the smaller fingers, entwining their hands before he looked up and caught that golden gaze once more.

She smiled at him, her golden orbs glittering in the crisp sunlight. She looked different, much more composed and regal than the girl he had known. Her dark hair worked in to glossy curls and gathered to one side, exposing her creamy neck. The pale gold fabric of her dress clung to her bodice like a second skin, delicate stones decorating the waistline from where the soft folds of fabric fall in waves until it touched the ground.

You're a dream.' He decided then, his eyes still drinking her sight.

As you wish,' she smiled again.

It was true. She was two vivid for a dream. He could even see the little rainbows made by the stones on her earrings, or hear the swish of her skirts. She took their joint hands off the stallion, squeezing his hand a little. Her hold felt warm and very, very real.

But why are you dreaming about me?' She asked then, inching a little closer, her eyes lowered, examining their hands. She looked at him again. My lord?' She added leisurely.

I'm not dreaming about you.'

She raised her eyebrows a little. Not offended, but rather amused. There was a glint in her golden eyes.

Yet, according to you, this is a dream.' She pointed out in a mild voice. Am I not a part of it then, your highness?'

You're making fun of me.' He said, although he did not want to, his voice sounded frustrated.

Pardon me,' she said her words filled with mirth and followed by a tinkling laughter. That was not my intention. But even you can't deny that the prospect of standing before you while you decided whether I am a dream or not is a little...' she coughed. Amusing?'

Sanskar tucked back an escaped lock of hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek with the back of his palm.

Amusing is it?' He asked in a lower tone. His finger traced a line down her milky throat inducing a tint of deep rose along its path. Her eye lashes fluttered and lowered, as she drew in a rattled breath. Sanskar tugged at their interlaced fingers and pulled her closer to him, holding her hand in his against his heart. She lifted her eyes and held his gaze. He traced her lips with his finger, still looking in to her eyes. She was breathing heavily and her lips trembled.

This,' he said after a moment. ...Is more amusing.'

Instinctively his head dipped to the curve of her shoulder touching his lips to her cold skin at the base of her throat and her satiny skin melted against the warmth of his mouth.

Sanskar woke up, with a jolt. His breathing uneven and his clothes soaked with sweat. Taking a deep breath he looked around his room. It was filled with a bluish haze of dawn. He stepped out of the plush bed and went to pour himself a glass of water. His hand was shaking, making the water spill around the glass and the jug clattered against the glass before he picked it up. He gulped the water in one go and ran a hand through his sweaty hair. They clung to his forehead in clumps; he pushed them back and let his palm remain against his warm forehead for a moment.

Sanskar was not a man without nightmares, but he had never been shaken to this extent by any of them.

He could still remember every tiny detail about that dream, even the most trivial ones. The "eye", had never made him feel, not himself. It felt as if his skin was on fire and would only be soothed by her cold touch. He closed his eyes again, his hand combing through his hair and almost felt her cool finger tips running against his cheek hesitantly.

His eyes snapped open, his throat felt dry. Perhaps he should not see her again as soon as he had planned. He had to rein some of his thoughts before that. Sanskar pressed his fist against his lips, trying hard to compress the emotion roaring inside him.

This was not acceptable. This was wrong on so many levels. Still, he was on fire, and that fire was of yearning. He acknowledged it reluctantly. Dida was right, there was no spell on him, at least no one had casted a spell on him yet. He simply desired her, too much for his own good.


Kolkata, 18th March 2015

Death, Justice, and the Hermit. The same three cards stared at Shobha from the wooden surface of the table, lying side by side just as they were pulled out. Swara's eyes swept from the Death's dark armor and the white stallion to, the Hermit's lamp and finally on the justice's curtain before forsaking the sight of the tarot cards completely and resting upon the lady who sat behind the table; Shobha Bose.

Her study to which Swara was invited to have been contrasting to the cheerful demeanor the lady seemed to emit. She could still not work out how a simple application gained her access in to the home of someone belonging to the circle Mrs. Bose did when Adarsh could not manage to get an audience with the lady. She felt apprehensive now that she was aware of the true identity of her host.

Shobha noticed her guest was still rather fascinated with the cards lying between them. She smiled and offered her a seat. Swara sat, her eyes still captivated by the tantalizing choice of cards displayed on the table.

My grandson was here a moment ago,' Mrs. Bose said, tilting her head at the cards. I'm very interested in reading tarot cards for him, his cards, fascinatingly always remain the same.'

I'm sure he might be worried,' Swara managed a small smile, as she looked up at the glittery eyes of the older woman. With his cards I mean.'

