Chapter 56

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The next few days pass by and I'm no closer to deciphering where Valentine has hidden the hearts. I've barely slept. I can't focus in class. And my dad has made a number of comments on my mood swings when I've been at home.

I can't help it. My throat feels tight, I keep getting headaches, and my pulse frequently races sending adrenaline coursing through my veins. I feel the weight of Valentine crushing down on my chest. I need to work out where the hearts are.

Cal's life depends on it.

And - if Cassie's prophecy is true – the situation is even worse than we thought.

Someone will help Valentine escape.

There will be a battle by water.

Not all will survive.

My mind can't stop reeling over it. Especially the last part.

Not all will survive.

The cupids have tightened their security at the Matchmaking Service, deciding to take this particular prophecy of Cassie's seriously. But even so – what if that's not enough? And who is going to try and help Valentine escape?

To make things worse, while I'm worrying about all this – heart shaped candy, and love notes have started to appear in classes and left in people's lockers, and the local shops seem to be selling nothing but crass Valentine's Day memorabilia.

On Monday we stop at the shop to buy some cokes before heading to the Matchmaking Service after school.

"It's bad enough having to see these stupid cards every year," says Cupid – picking up a card with a winged baby on the front. "Without knowing they're being used to give my evil brother even more power..."

"I take it if we survive this...I won't ever be getting a gift on Valentine's Day..." I say.

A grin widens on his face.

"You already have one of the original cupids," he says. "That not enough?"

"I suppose..." I say – a smile tugging at my lip.

I realize it's probably the first time I've smiled in days – but then I remember that Valentine wants to kill us, he might escape, and Venus could return. The weight comes crashing back down on my chest.

On Tuesday evening after school, Charlie, Cupid, Cal, and I sit solemnly around one of the high tables at the Love Shack. Valentine's Day is on Friday. We're seriously running out of time.

Cal is seriously running out of time.

It's taking its toll on him – though he hides it well. There are dark smudges under his eyes, he sits even more stiffly than usual – if that's possible - and he frequently rubs his head as though he's suffering with headaches.

In the dim fuchsia lights, and over the lull of some of my classmates hanging out after school - we exchange theories and deliberate over everything that Valentine said to me. Cupid has gone into the Sim a couple more times, but Valentine has refused to say anything else, just as I suspected.

I have the answer somewhere in my head.

I just need to find it.

Cal leaves early as he realizes we're no closer to anything, and Charlie gets up as he skulks toward the door.

"I'm going to head after him," she says looking concerned. "Make sure he's OK."

She gives me a hug then looks at me and Cupid – who is watching his brother with a worried frown on his face.

"I think that might be a good idea," he says.

When she's gone we talk for a bit longer.

"The only thing I can think of is he's hidden the hearts in Aphrodite's temple," I say. "But... I don't know... it doesn't feel right somehow."

Cupid nods.

"I agree," he says. "The temple is too far away. Plus, Crystal has had some of the agents monitor it using the surveillance room. It's just a ruin now. And they've seen nothing unusual."

I sigh, running my hands through my hair and looking down at the sticky table.

What else did he talk to me about? My feelings for Cupid, my mom. Psyche. There's a clue in there somewhere.

"What about Psyche?" I say, suddenly. "She was the main topic of our conversation. You said she died – where is she buried? Could he have hidden them there?"

I look up, meeting Cupid's eyes. He looks contemplative for a moment, shadows flickering across his face as a bunch of students from the year below push past our high table to get to the bar.

"He's definitely sick enough to do that..." he says – his eyes flashing. "I'll message Crystal – get her to look into it."

Hope twinges in my stomach. But it's weak.

I put my head back in my hands – Valentine's gravely voice coming back to me.

Don't you know how powerful you are, Lila?

It doesn't make sense.

Cupid reaches for me, pulls my hands away from my face, and forces me to look up at him.

"We're going to stop this, Lila," he says. "We always do."

But even as he says it, the conviction and confidence he usually carries in his voice isn't totally there.

"I'm scared," I admit for the first time.

