Chapter 28

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You looked around furtively, trying to avoid waking up Shuichi. Carefully, you tiptoed to the nursery and looked down at your little baby.

She was a girl you'd both decided to name Alexis. You hadn't had as much say as Shuichi, but that didn't matter right now. You couldn't help but look down at how peacefully she was sleeping and her adorable little face.

She had short hair that was the same color as Shuichi's and the same eye color, but her facial structure, although obscured by baby fat, you could tell was definitely yours. You smiled to yourself at how peaceful Alexis looked in this moment, and you almost regretted what you were about to do for a second. But it was only for a second.

Careful not to wake Shuichi, you took the bag of supplied you'd already stashed away. It just had food, water, toiletries, and clothes that would hopefully support you and Alexis long enough for your plan. You were going to report Shuichi to the police. You figured because of his previous criminal record they'd have very little trouble believing your story, despite how insane it sounded.

Gently, you picked up Alexis. She was still sleeping but nuzzled you, and you couldn't help but smile. Then, carefully, you started to tiptoe your way to the front door. After spending so long imprisoned in here it felt way too easy that the front door you'd stared so longingly at for so long was really the answer.

You put your hand on the knob, but as soon as you did a hand yanked you back so violently you almost dropped Alexis. You couldn't help but let out a small cry of alarm, instinctively tightening and securing your grip on Alexis.

"Are you trying to sneak off...?" Shuichi growled quietly, clearing trying not to wake Alexis.

"N-no, I-"

"Why would you do that to our perfect family...? We've lived so long in harmony and now you go and do this behind our backs...!" Shuichi glared at you before almost forcefully taking Alexis in his grip, though he was careful and stared down at her lovingly, "A-and why would you take precious Alexis from me too...?"

Tears began to form in your eyes, "Sh-Shuichi, I'm sorry... Y-you can do anything you want, j-just please don't hurt Alexis!"

"Why would I hurt a baby? I'm not a monster..." Shuichi gently placed a kiss on Alexis's forehead, humming quietly, "But for you... Go back to our room. I'll decide on what I wanna do."

You knew there was no point in arguing, so you gave Alexis a quick kiss on the forehead before leaving to your shared bedroom with Shuichi. It wasn't too long until Shuichi joined you, now without Alexis. He had your bag of supplies in one hand though it was now empty.

"You... you really were trying to run away... where would you have even gone to? Are you communicating with someone in secret? Is there someone waiting for you?!" Shuichi growled, glancing out the window with half expectations to see someone waiting outside for you.

"N-no, I'm not talking to anyone..." You lowered your head in shame.

"...You were going to report me. You...!!" Shuichi suddenly grabbed your arm harshly, "You do not go behind my back doing this shit! You understand?!"

"I'm sorry!!!" You cried, feeling fear at what he might do to you.

"Because of Alexis I'll be nicer this time, but if you try this stunt again I won't be so forgiving," Shuichi growled, and he opened the closet and began looking through it. You were concerned and worried for what he was looking for but you said nothing, too scared to make him angrier.

A few minutes later he took out a metal collar that just looked like a fancy choker and placed it around your neck, and suddenly it became impossible to remove. Shuichi then put a remote in his hand, "That's a shock collar. I can shock you whenever, wherever, and even however I want... oh, and I can set up a zone you're not allowed to leave or else you'll get shocked. I'll just go ahead and make your safe zone the house and backyard..."

You didn't respond, feeling shame and guilt. Because of your stupid actions you now had a shock collar around your neck, and you wished you could just pretend this didn't happen but you knew it was impossible. You felt tears escape your eyes again, and before you knew it you were crying.

"Hey, shhh... don't cry..." Shuichi walked over to you and gently hugged you like he hadn't been the cause of your torment.

You just hugged him back and kept crying, wishing there was someone else there to comfort you. Shuichi pet your hair softly, whispering sweet nothings to you like it would help you calm down. This was the only trace of his former self he had...

"I-I'm so sorry..." You whimpered, clinging tighter to him.

Shuichi kissed your forehead, "That's what the shock collar is going to make sure of. I'll leave it for a couple weeks and we'll see how things go."

"O-okay..." You mumbled, knowing you had no other choice than to go along with his plan. Instead you just cuddled him like he wasn't somebody awful and before you knew it, you were drifting off to sleep. Before you fully lost your consciousness Shuichi kissed your forehead.

"Good night, my sweet (Y/N)..."

And then the world of sleep finally took you. You didn't remember your dreams at all but you knew that when you woke up it was to a very childish giggle. Confused, you opened your eyes to see Shuichi was awake and playing with Alexis. He covered his eyes, smiling as he did so.

"Where's Alexisss? Where's the babyyy?" Shuichi then uncovered his eyes and grinned down softly at her, "There she is!"

