Chapter 3: Betrayal!

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 Ever since the Valentine's Dance, Rose and Nathan became a full-time couple and always went on dates together. Time passed, and it was the day before Rose's birthday so Nathan had everything planned. But while Rose was getting her book out of her tray, Laura stood in front of her, face-to-face, red-hot with fury.

"So, having fun with your new boyfriend?" Laura asked, icily.

The way she said boyfriend showed Rose that Nathan hadn't told Laura about Rose, she found out at the dance.

"W-what do you m-m-mean? I-I-I don't know w-what you're t-t-talking about." Rose stammered.

"Oh really? Because you seemed really chummy with Nathan at the disco." Laura sneered.

"Well, I-I-I-" Rose stuttered.

"Yes." Laura interrupted. "You, you, you. It's always about you. You don't CARE about anyone else, you don't even care about Nathan!"

Suddenly, Rose snapped, "Yes I do! You don't know that!!"

Then Ashley, Melanie and Harriet appeared. "Hey, hey! Let's all calm down here and take a deep breath." They said, pulling Rose and walking away.

"Hey Rose, what was that about?" Harriet asked.

"Yeah, I though you two were friends." Ashley wondered.

"Well, it seems like we're not anymore. Nathan didn't tell her about me and him dating so that's why she got mad. But what really hurt was that she said that I don't care about Nathan, but I do!" Rose said, sadly.

"It's okay, you still have us." Melanie reassured Rose, patting her on the back.

One day later, it was Rose's birthday! Nathan had set everything: The cake, the decorations, the presents etc. He just hoped that Rose would like it.

Rose woke up, taking off her sleeping mask and rubbing her eyes. 'Today is gonna be a good day, but I don't know why...' Rose thought. But as her vision became unblurred, and her father came in with bed and breakfast, Rose realised that it was her 11th birthday!

"Happy birthday, honey." Her father said, carefully placing the tray on her lap. There was a bowl of shredded wheat with brown sugar, a glass of Tropicana orange juice, a plate of egg and bacon with fried tomato and some toast.

"Thank you dad!" Rose said, excitedly while hugging her dad.

"Woah, watch out! Make sure your food doesn't fall over." Her dad said.

"Okay dad, bye!" Rose said, waving at her dad.

Once Rose put on her uniform and her glasses, her iPhone 6S vibrated. She picked it up and saw that she got a text.

"Oh, a text from Nathan. I wonder what it is." Rose wondered.

This is what the text said:

Hey babe. Get ready for school, you're late x

"Really!?" Rose shouted. "One kiss, just ONE kiss? And not even a 'happy birthday'? What's going on? I thought he cared." Rose said.

However, when Rose went to school, she stepped into the class and there were loads of heart balloons everywhere, and in front of her was Nathan, holding a bouquet of roses in front of her.

"Happy birthday, Rose." Nathan said.

"You remembered!!!" Rose squealed. "But what about the-"

"I purposely texted you that because I didn't want to ruin the surprise for you." Nathan interrupted.

"Aw! You really DO care about me!" Rose said, hugging Nathan.

"Of course I do. You're my girlfriend." Nathan replied.

Just as Nathan said the word girlfriend, Laura walked in beaming, holding a red velvet cupcake.

"My favourite. How did you-" Rose asked.

"Because we're best friends! I forgive you, silly!" Laura said, a fake grin spread across her face.

"Really? I thought you were mad at me!" Rose said.

"Well, I couldn't have held a grudge forever! Anyways, have this cupcake. I made it just for you." Laura offered, shoving the cupcake near Rose's face.

Just as Rose was about to take it, Ashley grabbed it and scoffed it!

"Ooh! Red velvet. I love it." Ashley said, while wolfing down the cupcake. Suddenly, Ashley's face went a pale green, then her eyes widened, then she retched and ran to the girls' bathroom. Melanie and Harriet ran after her.

"You poisoned her, didn't you?" Rose asked, coldly.

"Whaaaat?" Laura lied, innocently.

"You poisoned her, didn't you?!?" Rose asked again, raising her voice.

"Oh please, even if I did, no-one will believe you, Rosey-posey." Laura snarled, pushing past Rose and leaving her stunned.

Fast forward to lunch play, the latest gossip was that Laura and Jamie Elwood were now dating! Jamie was Laura's second best friend (apart from Leo Brown) and they had feelings for each other.

"Oh, I do love you, Jamie!" Laura shouted, deliberately raising her voice so Laura and Nathan could hear.

Nathan held out his index finger. "Wait here," he said. "I'll deal with her."

When Jamie left, Nathan angrily walked up to Laura and said, "What do you think you're doing?"
After that, they had a huge argument in the yard and when Nathan finished the row by saying, "I never loved you anyway!!!" The whole yard went silent.

Laura's face crumpled as she burst out crying and ran off into the cloakroom.

Jamie marched up to Nathan, shouting, "Oi! Why'd you have to go and upset my girlfriend?!!?"

Then he squared up to Nathan and threatened, "You lay a finger on my girlfriend and your girlfriend's gonna wish she was never with you." Then Jamie pushed Nathan, hard onto the floor and Nathan kicked Jamie, also hard. The teacher, Miss Lewis picked up Nathan and straightened him up.

"What are you two doing?!? I've already had to call Ashley's parents, now I have to call yours! Right, in the classroom, both of you, now!" Miss Lewis commanded.

Rose, Melanie and Harriet were huddled up together and they saw what happened.

"Oh my gosh, some birthday, huh? First my so-called best friend tries to poison me, then my boyfriend gets in a fight!" Rose said.

"I know right?" Melanie replied.

"This school is full of drama, right?" Harriet said.

"Yeah."Rose replied, sadly.

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