Somehow saying it out loud seems to lessen the pressure building up in my mind. It gives me a release. Allows me to share my worry.

Cupid holds my gaze a moment; the pink lighting reflecting from his eyes as he leans over the table to be closer to me, his hands clasped warmly around mine. Then he sighs.

"Me too."

The next day, Wednesday, passes by too quickly. Valentine hasn't escaped the Matchmaking Service – which is a plus. But I still don't have the answers I need. And the lead about Psyche's grave hadn't paid off. The hearts aren't there.

I'd suggested being allowed back into the Sim to speak to him again – but the others didn't think it was a good idea. Even Crystal, who I thought would be on my side with this, refused.

"No-one's going into the Sim. I'm not saying it's a likely scenario – but Cassie said that someone would help him escape. What if it's one of us? By accident?" she'd said. "His power is getting stronger now his day is almost here."

And then it's Thursday. The day before Valentine's Day.

If I don't figure this all out today – we're going to have to either release Valentine who will most likely kill me and Cupid in order to bring back Venus. Or Cal is going to die.


I don't think I've ever felt so nauseous at the end of school on Thursday 13th February.

I'd thought about skipping school and heading to the Matchmaking Service – that's what Charlie did today – but I don't think having them all watch my expectantly as I try to find an answer that I don't think I have would have helped. Plus getting into trouble at school or with my dad would only have complicated things further.

I check my cell as I stand in the parking lot; the cool breeze circling me. Cupid should be arriving any minute. I scroll through the hoards of messages I've been receiving all day from Cupid and Charlie.

Figured it out yet?

We're running out of time.

I know you can do it, lovebug.

I scroll down to the message from Crystal – my throat constricting as I re-read it.

I'm sorry to do this – but we need to discuss the possibility of letting Valentine go so he'll stop his zombie from cutting Cal's life thread. If that happens we'll need to put you into protective custody here at the Matchmaking Service.

Then I read my latest message - from Cal - and it makes my heart clench tightly.

There's no way we're letting Valentine go. I won't exchange your life for mine. I know Cupid will feel the same. Don't worry.

I shake my head.

I won't let Cal die for me, either.

I put the phone back in my pocket – my eyes lingering on the time as I do. Cupid should be here by now.

A wave of nausea consumes me and I blink hard, resting my head back against the brick wall of the school building. I take a deep breath then open my eyes, watching the parking lot empty, I again analyze the conversation I'd had with Valentine. All we really talked about was Psyche. And Crystal and her agents don't seem to think that's relevant.

Could there be some hidden meaning to the questions he asked me?

Let's play a game, Lila.

I hear his low growl echo through my mind and my heart pounds; he asked me my earliest memory, whether I knew I was Cupid's Match when I met him, and if I knew how powerful I was. As I'm thinking I check my phone again.

Cupid is now twenty minutes late.

It makes me nervous. He wouldn't keep me waiting. Not tonight of all nights.

I crack my fingers nervously, nibbling on my bottom lip.

"Where are you, Cupid?" I whisper under my breath.

Another five minutes pass and my panic starts to grow. I try to call him but it just goes to voicemail. I tap my foot against the concrete as I try Charlie. No answer.

Then Cal.

Then Crystal.

No-one picks up.

My blood begins to run cold in my veins. Something is wrong.

I need to get to the Matchmaking Service – and I curse under my breath that my dad never let me get a car. Just as I'm trying to figure out a plan a battered looking green Mini-Cooper skids into the parking lot, pulling up right beside me – its tires screeching against the concrete.

I flatten myself against the wall out of its path.

Adrenaline courses through my veins.

What the...?

The window rolls down.

I feel a stab of relief when Cassie leans out of the open window.

"Lila! You're looking for a ride, right, sweetie?" she says. "I had a prophecy you might need me. I think you're right, I think something terrible has happened. We need to get to the Matchmaking Service. Now!"

I hesitate a moment, and she gives me a reassuring nod.

Then I open the door and throw myself inside – my heart hammering against my ribcage. I've barely put on my seatbelt when she skids back onto the road.

(next chapter now up as well! >>>)

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