Chapter 1

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"Hulia!" A call came from the downstairs of the Felentine household. The call of the mother of the children of the family "John! Get down here!"

Hulia Rose Felentine was a girl with dark red hair. She had brown eyes that sparkled brightly with specks of gold like glitter scattered across them. She was the most beautiful of the household.

John Ohnu Felentine was her fourteen-year-old brother. He had white hair and gray eyes. He was the oldest child though the rest of the family wondered whether he'd ever mature.

Hulia Felentine sat up, her mess of rosy hair flipping out behind her. She glanced at the clock. 8:59. "Mum!" She replied to the call of her mother, Harina Felentine, as she jumped out of her bed so quickly and with such force that it creaked. "Mum!" She heard John yell, and a thump told her he had hit his head on the ceiling. She chuckled.

She rushed down the stairs, shouting, "Breakfast for me, brother! See you in a thousand years!" To have the reply, "Oh, you'll eat those words with your breakfast I'll beat you to!" And the sound of a door flying open and slamming into the wall, but she was already sitting when her brother ran into the room. "Darn it!" He exclaimed.

"That was a empty threat, Johnny." Hulia laughed. "And you know it."

He sighed as he sat down. "Any threat I say to you is ether not yours or fake, my dearest sister."

"Oh, Godric. Getting gushy again." She complained, "Pass the pancakes!"

After breakfast, they readied themselves to go to the wizarding school of Britain, Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The clock turned as they got ready, and ticked to the seconds that passed in a never-ending tune.

10:45. That was when the shiny blue car, that parked in front of the house that was property of the family who entered the beautiful car, rumbled and drove off to King's Cross. The two children left their parents at the barrier and rushed into the train. As her brother was engulfed into his stream of friends, Hulia was left to make her own.

She traveled through the compartments. She passed a round-faced boy who said, "Gran, I've lost my toad again."

"Oh, Neville." Sighed the old woman he had spoke to.

A small crowd surrounded a boy with dreadlocks. A voice spoke, "Give us a look, Lee, go on."

The boy lifted the lid of a box in his arm and many people around him let out exclamations of terror and surprise as the contents of the box stuck out a long, hairy leg. Hulia felt surprised, revolted, and mischievous all at once. She chose a smile to take her features. A mischievous, evil smile that seemed to fit her, eyes sparkling with mischief and ideas that scared her, though they felt — how could she say this? — good.

She knew from then on who she really was. A prankster. She would pull pranks of high measures, pick favorites who got little or none, and surprise the teachers in a way she felt wasn't happily. She snickered. It was evilly, and so quiet that through the ruckus it could not be heard.

She finally knew who she was. Not a sweet, kind little girl. But a mischievous, pranking rebel. Get ready, world. She thought. Hulia Felentine is coming to town!

Oh, how true that was. But not just Hulia Rose Felentine. Do you know who else? Pansy Parkinson? Cho Chang? Cedric Diggory?

Maybe. But thats not who I'm talking about. Or is it?

We may never know.

Yet, you're here to find out, aren't you?

Hulia pressed on through the crowd. She found a compartment and q boy with messy black hair having trouble with his trunk. She would have helped, but a red-haired boy — who, she then realized, was not her age like the boy with the messy black hair and green eyes of dazzling color — she noticed every detail of his appearance, because it seemed so handsome to her. She smiled. She didn't know why she was so creepy, stalking boys around the train, but he was so....

No, Hulia. She told herself. Someone that handsome ought to have a girlfriend by now... oh no. Not even that far into the journey to Hogwarts and she already loved a boy. This was going to be rough.

Eh. Go with the flow, right? She thought.

The flow was a bashful road to take. A road worthy of Hulia. She was a strong girl, didn't mind a little dirt or pain, for she played sports. Rough sports that involved more than a little dirt on more than her shoes. And many blacks and blues. Roughness was a middle name she thought was one fitting to adopt.

"Want a hand?" He asked in a voice that she memorized immediately. I am over by midnight. She thought, defeated.

"Yes, please." The black haired boy panted. Quite nice too, but still not better than him....

Shut it, brain. I'm suffering because of you.

I am you, young child.

Oh my. This is going to be worse then I thought. I'm talking to myself! Help me! I'm drowning in the confusion! The forth wall is dead! Ahhhh!!

"Oy, Fred! C'mere and help!" The taller boy called.

Godric, did he clone himself?

Oh lord. Hulia thought. I'm done for by eleven. That was when my fate was sealed. I'm walking into a death trap. Hooray!

