44🔸Battle of hearts

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Song- Tu Suraj main saanjh piya ji

Third Person

The night was supposed to be different.

Rather being laid on this soggy grass and watching the moon and clouds play hide and seek in this ungodly hour of night while ignoring the tumultuous storm that was going on inside him, Arjun should have been in his mansion sleeping relived as he fulfilled the purpose of his life, the purpose that his father and mother had been telling him about with so much enthusiasm and joy almost as if their lives depended on it.

His eldest brother was crowned as the King of Khandavprasth, the coronation ceremony went as planned. The corner of Arjun's lips broke into a faint smile as he recalled the exultation on his mother's face when Yudhishthira climbed the stairs that led to his bejewelled throne. Arjun knew the only reason she was trying to so hard to control those tears was because she didn't want any inauspicious sign that day and he was pretty sure his mother was having a conversation with his father.

As he was busy watching his mother he had heard the bards welcoming the Queen of the land, his wife. His eyes were glued to the dark slim figure that slowly walked her way up with the maids by her side, the royal blue sari she was wearing was leaped around her defining all her astounding features. Turning around she joined her palm and graced his eyes when her lips curved into a soft smile

The same lips he had ravished few days ago with all the passion and aggression his heart held.

Arjun forced himself to snapped himself out of his reverie as his jaw clicked. He should not feel the way he was feeling. He hated that he didn't regret the kiss, he hated that it felt all the sins he had incurred, he felt guilty because he didn't feel any guilt regarding the intimacy he shared with his wife.

Even today, he felt like all her eyes was doing watching and sneaking glances at him. The blush that made her tender skin flush was caused by him when it probably was not.

Arjun let out a shaky breath, closing his eyes. It was wrong, everything about his current thoughts was absolutely disgusting. He was disgusted by himself and...Arjun just wanted to leave.

"Rajkumar! Rajkumar" A cry from afar forced Arjun to rose on his feet and before he could understand anything he found an aged man falling at his feet making Arjun hurriedly back away

"Brahmin Dev, pray do not make me incur sin, get up please" Arjun almost had to forced the man to stand up as he kept whimpering

"I am finished, Rajkumar, completely" He wiped "Only Narayan knows what I've done to deserve this"

"I can only help you if you explain what has happened" Keeping his patience Arjun questioned.

The old Brahmin took a moment to gather himself before narrating "Some felons have stolen my Go-Matas" He wailed "I had nothing but them, I didn't know what to do and I was informed by one of the villagers that they've seen you here so here I am" The Brahmin started weeping again

"Do not worry, Your Go-Matas will be with you in no time"

The third Pandava words and with the amount of confidence they held, made the Brahmin release a breath of relief, he knew he came to the right person.

"What happened Bhrata?" Nakul who was just strolling around inquired as he watched Arjun getting off of a chariot followed by an old Brahmin whose pale face reflected his inner turmoil.

"Where is Jyeshth?" Arjun inquired and before Nakul could reply him back he continued "I need to seek his permission for something"

Nakul's eyes went from the Brahmin to his brother as he replied "Im not certain but he have been in the weapon room since evening along with Panchali"

Nakul's words brought an abrupt halt in Arjun's track as he felt a sudden jab in his chest for a second he felt like someone stabbed a blunt blade in his heart and twisted it around. Arjun's jaw clicked as a wave of shame and disgust washed over him

A cold hand of guilt engulfed his whole being as he tried to drew in some air which seemed to left his body, Arjun couldn't afford this feeling, in no damn way, he had to find a way there has to be some–

"just be aware of grabbing the opportunity when it comes"

His Keshav's words rang in his ear and that moment he knew exactly what he desperately needed to do, so he did.

Without sparing a glance at his younger brother Arjun strode towards the weapon room. For once he wanted to be selfish, he needed to be selfish. The royal palace was suffocating him, forcing him to be someone he didn't want to.

"Bharata wait"

Arjun could hear Nakul's desperate plea who probably understood Arjun's intention but Arjun payed no heed.

This was his way of salvation.

"And that is when Arjun was given Brahmashira" Yudhishthira smiled, his face glowing with pride. Draupadi who had been listening to her husbands' stories from when they were in Gurukul since yesterday felt her stomach tightening.

It was all about him and his achievements no wonder his Gurudev loved him more than his own son. Her husband deserved, rather earned it.

Her husband

The greatest warrior in the world was hers.

She smiled, even if he was not with her, even if they barely see each other. He was hers and hers alone.

An unexpected and blasting sound of the door breaking pulled her out of her thoughts making a gasp left Draupadi's mouth.

As she turned her face to see what exactly happened her whole body turned cold while her mouth went dry as she watched her husband marching in, his face bereft of any emotions while his jaw clenched

"Phalgun? What on earth—"

Before Yudhishthira could finish his sentence Arjun interrupted "Forgive me Eldest but I had no other choice" Arjun paused stealing a small glance at the small dark figure sitting on the couch before adding in a whisper "none at all"

And with that he left.


After months I wrote , I wrote because I felt the old rush of words and emotions. I don't like the idea of forcing myself to write 🥺but still I did but it never happened.

Anyways, I will try my best to update once a week. Also I'm back in my hometown 🥺 to my family.

And about this update,

I don't believe Arjun needed any sort of weapon to fight with some thieves, Arjun who long ago had fought with Angarparn a divine and powerful Gandharv with just a normal fire stick and defeated him.

There had to be some other reason and what I wrote I FEEL is the reason, your perspective might be different and you've every right to pen it down in your OWN book , not here.

Thanks and Regards

Jay  shri Krishnarjun

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