Chapter 5: The Half-Term

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 Once the half term began on Monday, Rose was staying over at Melanie's house for the whole of it. Ashley had healed from the cupcake incident, Laura and Rose made up, Nathan and Laura also made up and everyone was happy. But Laura's best friend Leo was having mixed feelings towards Rose...

One day of the half term in particular, Melanie woke up, walking down the stairs and seeing Rose already at the dining table, eating cereal.

"Rose?" Melanie asked, wearily.

"Oh hi! Good morning, Mel." Rose replied happily while taking another spoonful of Crunchi-Os and smiling to herself.

Melanie nodded back and walked over to the breakfast bar to make some toasted bagels with tea. As she spread some Philadelphia onto the bagel, the doorbell rang.

Melanie's mum screeched from upstairs, "I'LL GET IT!"

But Rose got to her feet and shouted back, "No, it's okay, Mrs B!! I'll get it!!" as she ran to the door.

Melanie's mother came downstairs and whispered to Melanie, "She's a good sort, that one. Why can't you have more friends like her?"

"Oh, mum!" She replied, rolling her eyes and going back to her food.

Meanwhile, as Rose opened the door, she was shocked when she saw..... Leo?!?

"Leo! What are you doing here?!" Rose whisper-shouted.

"I, I need to tell you something. Could you let me in please?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, sure, fine, whatever. Just tell me what you're doing here!" Rose said.

"I have to tell you something. Promise you won't freak out. Promise?" Leo questioned.

"Okay then, shoot." Rose said.

While Leo and Rose were talking, Melanie creeped in and was eavesdropping. But just as Leo was about to tell Rose how he felt, Nathan rang the doorbell!

"Hang on, lemme get that. Jeez! Can't some people just let a girl live her life in peace?!?!"

The second Rose opened the door, Nathan came bursting in. Leo got to his feet and stood face to face with him.

"What do you think you're doing here, bothering my girlfriend?" Nathan snarked.

"I'm here to tell Rose how I feel about her, and treat her like a real boyfriend." Leo replied.

"And what's that supposed to mean?!?" Nathan asked angrily.

"Yeah Leo, if you know what's good for you, you'll leave." Rose said, holding on to Nathan's arm.

"But Rosie baby, I-" Leo faltered.

"But nothing. And don't call me Rosie. Or baby. Now just leave!!" Rose shouted.

"Fine. You're right." Leo dejectedly. "I WILL leave. This world!" Suddenly, Leo started running to the trampoline, on to the roof! Rose, Melanie and Nathan chased after him and they jumped on to the trampoline.

"Leo now don't make any rash decisions, just get off the roof." Nathan cautiously said.

"No! I won't. I'm sick of everything! Waking up at 3 o clock, pushing myself all the time, getting rejected over and over again!" Leo shouted.

"Maybe this time, if I end it all, it'll be different this time. I wouldn't have to worry about anything."

Rose warily said, "Leo, it doesn't have to end like this. Loads of people love you."

"Yeah, coming from you! Do you know how MANY times you've vetoed me down?!? I just want to put a stop to it all." Leo said.

All of a sudden, Laura came to the front door. "Hello?" she asked as she repeatedly knocked and knocked.

"Around here!" Melanie replied, shouting and waving.

"Guys, what's going on-oh my goodness Leo no!!" Laura shrieked, as she ran to the trampoline.

Leo was so startled when he heard Laura's voice that he stumbled and fell off the roof! Luckily, he fell into the neighbour's back garden, and they also had a trampoline. Leo bounced off the trampoline and hit his head, hard on the ground. Laura climbed up the fence, into the garden to see how Leo was. Rose, Melanie and Nathan followed her.

"Leo, don't you EVER think of doing something like that again." Laura said, quietly cradling Leo.

"Well, it's not like anyone would have cared. Nobody seems to like me. I'm just the sidekick." Leo said, feebly.

"Of course people care. I care about you." Laura replied, a sad smile on her face.

"Really? You care? But what about-" Leo asked.

"Jamie may be my boyfriend, but you're my bestest friend." Laura interjected.

"I love you, Leo James Brown." Laura said, gently placing her forehead on his.

"I love you too, Laura Elizabeth Hemsworth." Leo said.

Everyone aahed and oohed at the beautiful sight. But just as those two were having their moment, Jamie walked in out of nowhere! When he saw Laura and Leo, he thought that they were kissing! He was infuriated at this sight.

"WHAT DO YOU TWO THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?!" Jamie lividly asked.

"Er, um, nothing!" Laura nervously answered, straightening herself up and standing up.

"Oh, really?! Because it didn't seem like nothing. You seemed really friendly with Leo there." Jamie said, coldly.

"Jamie, wait! I can exp-" Laura spluttered.

"I don't want to hear it." Jamie said, coolly. "You little lowlife pig!"

Laura was distraught when her own boyfriend said this about her. 'If this was love, why'd he say that about me? Leo IS only my best friend after all.' She thought. Laura wasn't surprised when tears started rolling down her face.

Suddenly, Melanie and Rose came up to him and Rose exclaimed, "Don't you DARE call my best friend a lowlife pig!"

Melanie chipped in saying, "If anything, you're talking about YOURSELF!"

"Yeah, leave her alone, you creep!" Nathan cried.

Jamie muttered "We're over!" as he angrily stropped off home. Melanie,Rose, Laura, Nathan and Leo walked back in the house and carried on having fun in Melanie's house for the rest of the day.

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