Unfortunately not. He is worried about me, you see, that I believe in something as worthless as tarot cards.' She sighed. Although I'm sure you and I don't see the same thing dearie.' She said then. The death, is a omen of change, Justice a warning to alter his path and Hermit a sign foretelling someone who can change his perceptive is on their way.'

Mrs. Bose,' Swara cut in. Why exactly did you call me here?'

You mean why you, when a Naga noble was seeking my audience?' She raised an eyebrow at her pale face. You did not actually think I will believe you are Janki Gadodia, did you my lady?'

I'm not sure I get what you mean.'

You're of Anjani royal blood, a woman of noble birth. I knew it even before I read the application.' She indicated the smooth piece of paper lying under her elbow, on the table.

How much do you actually know?'

Not much.' Shobha shook her head, But I am very interested in knowing more about you.'

I'm not supposed to discuss about myself, but about the warrior who needs your help in surviving.'

Shobha took a deep breath and held her gaze.

But you wanted the job even before you knew of him.'

That is not important...Mohan is.'

Mohan, will survive. His time has not come yet.'

Swara looked at her slightly surprised.

You know him?'

He is an old fellow of Nagas; of cause I know him.'


I think you know the motto, magic comes with a price and so does answers sometimes.' Shobha interrupted her, gathering the cards and shuffling them. Are you ready to bargain Miss Gadodia?'

I thought...'

I do not waste my time with elves for nothing you know.'

Very well, what do you want me to give in return?'

I did not hope to find you so flexible,' the old woman smiled at her. For each question I answer you should pick a card.'


Ask away dearie,' Shobha said cheerfully.

How do you know about me?'

Shobha pushed the card sack towards her and she picked one rather reluctantly.

I used to know your mother...a long time ago. When she was the princess of Anjanis. You and her, have similar kind of auras for some reason.'

She took the card from Swara's outstretched hand and turned it to examine. It showed a man walking off a cliff edge with an excited smile on his features.

Ah, The Fool!' She looked up to notice Swara's slightly baffled expression and suppressed a giggle. Please, don't feel insulted. It is a card that indicates a first step towards some goal, and all that is light...pure and innocent like a child. It's an extremely good card in regard of someone.'

Can you heal Mohan?'

She picked up another card, and this time before handing it over Swara checked it herself. It showed a woman with a mystic aura to her portrayal, sitting between two pillars in a darkened background.

Yes I can. But the concern is will I? I was banished from Kaldwaara so many years ago for a certain reason; even for Mohan they will not accept me back. So I will have to send an enchantment with your charming friend that would cure the effect of the venom.'

She turned her attention to the card next.

The High Priestess,' she said seriously looking at Swara. The inner voice that you must trust in to guide you in your choice. A reminder that the answer lies within you...or very, very close to you. Only you must listen hard and with an open mind.'

What is the price of healing him?'

She took another card. This one was brightly colored, with a man and a woman holding their hands and angles above them.

The lovers,' smiled Shobha. An indication that you will soon face a battle of emotions and desires...where a choice has to be made...possibly between two people who loves you or you love, two paths you wish to take. But only one suits you no matter how alluring the other is.'

There was a silence, in which they started at each other.

Your cards are as captivating as my grandson's had been.'

This is not my answer.'

Shobha sighed.

Of cause it is not. It was simply a test that you had to pass. I would like you to accompany me on the voyage Miss Gadodia in exchange of healing your friend.'

Swara looked at her, her features visibly brightening.

Thank you! Thank you so much!'

Wait,' Shobha interrupted her. You did not hear the full deal; my price of healing your friend would be your story. I hope you won't turn back on your word.'

I promise you I won't.'

You shouldn't make promises so easily.' The old woman smiled wearily. Remember your cards...they will do you good, dearie.'

She came out the study rather lost in her thoughts. The price had been something she also wanted to obtain...could it be a coincidence? Was she naive enough to believe there were such things, or people? Swara bit her lip. Something was wrong here, for some reason the danger felt rather close inside these walls. There was an enthralling allure, a pull that seemed to make her senseless. Was it the power of the old lady inside the study or was it someone else, she is yet to meet? Who lived in this mansion apart from the lady she just met?

She reached the end of the passageway in thoughts and stopped. Frowning slightly she turned around and looked over her shoulder. Which way did she come? Which way was she supposed to take? The study was no longer distinguishable. There were three hallways leading from where she stood. Was she that absentminded or did the mansion just play a trick on her?

Either way, she was trapped inside the ancient house, until she found her way back.


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