9🔸 A walk to remember

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Song - Pyar hua chupke se (cover) Sanam


I side glanced at my husband as we walked through the silent woods, my eyes slowly travelled to our entangled hands.

He had not spoken a word since we left my Swayamvar which had turned into a battle field. I could only hope my family was alright. The huge man, who I believed to be his brother, was walking far ahead of us.

"Where are we going?" I decided to break the silence.

"To our hut" His enticing ambers looked down at me "I hope the Princesses doesn't remorse garlanding this poor Brahmin"

"Remorse?" I raised a brow "I wasn't there to garland someone rich but someone worthy" My eyes fixed on the curls that were covering his forehead.

"And what made you think I'm worthy?" He quipped, the corner of his beautiful lips lifted up with a small smile.

I bit my lip, the truth was I didn't. I just knew he was an excellent warrior with drool worthy looks and that's all. We were just two uncertain young souls thrown together by destiny to fall in love.

"I actually don't but neither do you know about mine, so we are on the same boat I guess"

My reply was rewarded with an amusing smile "You're very humble for someone born from sacrificial fire"

"Not more humble than someone who just accomplished something every renowned warriors failed to do and defeated them single handedly" I couldn't help but accept the rising pride.

"Their failure doesn't make my success extraordinary Princess" He shrugged.

My eyes drifted to him, How easily he made his remarkable achievement look so small. It couldn't be lack of confidence or insecurity, the way he carried himself screamed royalty and confidence.

A person lacking self confidence could never ignore those snickers, verbal abuses that were hurled at him when he announced to hit the target.

It was something else.

Something lot of people lacked, humility.

My eyes relished the sight before me, The pointed nose complemented his prominent cheekbones. To say he was handsome would be an understatement, his strong jaw and sturdy shoulders spoke of strength. He possessed a latent, leonine power and walked with purpose and authority.

My eyes roved down to his naked sculpted chest which could only be earned after years of exercise, all smooth skin muscles and rippling abs, I felt my mouth going dry and gulping down I moved my eyes to his robust shoulders, covered in bow marks.

My brows knitted "Where did you get those scars from?"

His eyes followed mine and landed on his shoulder. A lopsided grin appeared on his face making him look a little boyish "Her highness is scrutinizing me a bit too keenly, isn't she?"

Heat rushed into my cheeks as I swiftly averted my eyes. This tongue of mine always led me to trouble, how hard it was to think twice before speaking?

A rumbling laughter forced me to glared up as he spoke "I guess I've to get used to being stared at, you're my wife and have every right to do whatever you want with me"

The little wink at the end reddened my face and I started walking faster. I couldn't believe he was actually making fun of me, as if he wasn't gawking at me at all.

Lost in my thoughts I failed to notice the big rock in front of me as my left toe hit against it. A blinding pain shot at the edge of my toe forcing me to stumble backward, making me lose my balance. I shut my eyes tight, anticipating my body to hit the ground but instead I felt two pair of strong arms encircling my waist.

"Are you alright Princess?" His anxious voice quired. Busy with coping with the pain I couldn't reply, as I fight against the tears threating to come out.

"Hey Mahadev, you're bleeding...." I heard him faltering before I felt the ground sweeping away from my feet.

A gasp left my lips "What are you doing!"

He didn't reply instead started walking looking straight as his long arms carried my body with ease and my hands instinctively clasped around his neck.

I forgot about the pain and every other thing in the world. The only thing I could think about was how close we were. Electricity shot through my body,leaving nothing but chills as I felt his hot breath fanning my face. I couldn't help but noticed how hard his chest actually was as they brushed against my delicate flesh.

"P-put me down, I can wa-walk" I stammered but my voice lack the strength I aimed for.

"I will, now be quite and keep looking at me the way you were" His deride forced my eyes shut.

Closing my eyes I rested my head against his chest, listening to his heart beat which matched mine. Was he too feeling the same sensation? Was I making his heart squirm like he was mine?

After what felt like only a second we reached a small lake and he made me sit on a flat rock. I immediately missed the warmth of his body.

"Let me see" He kneeled at my feet taking my left foot in his hands before he started examine it.

"Don't! I'm fine, please" Panic rose inside me.

"You're not, you've twisted your ankle and broke a nail" He was still looking down at me.

"You're not suppose to touch my feet" I tried changing his mind.

"Says who?" He looked up amused and continued "whoever said it, tell that person as your husband I've every right to touch you wherever I want"

As innocently as he said it, my twisted mind forced me to imagine things I wanted to think the least right then. Blood rushed into my face as I averted my eyes pursing my lips.

His chest started vibrating as he tried suppressing the laughter. I pursed my lips realising his words were rather deliberate and no slip of tongue.

"How many wars you've fought till now? this was definitely not your first"

I just realized not only he gracefully ignored my queries but also made me almost forgot about them.

He kept silent as he washed my wounds and I continued "And why a Brahmin even need to fight war?"

"Even Bhagvan Parshuram was a Brahmin, Princess" He replied

"But you're not Bhagvan Parshuram, who are you"

He lifted his eyes up "Is it too much to expect the Princess of Panchala to remember me?"

"I know your name, Jay. But I don't know you. And stop calling me 'princess' you're my husband" I was a bit annoyed at the way he was referring me

"Krishnaa" He mused slowly almost tasting it. The way my name rolled out of his tongue sent unknown shiver down my spine.

"I've heard your father wanted to marry you off to some Kuru Prince, what's his name....umm " He trailed off while his eyes searched for something gazing at the lake.

"Arjun" I completed his sentence, he rewarded me with a devilish smile.

"Yes, Arjun. Isn't he dead? I wonder why would King Drupad chose someone who has died long ago for his daughter"

"Govind said they've escaped the lac house, my father also believed that"

"And what do you believe, Krishnaa" He husked with his golden eyes bored into mine making my heart race fast.

"I believe he is alive, I was born for him so as long as I'm breathing so is he"

He arched an brow as he tore a small piece off of his saffron upper garment before tying it around my left thumb toe "Don't you think it's a bit inappropriate to admit that you are born for someone else in front of your husband"

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh and watched him getting up before bending forward to carry me again but I resisted instantly "I can walk!"

"You sure?" He didn't even try to hide the disappointment from his voice.

I bit my lower lip to subdue a smile and nodded before accepting his extended hand. I got up carefully and started walking with him supporting me.

There was something mysterious about this man, I didn't miss the way he was deliberately avoiding certain questions. His cloudy curls, tantalising dark complexion everything was reminding me of the pictures I had made of a certain prince.

"Do you think Arjun didn't participate because he didn't find the reward appealing enough?" I asked observing him avidly.

"Or because he is dead?" He turned to me "You can't think beyond him, can you?"

"What can I do? Govind says he is my destiny" I exhaled a deep breath.

"Destiny, is he?" A dazzling smile played across his lips and before I could reply back we heard a loud voice from a distance.

"Arjun! What's taking you so long? Come on!"

We immediately halt in our track as my mouth slowly parted open, my widened eyes gradually gazed up to see a bewildered Arjun staring at the disappearing figure of his brother .

"Way to ruin the fun Bhrata Bheem" He groused under his breath which made me laugh throwing my head back.

"Looks like Arjun is my destiny after all" I professed beholding his sharp ambers.

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing it, let me know what you think.

Please VOTE if you like 🌸

Jay shri Krishnarjun

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