Chapter 10

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"...She had a soft spot for Himiko, though. She supported and stood with her until the very end even when Himiko pushed her away and implied she wasn't really interested..."

"And then... Korekiyo. He was definitely a very colorful character... in a creepy way. He was quiet but when he talked sometimes I wished he hadn't because some of the things he said were... questionable. Right before his execution he revealed that he committed two murders because he'd been on a project for a while to kill a hundred women of 'good character' to make 'a hundred friends' for his sister so she wouldn't 'get lonely' because she'd died when he was younger... but they were in an incestual relationship..."

"Then there was Miu... she was kind of like Charles but not so bad. She made a lot of lewd comments and cussed a lot but backed up really fast when she got confronted or scared. She was kind of shallow though so that's pretty much all there is about her..."

"And... then there was Gonta. He'd pretty much raised himself in a forest with only the animals there as his friends and he wanted to become a gentleman to pay them back. He was really innocent and kind, sort of like Simon but a lot more innocent and oblivious... the only reason he murdered was because he was manipulated into doing it. Kokichi made him see what we thought was the outside world at the time, which was just a barren wasteland of destroyed buildings... and he told Gonta that it'd be easier for everyone if we were dead so we didn't have to live in that reality. Gonta really believed he was doing a mercy kill..."

"Then... there's Kokichi. For a while I was kind of angry with him for all the nasty things he did until I realized the sad existence he really lead... and hid really well. He almost never broke his front about being really childish and getting sick pleasure from seeing everyone die, but a few times his villain mask slipped... but because he made a big deal about how he was a liar we just told him to stop lying, and he played right along with us that it was a lie... in all honesty he might have been the most miserable of us all..."

"And... then there was Kaito. I already told you how he was bashful, and he was pretty assertive too. He sometimes backed down but he was usually fired up with passion about whatever he believed in and didn't take anyone else's word for it. But he cared a lot about everyone, except Kokichi who he really didn't like, but he made an effort to be part of a team and even sort of like a leader..."

"As for Tsumugi, well... I'm not sure how much she lied to us since she was the mastermind. But before she was revealed as the mastermind she sort of had a bit of a delicate touch to her personality of an introvert who loved anime. She also called herself plain a lot... though when I revealed her as the mastermind her entire front changed. She became so careless and she pretty much just laughed and mocked us all the way to the very end..."

"And then... finally, K1-B0. I already told you he was a robot, and he constantly faced issues about that. Like, he couldn't eat, he had a fixed strength which was relatively weak, and Kokichi especially gave him a lot of crap just for being a robot. But he tried to be nice and get along with everyone, though sometimes he boasted about functions on him that were completely normal... but we didn't tell him that."

"Oh... it seems you remember a lot of them fondly," You commented.

"Yeah... their deaths have definitely changed me forever. I'm still trying to decide if it was for better or worse though..." Shuichi sighed.

"If you can't decide then choose that it's for the better. From what it sounds like, a lot of them, especially Kaede and Rantaro, really cared about you. I'm sure they'd love to see you grow into something wonderful!" You tried to give Shuichi a pep talk.

"I guess..." Shuichi still seemed kind of sad, though it was obvious your words still meant something to him.

"You can start by honoring your dead friends," Shaun blatantly commented, coming from practically nowhere!

"Don't sound so insincere... That's good advice but you don't sound like you mean it," You warned.

"Wow, you REALLY don't know me. Whatever, I've said enough for poor sad man over here, so... Tschüß!" Shaun waved goodbye and disappeared as fast as he had appeared.

"...Didn't he drag off Henry somewhere?" You thought aloud once he was gone, "What the hell's he doing here?"

"I have no idea..." Shuichi shook his head in dismay.

"Whatever it is, I'm willing to bet he'll be back just 'cuz he seems like that kinda person," You grumbled.

"That wouldn't surprise me," Shuichi agreed.

"Let's get outta here while we still can, I kinda don't like him to be honest," You bit your lip.

"...I think he's a little misunderstood, but he could definitely change his attitude..." Shuichi sighed.

"Maybe. But I'm gonna head to the dorms to spare me seeing him again. You coming with?" You looked to the shy boy.

"Sure, I guess..." Shuichi shrugged.

"Then let's go!" You stood up, picking up your now empty box of pizza. You threw it away in a nearby trash can and Shuichi did the same with his own box, and then the two of you were off to your dorm. It was a little bit of a walk but it wasn't too bad, and when you finally got inside you sighed as you took a seat at your desk, "Soo... what do you wanna do?"

"Ah... I-I was actually thinking about reading a book..." Shuichi admitted, shyly tugging his sleeves a little bit.

"Oh, you can do that! I'll just play some games on my phone or something," You giggled.

"Okay..." Shuichi sat down at his desk and took out the same book he'd been reading before and began to read. You played video games on your phone, smiling at the fact you were good at them from playing so much.


"Welcome back, sweaty," You joked a little when Shuichi returned from his exercise.

"Something unexpected actually happened today..." Shuichi mumbled to himself but you heard.

"What happened?" You asked.

"Maki showed up. I wasn't expecting that... but we trained together like old times," Shuichi smiled.

"That sounds interesting," You chuckled, wondering what it looked like when the both of them trained together. Maki didn't look very strong so you wondered how well she got along.

Shuichi yawned, "Mhm... wow, I really need to get some sleep... good night, (Y/N). I'm shutting off the lights now..."

Shuichi turned out the lights and then got in his bed, and you couldn't help but think that if he wasn't out of bed long before you were then he wouldn't be so tired. However, you didn't say anything and instead just fell asleep, worrying about Simon in the back of your mind.

Word count: 1215

Next chapter... hehe~
Y'alls might find the next chapter of interest~

P.S. I've written up to chapter 17 as of the time I write this... and spent 30 hours in the past 4 days writing

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