Chapter 47

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"I'm meeting Sarah again after work tonight." Dad makes me jump as he pops his head around the kitchen door. "That OK?"

I grab my slice of toast and turn to look at him. He's looking a little flustered – his black hair messy and his shirt a little creased – probably running late for work.

"Huh?" I say. "Um... yeah."

He frowns, giving me a kind of 'knowing dad' look.

"Everything OK?" he says, "You look a little distracted."

I'm part of a plan to capture an ancient zombie rising cupid who is planning to break the barrier between the living and the dead to bring back an Ancient goddess...

"Oh, yeah. Sure," I say – giving him my brightest smile. "Fine. Just a bit tired."

He tilts his head to the side a little, furrowing his dark brows.

"You sure you're OK?"


He returns my smile.

"OK, good," he says. He pauses. "So, you're OK about me seeing Sarah again, tonight?"

"Yep, sure. I'm actually going to a school dance tonight," I say. "A cupid themed one. I'll probably stay at Charlie's after."

He nods.

"OK. Just let me know when you're at Charlie's, yeah?"


He smiles.

"Have fun, and don't get into too much trouble."

He heads back into the corridor and I wait until I hear the front door shut before replying.

"I can't promise anything..."


Charlie and I head to the gym after lunch. We, along with the rest of the social committee, have managed to get the rest of the afternoon off to set up the dance. I'm glad. I've not been able to concentrate all morning. My stomach is a jumble of nerves.

Tonight, we face Valentine.

"I've heard that the football team actually are all dressing as giant winged babies..." says Charlie as we approach the double doors. "I'm so excited to see the look on Cal's face!"

I can't help but laugh at the gleeful twinkle in her brown eyes.

But as soon as we enter the gym the smile drops from my face. I can't help but recall the last time I was in here – Cupid unconscious by the wall, Valentine's shocking blue eyes baring into me, and the hands of the undead, clawing at me as they tried to take me to him.

I have to face him again. Tonight.

I look around, trying to distract myself.

It looks completely different than usual – instead of shadowy, deserted, and gray it is filled with people and color. A couple of girls are setting up the speakers, Ben, a guy from my science class, is hanging a banner reading Cupid dance in bright pink letters, and Kelly and a group of her friends are sticking paper hearts with love notes scribbled across them onto the walls.

"Speaking of which, what are you wearing tonight?" says Charlie.

I shake my head as she leads me to one of the benches.

"I've not had much time to think about it, to be honest," I say – taking a seat. "Probably just normal clothes and a bow and quiver."

She tilts her head to the side, giving me a scathing look.

"Boring..." she says.

"Well what are you wearing then?"

Her expression brightens.

"I'm wearing my new black dress."

I fold my arms across my chest.

"How is that any different than what I'm wearing?"

"Erm...'cos my dress is new and super hot!" she grins. "Also – I actually am a cupid. So, I can't look any cupid-ier than I already am!"

I roll my eyes.

"Can't argue with that logic," I hold her gaze. "Do you really think this is going to work? Do you really think that Cupid can gain power from the dance?"

"I think so," says Charlie. "Crystal has some agents working on a list of potential matches here at the high school. Me and Cal will work all night – trying to get them together. And every match that happens should give Cupid power. Hopefully..."


Across the room one of the girls beckons Charlie over and she jumps to her feet. She turns to me and produces something from her pocket and thrusts it toward me.

"Your job for the afternoon!" she says.

I take it and groan.

A packet of pink and black balloons.

"Seriously?" I say – remembering me and Cupid helping Charlie set up the last dance.

Charlie shrugs apologetically.

"I need you doing something that doesn't use up too much energy," she says. Her smile falters. "You'll need to be alert for tonight. For when you meet Valentine."


The sky is transforming from the grey of twilight, to the black of night when Cupid and I arrive at Forever Falls High for the cupid dance.

Cupid parks the car in the school parking lot, and together we open the doors and step outside. It's dark, and there's a chill in the air that makes me wish I'd worn a jacket over my outfit; black skinny jeans, black camisole, and boots.

Cupid – wearing a smart, black tux with a white shirt- walks over to the trunk of the car, throws it open, and grabs bows and quivers. He hands a set to me. Alongside the real cupid arrows, there are some fake ones made out of pink cardboard that Charlie had insisted we bring along – humans can't see the cupid arrows after all.

I sling the bow over my shoulder, meet Cupid's gaze, and nod. He returns it, his face uncharacteristically serious, his jaw set.

We turn toward the school entrance.

I slip my hand into his, and together we head to the dance – feeling the eyes of some of the other students on us as we pass them by.

"Did I mention you look hot?" says Cupid as we head down the locker lined corridor toward the gym.

"You may have mentioned it a couple of times..." I say with a half smirk.

He catches my eye then grins – tightening his warm grip around my hand.

"Good," he says. "Just checking."

We approach the double doors and stop; the sound of music escapes through them. Cupid's face becomes serious once more.

"You ready for this?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," I say.

He nods.

"You're sure Valentine will come?"

I think back to his message.

I'll see you there.

I feel a surge of adrenaline.


Cupid turns. He pulls me around so that I'm facing him.

"When he gets here, he'll want to get you alone, Lila. I don't like that."

I place a hand flat on his chest – feeling the hardness of his muscles.

"I know. But I'll be OK. I won't be alone with him for long. You, Charlie, and Cal are all going to be there."

He nods, but I can see the conflict blazing in his eyes. He knows it's the right thing to do, but he doesn't want it to be. He tilts my chin up and then lightly brushes my lips with his. It makes my heart beat a little faster. He pulls back – not moving his eyes from mine.

I sigh and turn away, moving to peer through the small window in the door to the gym. Cupid stands behind me, slipping his arms around my waist. I feel his body heat enveloping me, and I wish we could just stay here like this. I wish we didn't have to face Valentine.

"You think this is going to work?" I say. "Do you feel any stronger?"

"A little," he murmurs, kissing the top of my head. "But I think that might just be because I'm with you."

Warmth floods me. I put my hands on top of his, entwining our fingers.

"I know the feeling," I say.

I sigh, then bend my head back to look up at him.

"Are you ready?"

"Let's get this over with."

He steps back, takes my hand in his, and together we open the double doors and step inside.

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