With the help of the twins the smaller boy's trunk was stored safely away.

"Thanks." The black haired boy said. He pushed his hair out of his face to show a lightning shaped scar. Hulia's jaw dropped.

Could it be?
Harry Potter?

"What's that?" Said one of the twins suddenly. Hulia tried very hard not to snort, and though succeeding, mentally facepalming.


Its a scar, idiot.

"Blimey," said the other twin. "Are you —?"

"What?" Harry asked.


"Harry Potter." Chorused the twins.

"Oh, him," said Harry "I mean, yes, I am."

The two boys gawked at him, as well as a pair of unseen eyes. Harry Potter was turning a brilliant red. Then a voice floated through the open train door. "Fred? George? Are you there?"

"Coming, Mom."

And with one last look at Harry, they disappeared behind the train walls. Harry went to watch at the window, and it was now or never.

I snuck to a window as well.

The mother had taken out a handkerchief.

"Ron, you've got something on your nose."

The youngest boy tried to dodge, but the mother had a quick and firm grip. She rubbed the end of his nose.

"Mom — geroff." He wriggled out of her grip.

"Aaah, has ickle Ronnie got somefink on his nosie?" Said one of the twins. Oh, look. They're back.

"Shut up," said Ron.

"Where's Percy?" Asked their mother.

"He's coming now."

The oldest boy strided into sight. He already had his billowing black robes for Hogwarts. He had a shiny silver badge with a P on it. John had said these people were prefects. Impressive. Probably trying to be.

It was working for Hulia.

"Can't stay long, Mother," the prefect said, "I'm up front, the prefects have got two compartments to themselves —"

"Oh are you a prefect, Percy?" Said one of the twins, faking surprise. "You should have said something. We had no idea."

Oh, you didn't? I felt sarcastic today.

"Hang on, I think I remember him saying something about it." Said the other. "Once —"

"Or twice —"

"A minute —"

All summer, then?

"All summer —"

It's a curse. I'm always right.

"Oh, shut up," the oldest, Percy the Prefect, said.

"How come Percy gets new robes, anyway?" Asked one of the twins.

"Because he's a prefect." Their mother said fondly.

Well, thats a fact and your dear identical sons have made that known. Shouting 'oh, are you a prefect' to the world.

"All right, dear, well, have a good term — send me a owl when you get there."

She kissed Percy's cheek and he left. She then turned to the perfectly identical sons. I focused more.

Gosh, Huly! You even know you're done for! I'm scared now! Help me! Anyone!

I am so dramatic... but I think I'm ready for this. I feel like I'm wrong though.
Died of dramatic love and absolute weirded-outness

My grave.

"Now, you two — this year, you behave yourselves. If I get one more owl telling me you've — you've blown up a toilet or —"

Wait, what? Hulia thought, surprised. Were these boys pranksters too? The thought excited Hulia. I can prank with them! But now I've gotta make a good reputation in pranking! Time to scheme!

All this pranking came naturally, but she was always so polite. She was now a pranking, evil little teenage brat. Why did this come so naturally? Hulia didn't care. She was now a prankster and nothing got in her way that wasn't demolished and crushed until it was but little specks of bewildered dust. Woah. Exaggerater over here! Exaggerater for hire!

I'm so weird.
Good. I wanna be.
My future shows brightly of no rights but many wrongs.
Yes, o' wise one.
Shut up.
You are too!
We make mo sense.

"Blown up a toilet? We've never blown up a toilet."

"Great idea though, thanks, Mom."


I take back the insults. These boys knew what they were doing! They are AWESOME!

"It's not funny."Says you. Thought Hulia — "and look after Ron."

"Don't worry, ickle Ronniekins is safe with us."

More like gonna be manipulated.

"Shut up." Said Ron again. His nose was pink and he was about as tall as the twins. Hulia smiled. NEVER! YOUR ARMYS WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH!

"Hey, Mom, guess what? Guess who we met on the train?"

Out of the corner of my eye Hulia saw Harry lean back. How did he not notice her? Hulia knew luck was a dangerous thing to trust. She didn't dare move unless she was spotted.

"You know that black-haired boy who was near us in the station? Know who he was?"


"Harry Potter!"

The littlest of the family, and also the only girl, spoke.

"Oh, Mom, can I go on the train and see him, Mom, oh please. . . ."

"You've already seen him, Ginny, and the poor boy isn't something you goggle at in a zoo." — he just might be watching you through a window, though — "Is he really, Fred? How do you know?"

