True Ending

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You walked into the facility, holding a large basket of gifts and items. It wasn't easy being in this position, but it was the best you could do for this situation. You didn't want Shuichi to go crazy again, so you were forced to visit him every week.

It wasn't all that bad. He was going to be stuck here for at least ten years and you'd be part of the team that evaluated if he was stable enough to leave or if he needed more time in the facility. He didn't know you'd be part of the team either so you were sure you'd be able to be more accurate and he wouldn't fake sanity to you.

And if you were going to be honest... you still loved him. Even if you also hated him for doing those horrible things to your friends and giving you a child you struggled to care for on your own, you still loved him somewhere in your heart. It was a strange feeling to hate him so much you could kill him but to love him so much you could marry him.

"Hey Shuichi, I brought you some stuff cuz it's Valentine's Day!" You smiled, gesturing to the pink basket that had gifts hidden under heart-shaped tissue paper. You hoped that when the staff did inventory on it before allowing Shuichi to have it that they didn't tear the paper.

"Oh, thanks..." Shuichi seemed genuinely surprised, and staff took your basket to make sure everything in it was okay to give to Shuichi. The two of you then went to a visitation room, and once the staff member left you smirked.

"I knew they wouldn't let you have any chocolate because they're stupid, so here," You took a heart-shaped tin box out of your pocket and gave it to him. The container itself would possibly be contraband, but you knew the chocolate was.

Shuichi gave you a bit of a strange look before taking the chocolates, which he started eating.

"Thank you, (Y/N). These are delicious, but I'm afraid if I don't want to be seen with contraband I have to eat these as fast as I can..." Shuichi sighed.

"Do you need a way to hide them cleverly?" You asked.

"You know a way?" Shuichi raised a brow.

"Well, I have an idea. You said there's a circuit breaker in each room, right? Well... you could hide stuff in there. You'd probably need a screwdriver to get in but you can just keep that on your person at all times. They don't do body checks, right?" You suggested.

"Hm... I guess but there probably wouldn't be any room to hide stuff even if I got in," Shuichi slumped a bit.

"There'd probably be a small space big enough to hide stuff like that little box I gave you. And to decrease your chances of being caught, once you're done with it you can just sneak it back out to me! I actually brought a screwdriver and I can give it to you if you want," You offered.

"...Sure, we'll try your idea," Shuichi's intentions solidified, and you gave him the screwdriver. He hid it carefully in his pocket as well as the chocolates, and you couldn't even tell they were in his pockets.

You chuckled, "Happy contraband Valentine's Day~!"

You then gave Shuichi a hug, and he was surprised before returning it. He kissed your forehead with a smile.

"Happy Valentine's Day... I love you," Shuichi mumbled.

"I love you too," You chuckled and kissed his cheek. Shuichi blushed a little bit and brought you closer.

"It's been so long since we've hugged, (Y/N)..." Shuichi whispered, "I wish we could stay like this forever..."

"We'd die if we did that. But we can hug a lot more often if you want to," You giggled.

"Yeah... I'd like that," Shuichi seemed satisfied with that.


"Where are we goinnnggg? This place is so far out!" Alexis whined.

"It's a surprise," You refused to tell your child, instead focusing on the road.

"We'd better not be going to the hospital," Alexis cringed when it came into view.

"We're going to a hospital, but not that one. A hospital that heals mentally sick patients," You shared one little detail.

"Oh, you're having me meet dad!" Alexis concluded on the spot.

"Wait, what-"

"You think you can keep that secret from me? I DO have arms, legs, and eyes! Of course I'd do some investigating to find out who my dad is and where he is," Alexis pointed out.

"...I guess that's fair," You sighed.

A few minutes later you pulled up at the facility and you and Alexis walked in, you holding her close because even if she was smart she was still a little kid. The staff got Shuichi for you and the three of you went inside a visitation room.

"Hi dad!" Alexis casually greeted.

"Wait- is she-"

"Yep, this is Alexis. She apparently went behind my back and found out you were her dad," You laughed a bit, making Shuichi smile.

"Well, hello Alexis. Sounds like you're quite the curious one," Shuichi greeted.

"All humans are naturally curious," Alexis shrugged.

"And smart," Shuichi chuckled.

"This one here skipped two freaking grades," You pointed to Alexis, who simply groaned.

"It's the school's fault for having slow, boring curriculums! Did you know that students that are home schooled do WAY better on standardized testing than those in public schools? It just shows how much schools need to get their butts in gear and offer a higher variety of classes so the advanced kids don't get slowed down and they need to amp up their teaching jobs to those who are more advanced!" Alexis ranted, surprising both of you.

"You're in third grade. They're not gonna have advanced classes so young," You blinked.

"I do fifth grade stuff in my class anyways! I should be able to skip another two grades if someone here wasn't so worried about how it'd socially impact me," Alexis glared at you.

"You're only six! I don't wanna stick you in a class with ten and eleven year olds!" You cringed at the thought, knowing that she'd probably get picked on and bullied very harshly.

"Can I suggest that you maybe let her do it? Since I can tell Alexis is very passionate about her education," Shuichi awkwardly commented.

"See? Dad gets it!" Alexis huffed in triumph.

"Alright, I'll think about it," You groaned in defeat.

"Yayy!" Alexis cheered.


You opened your eyes slowly, a golden yellow light filtering in through the blinds and hitting you in thin strips. You stretched and rubbed your eyes, yawning.

"Morning, Shuichi," You greeted with a soft smile, and he looked over from his desk to smile back.

"Good morning, (Y/N). Sleep well?" Shuichi asked, and you nodded, "That's good."

"Mom, dad!! I'm leaving now! Love you both!" Alexis called from downstairs, and you heard the door open and close.

Though Alexis was only thirteen, she was enrolled in Hope's Peak College Program as the Ultimate Biochemist. That's how many grades she'd skipped because she was that smart! You were concerned with her being in a college setting at such a young age so you didn't let her live in the dorms, and because everyone was much older you knew she was an easy target for bullying or even crime like kidnapping so you gave her a self defense kit. Luckily she's never had to use it.

"There goes Alexis," You commented.

"I wanna complain she's never home but she's always out doing something work or college related..." Shuichi sighed.

"Then she'd point out that she sleeps in this house which makes her here for at least a third of every day," You chuckled.

"Then she'd add on all the hours she's here before and after she goes to bed," Shuichi smiled as you both kept half mocking her.

"Well, that's Alexis," You giggled, and the two of you went on with your day.

It'd been a tough, scary road... but now you had a normal family. Maybe Shuichi had huge bumps in the road at first but now he was okay. He was a great husband and father, and even if your second pregnancy had ended... badly, maybe some day you'd try again.

Word count: 1397

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