Chapter 7

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"Who?" I say.

Cupid exhales beside me; stood statuesque amid the chattering and dancing that's going on around us. Charlie leans across the table toward us, pink drink forgotten, her brown eyes a mixture of curiosity and concern.

"Someone from our past," he says.

I glance at Cal. His eyes are fixed on Cupid's face. His jawline is hard and I see the tension in his slender body.

Cupid sighs then brings his gaze back to Cal, "I'll go tonight, brother. I can count on you...?"

Cal nods stiffly.

"I will look after Lila," says Cal.

"Woah, woah, woah," I say, raising my hands. "I don't need looking after."

They both turn to me at the same time – eyes serious.

"Yes, you do," they say.

I cross my arms to my chest.

"I can look after myself," I say.

Cupid turns to me. He pulls a face, cocking his head to the side.

"Well...yeah...kinda..." he says.

"Hey! Don't say it like that!"

He looks into my eyes and gently puts his hands on my shoulders. A kind smile spreads onto his face.

"I know," he says. "But if we're dealing with...who we think we may be dealing with– you need a cupid around. I'd rather it was me, but in the circumstances..."

Charlie clears her throat across the table. She smiles brightly, cocking her head to the side.

"I'm a cupid."

Cal flashes her a cool look.

"Well, I'm an original cupid," he says.

She arches a black eyebrow at him.

"It's not a competition..."

Cupid doesn't move his ocean eyes from mine – they reflect the deep pink lights of the Love Shack.

"Who are you both talking about?" I say. "What's going on? You need to go somewhere?"

He gestures toward the door with his head.

"Come outside a minute – we'll talk before I leave."

I hesitate, share a look with Charlie, then I push myself up off the stool. Cupid fires a look at Cal, passion burning behind his eyes.

"Keep her safe."

He nods stiffly. Beside him Charlie slides one of the bright pink mocktails in front of him, which he momentarily surveys with horror, before looking back at us. I feel his eyes bearing into the back of us as Cupid leads me across the sticky floor.

We head out into the dimly lit alleyway.

I shiver slightly in the cool breeze of the evening. Cupid – his hand gentle but firm around my bare arm – leads me onward into the Forever Falls square and out of ear shot of Eric on the door.

We walk over to the fountain in the center of the cobbled stone and Cupid leans against it, pulling me around so I'm stood in front of him, his feet firmly planted on either side of mine. The sound of water spilling lazily into the stone pool fills my ears.

Cupid's eyes fix onto my face.

"What's going on, Cupid?" I say.

He exhales heavily.

"The Valentine's Day cards...they remind my brother and I of someone – a cupid. From a long time ago."


He shakes his head.

"It doesn't matter who. I trapped him in a Sim centuries ago. He's probably still there – at which point we can be slightly less worried," he smiles, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. "And I'd rather not talk about him if I don't have to."

"You need to check he's there?"

Cupid nods.

"I'll be gone a couple of days maybe," he says.

"If someone is targeting cupids, don't you think it might be dangerous?"

He raises an eyebrow.

"I'm the original cupid – I can't be killed, remember?"

"Still... I can't help but worry..."

He reaches for my hands. Then he looks up, his eyes burning. His face is suddenly serious.

"I know the feeling."

He moves his hand upwards, cupping my face. I feel my heart start to thud against my chest as he pulls me closer to him, enveloping me in his warmth. The floral aroma of the evening is now mixed with the intoxicating scent of Cupid – aftershave, soap, and light perspiration.

"You think someone is trying to kill me?" I say. "Again?!"

"I won't let them."

He looks up at me, and I feel the intensity of his stare all through my body. I place my hand, flat on his chest as it rises and falls with increasing vigor. His top is still slightly damp from our workout session earlier.

His eyes linger momentarily on my lips.

And all I want to do is launch myself at him, to taste his kisses.

But something occurs to me. And it holds me back.

"Cupid," I say softly, "Before...with seemed like you already knew what was going on. It seemed like you didn't want him to tell me."

He sighs, his chest deflating below my hand, his warm breath tickling my face. He rests his forehead against mine and looks down.

"I had my suspicions. I didn't want you to know,"

I feel a stab of annoyance that still he is hiding things from me.


"When you showed me the card...I suspected it might be linked to the missing cupids. But I wanted to deal with it myself. My brother and I...we have a complicated history with the cupid that might be behind this. I didn't want you, or Cal, involved with this. Especially as I'd told him before that I'd dealt with the situation."

He blinks, his eyelashes brushing against my skin, and looks at me.

"We said no secrets," I say.

I take a small step backward, not far enough away that I can't feel the heat radiating from his body – I can't seem to escape it's pull – but far enough away to make a point.

"I know," he says.

He sighs heavily; a brief moment of frustration passing across his face.

"I'm not used to this, Lila," his voice is raised slightly, a hint of annoyance behind it.

It throws me back slightly. I don't think he's raised his voice at me before.

Slowly he stands up from his position on the fountain, the action bringing his body closer to mine. I look up at him, about a head taller than me, and he rubs a hand through his dirty blonde hair. His eyes are blazing when he looks back at me.

"Used to what?" I say.

"This!" he takes a slight step backwards. "Us. Me and you."

He forces a laugh, looking up at the stars above us.

"It's pathetic, isn't it? I'm the original cupid, the original love god, and I've never been in..." he shuts his mouth, not allowing any more words to escape.

Never been in...what?!

My heart thumps hard in my chest. I move closer to him, putting my hands on his arms – wanting him to say it, but fearing it at the same time. His skin seems to burn below my touch.

Has Cupid never been in love?

"What, Cupid?" I say quietly.

He meets my gaze, a flash of vulnerability in those pools of blue. He hesitates. And around us time seems to stop still – there's just me and him. The evening breeze curling around us, the moon shining down above. 

Then he shakes his head, and the tension between us seems to dissolve into the night.

"Nothing..." he says. "I just mean...well...I've been alone for so long, dealt with things by myself for so long... it's hard sometimes, to let people in. I'm trying."

He offers me a weak smile. I sigh.

"I get it," I say. I reach out, stroke his arm – somehow not being able to resist the pull of my body to his, "I do. It's's a lot to take in sometimes. All of this. And when you keep things from me...This is new for me too, you know?"

He exhales, humor suddenly glinting in his eyes. He shakes his head.

"Look at me complaining, when you're the one that's had to deal with Arrows, a murderous Goddess, my grumpy brother...and now...well..."

"A potential serial killer cupid?"

The grin falls off his face.

"I'm sorry I keep on getting you into stuff like this..."

I shrug, offering him a half smile.


"If he's escaped...this could be bad, Lila. Really bad."

I hesitate.

"The cupid...his name..." I remember what he said when he read the card for the first time. "It's Valentine, isn't it?"

Cupid pauses. Then he nods slowly.

"It might not be him," he says.

"But if it is?"

His jaw clenches, and his lips form a hard line.

"Then we're in trouble."

Author note: Hi guys! Lauren here! Hope you're enjoying the sequel so far! I got weirdly nervous about starting to post the sequel as it's been so long since Cupid's Match finished! So I just wanted to say thanks so much for the votes, comments, and general support - it means a lot to me :)

Just a reminder - anyone who is interested in winning a copy of the Cupid's Match Audiobook - you still have time to enter the giveaways! You just need to comment a '+1' in the right place on Chapter 4, or share a quote from the series on Twitter and tag it #wattpad #CupidsMatchAudiobook! 2 winners will be announced on Friday!

See you on Friday for the next chapter!

Lauren xx

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