50🔸Of rage and love

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Yadavi Subhadra

Third Person

Subhadra had the kind of serenity in her beauty and character that provided Arjun with solace. His heart which had been torn and shattered years ago needed Ulupi's aggressive desire, Chitra's possessive adoration and Subhadra's tranquil worship to survive the haunting loneliness of his twelve years long exile.

Yet, yet his whole being was yearning and craving for the fierce love from the first woman of his life. The blue flame of Panchal who was born for him, whose ethereal beauty was so surreal that she never appeared as human to him. The woman he had obtained through his passion, his archery.

All these years Arjun had successfully curbed his feelings toward her, hurting and wounding her innocent heart in the process but now when it was time for him to return to her, he was more than eager to claim her, mark her and pour his heart and love out.

"Lost in someone's thoughts, Arya?" A soft voice took Arjun out of his trance and he turned around to see Subhadra standing at the entrance of the terrace looking beautiful in her light pink royal attire.

"Do you know how it feels to see your husband getting zoned out despite having you so near?" She pouted encircling her arms around his robust arm.

"How dare I zone out despite having the Yadava Princess before me?" Arjun let out an exasperated sigh "Your Bhrata Balram's threat is all I could hear nowadays, since I abducted you"

Subhadra made a face removing her arms "So it's Bhrata Balram you're scared of? My love and emotions are nothing"

Subhadra was extremely sensitive, too sensitive to even joke with. Arjun who had this habit of making joke out of anything and everything to deal with situations, regretted.

He came near her and wrapped his arms around her from back and kissed on her earlobe "It's your love and emotions that made this ascetic an abductor, Bhadra"

Subhadra closed her eyes feeling a shiver run down her spine and smiled in satisfaction "Bhrata Krishna's messenger has returned from Khandavprasth"

Subhadra gasp a little when Arjun removed his arms around her in a rather haste "He did?"

She stared into his anxious eyes while nodding. Subhadra was smart enough to know what rather who caused this anxiety to her husband "Bhrata Krishna has summoned you in his chamber"

Before Subhadra could tell another word she watched her husband darting out of the room. A fear gripped Subhadra's heart, fear of the woman who despite being away from him for such a long period of time controlled her husband's senses in a way that despite being so close to him she couldn't.

Subhadra swallowed the knot taking a deep breath, she shouldn't be bothered about her. She had faith in her husband, in their love and on top of everything the Queen of Khandavprasth wasn't only Arjun's wife like she was. She had four more husbands to spare her time for but Subhadra could devote all her time in him making him her in every way.

Consoling herself she followed her husband to her brother's mansion. She needed to know what she was about to deal with.

When Arjun reached the mansion followed by Subhadra, he saw Satyabhama sitting there gazing at a flower vase blankly.

"Where is Madhav?" He asked entering in

Satyabhama rose on her feet and crossing her arms over her chest replied in her usual stern voice "In the adjacent garden"

Arjun let out a sigh, before even facing his wife he was facing her best friend's wrath. Satyabhama was not hesitant to express her displeasure over the way he married Subhadra, she barely spoke to him since then. 

Acknowledging the information Arjun proceeded toward Krishna's private garden. When Subhadra tried following him, Satya caught her hand "Subhadra don't"

"But why Bhabhi?" Subhadra's brows joined in confusion "I deserve to know my in law's reaction to our wedding"

"Does it even matter Bhadra?" The corner of Satya's lips twitched "The moment Arjun abducted you, you became his wife. Nothing that the Pandav family says now matter"

"That doesn't mean I can't know their reaction, especially the reaction of his first wife" Subhadra replied curtly

"How would you feel if tomorrow Arjun abducts another woman and marry her?" Satyabhama looked deep into Subhadra's large eyes "You still haven't experienced what it feels to see another woman claiming the man you love and I pray you never need to"

Satya's words made Subhadra's heart twist in a painful way. She could never forgive Arjun if he ever happen  to abduct another woman like he did to her.

Satyabhama placed a hand on her shoulder "Subhadra I've no problem with your marriage with Arjun. You're like my sister but..." Satyabhama trailed off, her heart melting for her dearest friend as she slowly walked away

"I've been there with Panchali since the very day of their wedding. I know the extreme will power that woman had to exhibit to go through such unusual wedding, the amount of stress she went through physically and mentally. I've witnessed her love for Arjun, it was so all consuming that she used to forget her surroundings and existence in him"

Subhadra didn't want to hear more of it, "Bhabhi, I'm not responsible for the struggles she went through. I know nothing about it so won't comment on it but I can assure you, I will always respect his first wife"

Satyabhama remained silent. She just wished to visit her friend as soon as possible and share her pain, the pain even she went through each time Krishna married but their relationship wasn't as complicated as Arjun and Draupadi's was.

Krishna was always been there before her eyes to clear any misunderstanding that occurred each time he brought a new woman in Dwarka. He wouldn't leave her side even for a second until he wiped every single trace of doubt she had regarding his love towards him. They didn't stay apart for twelve years neither was there any sort of restriction from either of their side to stop their love from blooming.

The monsoon cloud roared letting the night sky know its presence. Arjun ambled through the dark garden toward his cousin who was laying on a bench covering his eyes with his hand, sitting at his feet, Arjun softly called out "Madhav"

Krishna slowly removed his hand and opened his eyes before sitting up "We've hurt her, Parth"

Arjun immediately knew who he was referring to and he felt his throat closed up "What did she say?"

"Nothing" Krishna breathed.

"Nothing?" Arjun questioned and before he could ask anything further Krishna showed him something that brought an abrupt halt in his track.

Arjun didn't need even a friction of moment to recognise the piece of jewel, his first gift to his wife. The one he so desperately asked her to not remove. His jaw clicked as resentment flashed across his amber eyes.

"She said it's a gift from Krishnaa to Subhadra on your wedding" Krishna conveyed exactly what his messenger told him.

Arjun took it in his hand and gazed at it. He knew through this chain she withdrew his love and gave it away to Subhadra only if she knew it was impossible for him to love someone the way his heart has loved her.

"No Madhav" Arjun rose on his feet, his heart swelling with both rage and love toward his first wife "This only and only belongs to Krishnaa and she has to accept it, I will make her"

"I see you've matured Parth" Krishna couldn't help but chortled "Now I am relived, you'll pacify the fire-born Princess"

Arjun didn't laugh. His Krishnaa knew what could lacerate his heart in the worst possible way and she did exactly that. He just wished to be before her and deal with all the misunderstandings that had separated their souls from merging. Explain and demand explanation for their actions and then make love to her like there was no tomorrow.

"I won't let anything even your anger, separate us anymore Krishnaa" He murmured beholding the golden chain "Your Arjun has changed and now he knows how to claim what's his"

[[ Almost two years ago, on this same tithi (Arjun's birthday) I posted the first chapter of this book. I had promised myself to write it with all my heart and soul with whatever little limited basic knowledge I have. This book is dedicated to him, every word that I type is for Arjun and the divine love he had for his first wife ]]

I know you guys want Arjun in Khandavprasth asap but I just felt these chapters were needed.

Arjun will be in KP in next chappy, pakka promise 😙

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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