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Hi guys!


Here is a quick recap of Cupid's Match!

(btw - have any of you who are also writers tried to summarise your books before? It's really hard!!!)

If you think I've missed anything important out - feel free to mention it in the comments for me, and other readers to see!

Seventeen-year-old LILA BLACK goes to the Cupids Matchmaking Service to tell them to stop spamming her. There she finds out that cupids are real, she has been identified as the 'match' of the banished CUPID himself, and that he is looking for her.

Matchmaking Agent CAL insists she is in danger and enrols at her high school to hide her from him, train her in combat, and show her the three types of cupid arrow.

The three types of arrow

Arrow 1: The Capax

Appearance: Silver with a pink tip

Effect on humans: Makes humans more susceptible to love. Only works if feeling is there in the first place.

Effect on cupids: Makes cupids tell the truth. Trained cupids can resist its effects

Arrow 2: The Ardor

Appearance: Gold with a red tip

Effect on humans: Fills humans with a fiery obsession...

Effect on cupids: The torture arrow

Arrow 3: The Cupid Arrow

Appearance: Black

Effect on humans: Turns humans into cupids

Effect on cupids: Kills cupids (except for Cupid and Cal who are original cupids)

Despite Cal's warnings (and the fact Lila has a boyfriend, James) Lila finds herself increasingly drawn to Cupid. That is, until she sees him shoot a classmate with an Ardor arrow who later throws himself off the roof in an act of obsessive love.

Later Lila confronts Cupid and finds out that it wasn't him... was an extreme group of cupids called THE ARROWS who do not want the match to be made.(we also find out, here, that Cupid and Cal are, in fact, brothers!). The Arrows vow to either kill Lila or to find the FINIS -  the lost arrow that can kill Cupid. After they violently gate-crash Cupid's party, turn Lila's best friend CHARLIE into a cupid...

...and attack Lila herself - Lila realises the only way she will be safe is if Cupid leaves town. He says he can't go until he has the Finis himself so she agrees to help him find it.

They discover that CRYSTAL was the last cupid to possess the Finis after she retrieved it from the Minotaur (aka MINO) in London, 1888...

...but the Arrows kidnap her before she can tell Lila, Cupid, or Cal where she hid it.

(In the meantime - at the Forever Falls high school dance Lila gets hit with a Capax arrow and dances with Cal. During the dance there is a bit of chemistry between the two, and Cal also tells her about a girl he used to love called Amena who he had to turn into a cupid.)

While developing a plan to get Crystal back the chemistry grows between Lila and Cupid and she can't understand why people are trying to stop the match.

As the two get closer she begins to put the puzzle together; she discovers that if any rule in the Matchmaking Service company policy is broken the founder, insane and murderous Goddess Venus, will return. And the number one rule is that no cupid should ever be matched.

(She also finds out that Venus is Cupid and Cal's mother.)

When confronted, Cupid confesses that he was originally trying to bring Venus back because he wanted to destroy her with the Finis, however when his feelings for Lila began to grow he changed his mind; he knows the first thing Venus will do is kill the girl that made him believe in love again. He promises to get the Finis and leave so the Arrows will chase him and the match can't be made.

They rescue Crystal and retrieve the Finis (which was hung over the reception desk of the Cupids Matchmaking Service all along), but Cupid is injured in the process. He says he will leave in the morning and asks Lila to stay with him until then. She knows that she shouldn't but, aware that after tonight she'll never see him again, she agrees.

She wakes to an earthquake and Cupid behaving frantically...

Moments after their kiss, an angry Cal tells them that the match has been made, that Venus has returned, and she is coming for them.

Cal immediately betrays them by leading the cupid army to Lila in exchange for his safe return to the organisation.

Lila is taken to Venus and told she will be put on trial to be made an example out of. Lila and Cupid are then taken to the dungeons which are full of Myths who are trapped in a cupid Simulation - a kind of virtual reality usually used for training – where their powers are used against them.

Cal reveals that he has not betrayed them, he just needed a way to get the Finis into the building. The three plan to wake the Myths to form an army against Venus, and Lila and Cupid enter the labyrinth like Simulation, making their way to the centre to free them.

When they get out it is time for the trial and the battle beings. During the fight they discover that the Finis will only work if fired by a mortal - meaning Lila is the only person in the room who can use it. When Venus tries to force Lila to shoot Cupid, she finally gets an opportunity to use the arrow...

Lila nearly dies (and for a moment we think that Cupid has died too!) but she manages to destroy the goddess.

The army disbands and the rules of love are changed forever – cupids can now be matched and Lila can be with Cupid (or Cal) if she chooses.

Hope you enjoy Valentine's Day!!!

Lots of love,



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