Chapter 45

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At the Cupids Matchmaking Service we head straight to Crystal's office. To my surprise Mino is sprawled back in one of the white armchairs, his arm hanging over the back, talking to Crystal casually. Cal sits upright in another, his cool eyes watching him.

"Any luck?" says Cupid as we enter.

I look up at him in question. We'd spent the journey chatting about school, and the fact that Cal was in an even fouler mood than usual. I hadn't even asked what Crystal's big plan to find out exactly what Valentine was up to was.

"No, friend," says Mino in his deep, British drawl, "turns out locating the mystical ferry of the dead is a little challenging - even for someone with my power. Who knew?! But I'll get it."

"Huh?" I say.

Then realizing that probably came off rude, and – remembering that Mino is supposedly pretty powerful – I close my mouth and try again in a politer tone.

"I mean...what's going on? What are you trying to do?"

Mino's dark eyes twinkle with amusement as they fix on mine.

"Did you know that the mind is a labyrinth, Lila?" he says. "Filled with twists and turns and dead ends? If you wander..."

"Oh, not this whole monologue again," snaps Cal, his eyes flashing irritably. "He's trying to find Charon."

I'm expecting Mino to snap back, but instead he just shrugs his big shoulders and chuckles.

"How?" I say.

"Mino has a very unique power," Crystal interjects from behind her glass desk. "He can get inside people's minds. We're hoping that he'll be able to reach Charon's mind – to see what Charon is seeing, to communicate with him somehow. However, it's proving to be a little difficult."

"He can't find him," says Cal curtly. He gets to his feet. "This is a waste of time," he looks at me. "Lila, we may as well continue with your training. "


The next few days pass by in a similar fashion.

During the day I head to school and, between classes, reluctantly help Charlie as she rushes around with the social committee getting the dance ready. During the evening I head to the Matchmaking Service with Cupid, train with Cal, and then visit Crystal and Mino as they continue to try and track down Charon.

"I'm making sure no banners or decorations have Valentine on them," Charlie tells me on the Wednesday as she sets up a Facebook event for the dance. "So, no-one is matching in his name. This dance is all about cupids!"

"People associate cupids with Valentine's Day though," I tell her.

She shrugs, turning to look at me with bright eyes.

"Not if I can help it. I've made sure his name won't be mentioned at all. Only Cupid's, I spoke to Crystal about this earlier and she said it was worth a shot."

"What was?"

"Well...what if people get together at the dance in Cupid's name?"

"You think it could give him more power?"

Charlie grins.


After that I'd been much more eager to help her.

On Thursday evening, as I sit next to Cupid in his Aston Martin on the way to the Matchmaking Service, he turns to me suddenly.

"I want to spend more time with you," he says – his trademark grin only half playing about his lips, his eyes burning into mine.

I nod.

With everything that's been going on, we've barely had a moment to ourselves. I've barely had a moment alone, either; I haven't even looked through the mythology books Charlie took from the library yet.

"Tomorrow night," I say. "At the cupid dance. You're coming, right?"

Cupid grins.

"A dance in my name?! Where I get to spend time with you?! Count me in!"


Cal and I walk down one of the black and white checkered corridors toward Crystal's office having spent the past couple of hours in the combat training room. We're both wearing gym clothes – sweatpants and t-shirts. I'm covered in a light layer of sweat – Cal made me train pretty hard – but I'm glad of it. I feel like I'm getting better, stronger.

I might not be strong enough to take on Valentine, yet. But I could hold my own against any of his cupid zombies. I know it.

"You and Cupid are officially courting then?" says Cal – his eyes fixed ahead.

"Courting?! You realize we're in the 21st Century, right?"

He frowns – darting me a sideways look.

"You know what I mean."

I do know what he means.

I take a breath. I don't know why – but it feels hard to tell him, somehow.

"Yes," I say. "We're together."

The air between us feels a little awkward. He nods stiffly.

"I'm happy for you," he says.

"Thank you."

We walk onward in silence for a bit; emerging into the indoor courtyard and passing the stone pool beneath the domed skylight.

"Are you going to the dance tomorrow?" I say – searching for a change of subject.

As soon as I say it, though, I remember dancing with Cal at the last dance we attended – and I wish I'd not brought it up. I feel heat in my face and avert my gaze to the floor – hoping Cal is not thinking of it too.

He exhales heavily.

"I don't know. I'd really rather not," he says as we reach Crystal's office.

We head through the door.

Mino is sat behind her desk with his eyes closed, his eyelids moving slightly as though he's dreaming. Cupid and Crystal look up at us from the armchairs as we enter.

"We think he's finally getting somewhere," says Cupid quietly.

He gestures me over and I take the seat beside him. He gives me a reassuring squeeze on my arm before we both turn to watch Mino. Cal stares in on the scene from the open doorway.

As we're watching, Mino suddenly breathes in sharply. His closed eyelids are fluttering wildly.

Crystal runs forward – stopping beside him.

"Mino?" she says.

Cupid leans forward in his chair.

"I'm here," says Mino. "I'm on the ship."

My heartbeat quickens.

"I'm in Charon's mind."

His voice is low – not monotonous exactly, but his tone doesn't have its usual dramatic inflection. His big arm muscles are tensed, emphasizing the inked labyrinth tattoo on his dark skin.

"What do you see?" says Crystal.

"It's dark. Grey. And the dead. The dead are everywhere."

I shudder at his words.

"The dead...they're not in control of their actions," he says. "Their hearts. Something to do with their hearts. Valentine has their hearts."

Beads of perspiration become visible on Mino's forehead.

"The ship is rocking. We're at the barrier between the living and the dead. But despite the obals we can't get through. The ferry can't get through."

Crystal leans forward.

"Why?" she says.

"Because of the passenger," he says. "Charon is trying to tell me something. He's trying to tell me about the passenger."

"The passenger?" says Cupid.

"The passenger he was taking to the other side when the ferry was taken over."

Beside me Cupid leans forward in his armchair. Crystal puts a tentative hand on Mino's arm.

"Who?" she says.

"The passenger is trapped there for now," he says. "They can't get the passenger across without breaking the barrier."

"Who is it?"

His body jerks. He looks like he's struggling to hold on.

"If the passenger makes it through – everything changes."

"Mino...who is the passenger?" says Crystal.

He says nothing. His jawline hardens. His fists clench by his sides.

"Who?!" says Crystal forcefully. "Who are they trying to bring back?!"

Suddenly Mino's eyes fly open – only they don't look normal. His pupils are dilated to the extent his eyes look almost completely black.

"Venus," he says.

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