Chapter 2

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The warden made a little frown, straightening up then putting both of her hands on her own hips as she worriedly peered down. "Alright...? Well, I have this to confirm. Is it Sug-" 

"No." An immediate straightforward answer from Aki as she lifted her head up, her eyes narrowed into a glare. "No way is my supervisor in my mind, he scares me. And I would not like to have any nightmares tonight." 'Besides having nightmares of my fault...' 

The warden smiled then sighed in relief, giving the other a pat on the head. "Right, so, I ask you again. Do you have someone in mind? Someone you would really look forward to gift?" 

Yet again, silence fell and Aki looked back down on the ground before lifting up hearing the warden speak again. 

"Well, I'll put it this way. Name the first person that comes into your mind when I say... crush!" Momoko put on a bright grin when she said that. 

"Crush-?" An image of a certain someone flashed through Aki's mind, causing her to go wide-eyed then gazing down again. Placing her hand over her chest as she felt her face... starting to heat up? 

'W-wait... w-who was... that... just now...? Who...?' She thought to herself, growing confused of her own self. Someone appeared in her mind, does it mean anything? Does it mean anything to her? I wonder... if that's the one she would be looking forward to, wouldn't she?

"Aki? Are you okay? Hello?" A hand waved in front of the shortie's face, the warden attempting to snap her out. "Did someone appear in your mind? Who was it?" 

"...G.. G..." Aki stuttered her words, shaking her head to ease the feeling she's having at the moment. She looked a little confused at why she is currently feeling like this, taking a few deep breaths before she answered with her head held up at Momoko in front. "Gokuu-san...?" 

As she said that, she had a faint red tint brushing across her face, over her clueless and puzzled expression. Momoko blinked a few times, her widened eyes and slightly gaping mouth indicating that she is surprised with the answer. 

"Gokuu-san? Oh, you mean, Gokuu Samon?" She tilted her head, smiling. Something about the smile tells that she could be planning some sort of scheme or any along the lines but what could a warden do to a guard clueless and probably incapable of love? Well, the sight of the smaller quivering and squirming a little in her position seems quite... adorable and amusing to the taller warden.

Aki hesitated for a little, rethinking her choices and actions before giving a little nod. "Y...Yes..? I think it is.. him.. Gokuu-san..." 

"Really? That someone in your mind is the supervising officer of Building 5?" Momoko gave her a head tilt, blinking her ruby eyes down at the shorter.

"...." Another small nod but this time, Aki stayed silent and lowered her head down again, staring awkwardly down at her cupped hands that had suddenly started shivering. 

A sigh escaped out from the warden, a warm smile wore on her as she gave the munchkin a headpat. "Awe, how cute~! I was betting that you would look forward to any of the guards of where you are, Building 13, but I didn't expect you'd fall for Building 5's supervisor... My, my~!" 

"N-nng... S-so-.. what-?" Aki was starting to feel anxious at the warden's reaction, the headpats elevating her anxiety further as she also grew embarrassed. "W-what are you... gonna do..? W-warden... Y-You're not gonna..?" 

"Oh, no!" She cut the other off, flashing a bright eye-smile along with a giggle erupting from her. "I would never! Alright?" 

For some reason, Aki couldn't possibly trust anyone having that kind of expression, could she? Yet then, that is the warden standing before her so she has no choice but to just believe in her words as she gave her a skeptical nod. "..Alright.." She muttered. She could barely say anything from now on, feeling extremely embarrassed from all of that talking with the warden about an event. 

'Gokuu Samon-san...' The thought of him continued to flash in her mind. So he's the one she's possibly feeling for? A low rank falling for a high rank, that's a problem to her. Only seeing him as a superior figure and one she looks up so much to in admiration, there's no way she could get together with him, is there? She'd only end up ashamed of herself and hurt if she gets rejected.

For a very long time working in the prison, the only person she had admired so much so far has always been that supervisor, Samon. Impressed by not only his strength, his building is disciplined too and she would try to ask him questions regarding that. In turn, it seems to be making him extremely prideful and arrogant with all the praise she's been giving him but she didn't mind. After all, she WAS hoping for him to take championship in the New Year's Tournament and didn't want to believe he lost. Talk about being possibly biased.

"S-so..." Aki nervously stuttered out, tightly grabbing her arm as she continued to stare down at the carpeted floor. "Wh- You k-know about a-almost everyone... u-um... what do you... um.." She facepalmed at herself messing up her own words, growing more embarrassed. ".. Ah.. h-how should I say this..." 

Momoko seem to take the hint as she flashed a teasing smirk. "Oh? What do I think Gokuu Samon-san likes? Weeeelll-" 

"A-ah-" The munchkin let out a small yelp before immediately covering her mouth when she did, taking a slight step back from the warden. "I-I mean- Well- Hnrgh- Look, I-I just... I don't really... I-" 

"Alright alright~ Calm down there, Aki!" A little giggle escaped, the warden hovered her hand in front of her mouth, a smile behind it. "Well, I guess I'm safe to say he would like sweets since he always eat popsicles so you're good to go~!" Momoko teasingly sung out, she had her true voice for reasons like this. 

"... F-Fine... I'll get started, it's been long since I last made Valentines sweets after all." Aki let out a deep exhale, her hand over her chest again as though she is feeling her own heartbeat. It was faster than normal, of course, before starting to decelerate as she gradually calmed down. "I-.. I can maybe.. u-um-" 

"Excuse me!" A voice suddenly rang out from behind the door, the main entrance to the warden's office. A familiar voice. And one that almost made Aki jump out of her skin, instinctively turning her head to face the door where the voice came from. 

'Th-..that voice...wait-' Aki quickly switched looks, now anxiously peering at the warden. "I-I think I should be g-going now, warden Hyakushiki I-.." She harshly stared down at the floor again, her eyes widened in panic and her face coated a faint red tint. 

"Enter!" Momoko answered to the voice behind the door. 

Seems like it didn't help Aki's panic as the door swung open, followed by the voice again. "Gokuu Samon, reporting in!

'Oh, no...' 



Author's Note: Aaaaaaaa I'm embarrassed for writing this but someone suggested that I should try submitting here sjdsjhjfhjfd as I said, sorry for any mistakes and thank you for reading ^^

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