Chapter 52

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Valentine will only speak to me.

My stomach clenches at the thought, but at the same time I'm not surprised.

We have a lot to discuss.

I feel Cupid and Cal's gazes burning into me as they stand in front of the sofa, but I turn straight to Crystal.

"OK," I say. "I'll do it."

Cupid's face darkens.

"No," he says. "She's not speaking to him. Especially not alone."

I snap my head toward him.

"That's not your choice to make."

Cupid shakes his head vehemently.

"It's not your choice to make. He's my brother. And I know him. He's up to something."

I get to my feet. Cal and Crystal take a step back, but Cupid doesn't. I feel his heat wash over me as our bodies are brought close together. His eyes burn into mine.

"Then let me find out what it is," I say.

"No," says Cal quietly. I look past Cupid. "I should get a say in this. It's my life thread he has. You're not doing it, Lila."

Crystal sighs irritably.

"Lila's right," she says. "It's not either of your choices to make. It's hers." She looks at me again. "You sure you're OK with this?"

I nod.

"OK. Let's get down to the dungeons. We need to get you set up in Valentine's Sim."

She spins around and starts to walk toward the door. I push between Cupid and Cal to follow her, despite their protests.

"Huh?" Charlie's half-asleep voice follows us into the open plan office before she scrambles to her feet and hurries out after us as well.


We head into the indoor courtyard, stopping at the still, mirror like pond in the center. The dungeons are below it. I shudder as I remember the last time we were down there – just before the trial led by Venus. Crystal and I had thought Cal had betrayed us. I don't think I could ever be led to think that now.

My heart clenches as I think about what Valentine said; that if he wasn't set free before Valentine's Day someone would cut Cal's life thread. I grit my teeth. I won't let that happen.

Crystal gets an id card out of the pocket of her white jacket and scans it against a black pad in the stone edge of the pool. There's a beeping sound and it slides to the side, exposing steps leading down into darkness. A musty scent washes over us.

"Woah, that brings back some bad memories," says Charlie, peering down.

I turn to her. She's still wearing her black evening dress from the dance, though it looks a little crumpled from both the fight and falling asleep in it. There's a dark look on her face.

I'd almost forgotten that Charlie had been trapped down there, stuck inside a tailormade sim of her own nightmares. I suddenly realize I never did ask her what she had seen when she'd been in there. From the look on her face it was nothing good.

"Yeah," I agree.

Crystal catches my eye, then starts to walk down into the darkness. Charlie goes after her. I take a breath, about to follow, when Cupid grabs my arm – his fingers curling around my skin and making it tingle the way his touch always does. I turn to see his face inches from mine.

"You're not doing this."

There's an urgent anger in his face – his ocean colored eyes blazing. His hair is still ruffled from the fight earlier, a bright patch of pink on his cheek where he was hit by Valentine. The sleeves of his formal white shirt are rolled up to his elbows, and I can see the tension in his forearms.

I feel Cal's eyes on me too – hard and irritable.

"Let us sort this," he snaps.

I look between the two. Cal's face is pale, the moonlight from the skylight above reflecting off the silver flecks in his eyes. Again I note the blot of blood, now a brown color, on his shirt collar.

"You know, it's actually kinda nice that you two are finally agreeing on something," I remark.

Cal scowls. "This isn't a joke, Lila."

He takes a step forward so the two are stood side by side – looming over me.

I frown, pulling back, and Cupid releases his grasp on me.

"Look, I appreciate the concern. But if I can do anything to help then I'm going to," I feel a stab of irritation as the two start to shake their heads. "I know I don't have any 'cupid-y' powers like you two – but it doesn't mean I'm useless."

"I didn't say..." starts Cupid.

"You didn't have to say it," I snap. "It's obvious that's what you both think."

I spin on my heel and march down the steps into the darkness – my heart beating fast. I know I probably shouldn't have snapped like that, but I'm fed up of them always treating me like I'm some kind of liability. I'm part of this too.

I need your heart for what I'm to do.

I shake my head, bringing myself back into the moment as I reach the bottom of the steps – my eyes barely adjusting to the cold darkness. I hear Cupid and Cal's footsteps thudding down after me as I catch Crystal and Charlie stood ahead by Mino – looking into one of the claustrophobic cells.

I slowly approach – looking through the barred window the others are staring through. My heart starts as I see Valentine's face, eyes closed, close to the doorway. Even though he should be trapped in a bad place, there's a small smirk playing about his lips.

A grin spreads on Mino's face as he sees me.

"I knew she'd have the guts to do it," he says – his low British voice booming down the damp corridor.

I nod.

"What do I have to do? Where's the sim?"

Crystal opens her hand. There's a small, metallic microchip in her palm. I take it, adrenaline surging through my veins. Mino opens the door to the cell next to Valentine's, gesturing flamboyantly for me to walk through.

I take a breath – feeling everyone's eyes on me. Then I do so, sitting down on the wooden bench inside.

"What can I expect when I get in there?" I ask.

"Valentine's nightmare," says Mino.

My pulse races, sending cold blood around my body. What would Valentine – someone so powerful – be afraid of?

"We'll automatically bring you out of the Sim in ten minutes," says Crystal. "Time goes quicker in there. It should give you about an hour in the sim to talk to him. But if anything goes wrong – well - there's no other way to get you out." She exhales, looking uncharacteristically worried. "You'll need to find somewhere to hide."

"That's too long," says Cal. "She doesn't need that long with him."

Crystal ignores him – her eyes fixed on mine.

"Remember, you die in the Sim, you die in real life."

My breathing accelerates, but I nod.

I'll be OK. I have to be.

"Ten minutes. Talk to Valentine. Save Cal. Don't get killed." I say. I nod, forcing a smile. "OK. Got it." I look out at the five faces staring in at me. I roll my eyes. "Could you all not stare at me the entire time?! It's a little disconcerting..."

A flicker of a smile twitches at Cupid's lips, but his eyes remain serious.

"I'm not taking an eye off you for a second," he says.

I meet his gaze, feeling a clench in my stomach at the passion in his eyes. For a moment my mind goes back to kissing him on my bed, my fingers pulling through his ruffled hair, his lips on my neck then claiming my mouth with his.

I want all of this to be over. I want life to be normal again.

Well – as normal as it can be with a cupid as my boyfriend...

I nod.

Then, a slight tremble in my fingers, I lift my hand up to my face and slip the cool metal Sim into my ear.

"Ready?" says Crystal.

I grit my teeth, then meet her eyes.


Hi guys! Sorry for the delay in posting this one! I'm working on the next one now so we'll get an extra chapter in this week to make up for it!

Also - just to let you know - today is the last chance to vote for your fave Cupid's Match trailer for the CW Seed pilot!!! You have until 3pm EST! There's a link on my bio to watch them all and vote! Or you can type into your browser to be taken to it!

(if you were wondering what I've been doing with my time instead of writing like I should's this...! Making graphics out of screenshots!)

So exciting!!!

Speak soon!



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