- Introduction -

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(In the wasteland of Asanishestra, Fall, year 1688th of the Drayce rule)

The battle she had foreseen was coming, but for unforeseen reasons. As the two she had sentenced to fight stood on the opposite ends, it was the moment she realized that all along she had been standing in the middle, being the fore-teller as well as the cause of the battle. It was then that she realized that fate was indeed pre-decided. It was not their power that was going to decide the winner. As she stood, the queen to be crowned she realized that with the joy of one's victory she must forever bear the weight of the other's defeat. It was the nature of the curse she had proclaimed on herself; the curse called love.

The breeze that swept the sand soaked with blood spilled over countless centuries and basked in the blinding white sun was harsh, warm and whipping across his face. The bleeding wounds, the stinging skin, the watering eyes or the aching body mattered no more. In front of him stood his brother, the man foretold to die at his hands, his king once upon a time. Behind him, far away still watching them with a torn expression was the woman he ever dared to love. It was then he realized, that he might succeed in fulfilling the prophecy, yet he might never win, neither the battle nor her heart; he was too late.

Can a man be in two places at once? In one place, he may stand with a sword dripping blood of his own race, about to confront someone who shared his blood, to engage in a battle which had a pre - destined ending. In another where there was no burning sun or the dusty smell of blood in his mind it was snowing. It reminded him of a very old friend, who loved that sight and his own feelings for her. He would see her once more very soon, but the thought gave him no pleasure anymore. For he had now tasted the sweetest of life, the bitterness of death held no fancy over him. Then he realized how truly blessed he was to have known something beyond the curse sentenced upon him.

She was out of breath, hope and options. There was nothing more to do, but watch, watch as the destiny revealed itself, mocked and ruined her. The battle field, the figures taking their positions made no significance in her mind as her eyes remained fixed upon the only one that mattered. The only one to whom she had never mattered. She had been told lovingly and threateningly to amend her course, to back off, to give up her love. But there was no love to give up, for she was never loved at all.

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