"Asked him. Saw his scar. Its really there — like lightning."

"Poor dear — no wonder he was alone, I wondered. He was ever so polite when he asked how to get onto the platform."

"Never mind that, do you think he remembers what You-Know-Who looks like?"

Probably not. He was kinda a baby. Do you remember anything from when you were one year old? Do you? No? I didn't think so.

Their mother suddenly was very stern.

"I forbid you to ask him, Fred. No, don't you dare. As though he needs reminding of that on his first day at school."

Julia chuckled softly. Luckily for her, it was too softly for a anyone to hear. A voice blocked it from the ears of those around her. "All right, keep your hair on."

With you to gone? She'll keep more hair then usual. With more red instead of gray. You'd scheme to set it to ashes. Then it really would be red!

Godric, I'm on fire! Could I have some holy water to put me out?

The point! Is. . . .
Was there a point?

A whistle echoed through the platform, bringing Hulia's thought to a complete halt and her misty eyes widen, before clearing.

"Hurry up!" Cried their mother, before the three boys jumped into the scarlet Hogwarts express. Ginny, the youngest, and seemingly getting left behind, was crying.

"Don't, Ginny, we'll send you loads of owls."

"We'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat."

Hulia giggled. What a great gift.

Don't you think?

"George!" The name made something click inside Hulia, binding her heart, strengthening her love.

"Only joking, Mom."

And they were off. The train started inching in the direction of their destination. The red haired family waved, while, half-laughing, half-crying, Ginny ran to keep up with the train. It eventually was too fast for the girl and she fell back and waved.

The mother and the girl disappeared from sight as the train turned the corner to not wizards, witches, or Muggles, but houses. Though Hulia's heart leapt with excitement of what to come, she was also full of dread on what unfortunate events came forward for her very pain and grief, felt deeply by a heart though layered buy pranks and mischief, was bulging with care for others and love. She felt grief deeply, pain burning her skin like anything. She was a whole different person under her thick lair of schemes and pranks. A caring, loving person of many sorrows and weaknesses that she believed small. This thick lair of mischief was newly added but deep as destiny wanted it to be. That was deep. Like this statement.

She would be leaving behind her parents for this world. She would be there not for what she thought she was going for. Not for good grades and witchcraft and wizardry, like she was supposed to be, but pranks and friends. This feeling of hope was warm and welcoming. So she readied herself for the open arms of her dreams. She was ready.

The door slid open and there stood Ron, the twins little brother. Hulia paused. She then realized she had been seen. Oh nargles.

"Anyone else sitting in here? Everywhere else is full." He asked. Harry shook his head, and Hulia edged away, towards the door.

"Hey, Ron."

The twins appeared. Hulia was somehow not spotted when creeping out of the door and staring at them from the shadows.

So she watched.

"Listen, we're going down the middle of the train — Lee Jordan's got a giant tarantula down there."


"Right." Ron's mumble came from the compartment she had left.

"Harry," said the other twin, "did we introduce ourselves? Fred and George Weasley. And this is Ron, our brother. See you later, then."

"Bye." Was the last words that came out of the door before the twins closed it. They walked, she followed, trying not to be suspicious.

A voice echoed through the train. It was lucky Hulia took some time to change into her robes. "We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes time. Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken to the school separately."

Hulia, though nervous and slightly claustrophobic, and knowing she wouldn't like this, launched herself into the crowd. It was just her luck she knocked into a wall.

A walking, breathing wall with red hair that had a identical person next to it. George Weasley.

She suddenly realized she could tell them apart.

But now was not the time to feel proud. She fell from the blow.

When you walk into someone, they feel it, right? Why should George be any different?
No reason.


George turned around to see a first year on the floor below him. "Need some help?"

"Yeah," she said sarcastically. "I fall for fun, by the way." She rolled her eyes, which were brown speckled with gold in a beautiful combination of color. They stared up at him, and she jumped. A voice loudly interrupted them. "Firs' years! Firs' years over here!"

"I've gotta go. I'll see you around." She said in a sweet voice. "By the way, George, my name is Hulia. Hulia Felentine."

George wondered how she knew his name, or how she could tell him and his twin apart. "Bye, then, Hulia."

"See you."

And she left with the other first years, and George saw a black and white cat go after her.

He left with his twin, unknowing of a new beginning.

Yes! I've finished!
The first chapter!

Hope you all liked it. Hulia's life has taken a turn.

For better and for worse.

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