Alexis laughed and clapped her hands, obviously amused by this. You couldn't help but smile at how... innocent and normal this was. When you stirred awake Shuichi looked over to you.

"Look Alexis, mommy's awake! Can you say good morning?" Shuichi looked back over to Alexis.

"Fwuuf wowinn!" Alexis babbled pretty much unintelligibly, making both of you laugh. Alexis was still really smart for her age, already comprehending a lot of simple language.

"Good morning, Alexis! Morning, Shuichi," You chuckled, sitting up and picking up Alexis who soon found interest in playing with your shirt. You chuckled and let her do her thing.

"Did you sleep well?" Shuichi asked.

"I guess," You shrugged, looking down to Alexis who was now playing with your hair, "You better not yank my hair again, missy!"

Alexis just giggled at your soft warning, not seeming to care if she listened or not. You sighed while Shuichi chuckled lightly.

"I feel like she's gonna grow up to be a troublemaker," Shuichi commented.

"Ohhh, that wouldn't surprise me," You agreed, looking down at Alexis who innocently continued to play with your hair, "Do you think she'll have an Ultimate talent?"

"It's possible, but it's probably too soon to tell. We should wait a few more years," Shuichi looked down at Alexis as he spoke, who looked at him curiously before smiling and reaching out to him. You set Alexis down between the two of you, and she reached out to Shuichi.

"Fwafwa," Alexis smiled up at him.

"Are you trying to say something?" Shuichi asked gently, and he patted Alexis softly.

"Fwafda!" Alexis tried again, "Fwafddy!"

"Are you trying to say daddy?" Shuichi giggled.

"Fwa- faw- fad- fda- dawddy!" Alexis triumphed.

"Good job Alexis!" You gasped.

"Your first words!!" Shuichi grinned, picking her up and kissing her forehead.

Alexis giggled and then pulled on Shuichi's hair as hard as she could.

"Ow!! Heyy, we're trying to celebrate your first words!" Shuichi pouted. This caused Alexis to burst out into a fit of laughter.

"Definitely a troublemaker," You couldn't help but laugh as well. Shuichi chuckled a bit.

"At least she's usually not too much of a crier," Shuichi pointed out.

"Mhm!" You agreed, happy for that. Your stomach suddenly growled.

"Oh, are you hungry?" Shuichi asked.

"...I don't wanna eat right now. My stomach hurts," You shook your head. It was true, you'd had a terrible stomachache all morning that you'd been ignoring.

"This is the fifth day in a row you haven't had any breakfast... are you sure you're okay?" Shuichi seemed worried.

"It's fine. I probably just caught a weird bug or something," You dismissed him, though you knew the real reason. It was the same reason you'd wanted to get out of there so fast last night, so it wouldn't happen a third time.

"Well, at least eat something. It can't be good for you to keep skipping breakfast like this," Shuichi warned.

"...Fine, I'll have something small," You sighed.

"I'll go make you something. Just wait here, okay?" Shuichi smiled and kissed your cheek, then left the room, leaving you alone with Alexis.

"How's my baby girl?" You turned your attention to Alexis, who'd been hiding in the blankets. Instead of a giggle or something like she normally did she responded with a light snore, and you couldn't help but laugh as you lifted the blanket a little to see that she was asleep. You put the blanket back but made sure her head was visible so she didn't get accidentally crushed. Maybe it was a little too overprotective to think like that, but you wouldn't let anything hurt Alexis.

"Hmm... today's Saturday so I don't have online classes today! That means I can do whatever I want," You thought aloud, though the thought of a day off from school wasn't actually exciting. You just pretended it was because you wanted to pretend you were living a normal life where that was a fun thing.

Shuichi then walked into the room with a tray of food, "I know you said you want something small but I want you to eat."

With that he set the tray down on the end table next to you, and you sighed as you began eating, "And what about you?"

"I'll make my food once you eat yours," Shuichi declared.

"Does that mean if I don't eat at all you'll starve?" You asked.

"No, I'd take you to the hospital to be put on a feeding tube," Shuichi casually threatened, which immediately made you start eating.

"Ah, no, I'm eating!" You nervously announced, and he chuckled.

"Good. I don't want you to give the baby a nutrient deficiency," Shuichi smiled.

"W-wait, how did you-"

"You can't hide something like that from me, (Y/N)... I'm the Ultimate Detective," Shuichi chuckled, playing with your hair.

"Then why did you play dumb?" You pouted.

"It's funny to watch you make excuses when I know the truth," Shuichi shrugged.

"That's lowkey sadistic!" You complained.

"I think sadistic would be starving yourself and your baby just because your stomach hurt," Shuichi countered.

Word count: 1850

This is the end of the "main story," there will be three endings:
The Family Ending
The Blackened Ending
The True Ending!!

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