Chapter 1: The News

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It all started on a Wednesday afternoon. Everyone was buzzing about the Valentine's Dance on Thursday. It was lunch play at Southflower Primary School and Rose Flintworth was playing with her friends in the yard. Her chocolate-brown hair swayed in the wind as she chased her fellow Year 6 friends around the playground. Across the yard, in the Calendar Garden, Nathan Thompson was talking to his girlfriend, Laura Hemsworth.

"Listen Laura," Nathan began. "I think we should break up."

Laura's sapphire blue eyes filled with tears as she stood up and marched off. Nathan felt horrible, but he knew it was the right thing to do. "Now I can ask out Rose."

As he walked over to Rose, he felt a tingle of embarrassment rush through him.

'Come on Nathan.' He thought. 'You can do this.'

Rose was going to chase after Laura, but Nathan walked up to her. He bashfully asked, "Hey, can I talk to you in private?"

Rose, unknowingly replied, "Yeah sure, I guess."

All of Rose's friends Ashley, Harriet and Melanie hooted, "Oooooooooooh!!" as Nathan and Rose walked into the cloakroom. Suddenly, to Rose's surprise, Nathan took her hands and looked into her eyes. 'This is it! I've fancied Nathan for all these years, but he's been dating Laura. Now I think he's gonna ask me out!' Rose thought.

"Rose," Nathan said. "Would you like to go to the Valentine's Dance with me?"

"Yes please!" Rose was overjoyed that she finally found a date, but at the same time she was guilty because Laura was her best friend, she'd be devastated.

When playtime ended, everybody got into lines to go in the hall. Rose was with her friends and they gossiped about what they were going to wear.

After school, they all went to Rose's house because her parents owned a fancy dress store and they went up to Rose's room.

"Okay girls," Rose began. "I've planned to – instead of wearing my glasses – I'm gonna wear my contact lenses, but I don't know what to do with my hair. Now my outfit, I have three of them: a black jumpsuit, a red jumpsuit and a red dress. Do you want me to try them on?"

"Yeah!!" They all yelled.

Rose tried on her first outfit: the black jumpsuit with her hair up in a milkmaid braid, silver sequin earrings, pink ankle boots and a purple feather boa. She struck a pose and Ashley, Harriet and Melanie voted 6/10.

"Next outfit!!!" Rose's second outfit was the red jumpsuit with her hair up in a Dutch braid wearing a bright blue leather jacket, hoop earrings and black wedges. She struck a pose again and this time, the girls voted 8/10.

Rose's last outfit was the red dress with her hair out straightened, flower earrings, black tights, ruby high heels and a corsage. All she did was curtesy and all the girls voted 10/10.

"Now you're DEFINITELY gonna woo Nathan!" The girls shrieked. Rose squealed and danced around with them. 


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