Chapter Six

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I make sure to keep several people between us in Briar's class. His gym is at the top of the compound.

There's a small staircase at the far wall leading up to what looks like an archery range. Strange weapons are hung all over the walls. A door across the room is marked "Healing." There's another door beside it marked "Pool Access."

Several small balls hang from strings around the room. Not more punching exercises?

Briar is the exact opposite of Shark. Where Shark is stocky, broad, and rippling with muscles, Briar is tall and slim, with lean muscle. He wears a slight grin while he waits for us; if I didn't know any better, I'd say he looks like the friendliest of the trainers. But I do know better—or at least I know I punched him, so his friendliness most likely will not extend to me.

Without much introduction, Briar instructs us in our training drill for the day: hand-eye coordination.

At first I feel sick again. Something else I'm sure I'll be terrible at. I can already feel my face flaming at the thought of being called out in front of everyone for the third time today. As if I'm not anxious enough, worrying that Briar might still be upset I hit him.

I take my place and stare at my ball, about the size of my fist. We're supposed to bat it back and forth, palms open. I take a deep breath and begin.

It only takes a minute to see I'm better at this than most. And that is not too much to brag about, as I miss the ball practically every other time.

Yoren is beside me; he gets frustrated and smacks at the ball in front of him way too hard. It swings back and pops him in his cheekbone before he can react. I can't stop the giggle that is more nervous energy than anything.

He looks over at me, rubbing his cheek. I cough and focus on my ball, afraid I've offended him and made another enemy. He reaches over and smacks my ball away. I have to throw up my arm to protect myself from receiving the same injury he did. I laugh again. It's still mostly from stress, but I also wasn't expecting that reaction. He laughs, too, then reaches to his other side and knocks that girl's ball away, too.

Soon the three of us are giggling and batting at the three balls whizzing around us, dodging one another while trying to hit each other with the balls.

"Looks like some of us are having too much fun with this." Briar stands in front of us.

My eyes go wide. One of the balls zooms towards Briar; he catches it easily with one hand. He surveys us, his expression neutral. It's almost worse than if he'd glared; at least then I'd know what he was thinking. His eyes rest on me for a little longer than they did on the other two. Is he remembering the Selection? For a moment, I'm sure I'm done for.

Then he grins. "Very creative. Should have expected as much from Hejae's floor."

He lets the ball go and it swings back to the boy beside me.

"Carry on. By yourselves, please."

I sigh with relief; maybe Briar really is as nice as he looks. I take up the original practice routine, now rather mundane.


The class did help to lighten my mood, and I realize I overreacted to Eveia's comments. I catch up to her on the stairs and apologize.

"Oh, so now that it's on your terms, you want to be friends?" She doesn't slow her descent.

"You're right, I was rude. I'm sorry."

Eveia doesn't respond until we reach the landing at the lounge. She turns so abruptly I almost smash into her.

"You overreact like that again and I'll punch you in the stomach." She crosses her arms.

I contemplate this. "You say another word against my brother and I'll punch you in the stomach."

She laughs. "You forget I've seen you punch." She sticks out her hand. "Friends?"

I shake it. "Friends."

We continue down to dinner. Though my legs are still sore, my step feels lighter. I officially have a friend, something I'd never been able to say before. Except Krishel, but he hardly counts.

Tonight, the dining hall is serving hot dogs and hamburgers. My family used to cook these with the other families in the neighborhood after each Viry Induction Festival. I don't miss Senka and Zarko, but the cookout style dinner does make me miss the familiarity of home.

I sit next to Eveia and try not to think of Krishel anymore. Wick joins us, followed by Caither.

"You're on our floor, aren't you?" Eveia asks Caither. "You don't like Hejae either, do you?"

I roll my eyes at Wick as Eveia launches into a tirade against the evils of con-men. Caither agrees at intervals, but overall doesn't seem as confrontational about her dislike of Hejae.

Wick shrugs a shoulder at me. "I thought he was pretty cool, myself."

I nod at Wick, and then notice a boy standing behind him. The boy from the bus. He glances around, searching the tables, probably for his group of friends.

"Kazimir!" Eveia calls. He turns. "You can sit with us."

She reaches around me and pats the empty space on my left. She wears an impish grin that I don't understand, but judging by the boy's red ears, I figure he does.

"Thanks," he mumbles as he slides in beside me.

Eveia resumes her conversation with Caither and Wick, leaving me to converse with the new kid. I feel slightly awkward, since our only interaction involved him holding me back from fighting Eveia, whom he's clearly friends with, so I try to start over.

"I'm Nadia."

He nods. "Kaz."

We eat our food in silence, and I study him out of the corner of my eye. Up close, I see his skin, which looks as if he labored in the sun for so long that it is permanently dark without being leathery, is dotted with freckles over his cheeks and a nose that would be a little too pointed for the Viry, but fits his face perfectly. His dark hair is thick and shaggy, and hangs in his eyes.

But his eyes.... They're the most curious shade of a light gray-blue. Eyes that would make even a Level 1 elite jealous.

I realize I've been staring into his eyes. I don't know for how long. He smiles, revealing that row of brilliantly white, straight teeth. I feel entranced, but don't know why.

This Kaz is not Viry.

I don't even think he's from Novy Mir.

But then, what could he be?

A piece of corn bread bounces off Kaz's cheek; we both look over to find Eveia glaring at us.

"What are you staring at?" she says.

Kaz shrugs, his ears reddening again, and returns to his dinner in silence. Wick reaches across the table and plucks the corn bread-shrapnel from Kaz's tray and pops it in his mouth.

"Hey, now," he says, "don't be wasting corn bread! Throw the green beans if you have to throw something; that jank is nasty."

Eveia tears off another piece and throws it at him. "Don't tell me what to do."

Kaz laughs softly beside me; his shoulder brushes mine with the movement. Wick leans around Eveia and takes the rest of her bread.

"That's it, your corn bread privileges are through."

"Oh, whatever. Give it back."

He shoves the entire remaining piece in his mouth whole.

Eveia wrinkles her nose at him and mutters, "Gross." Then she turns to Kaz and takes his corn bread. "Thanks, buddy."

Kaz eyes her calmly, then slowly shakes his head no. Eveia smirks at him before taking a huge bite then throwing the remainder at Wick.

"You little spake!" Kaz says.

I don't know what the name means, but Caither coughs on her sip of water and Wick laughs appreciatively. Eveia responds by sticking her tongue out, coated in the yellow goo that was once Kaz's corn bread.

I smile, pretending I understand. And I do, at least to the extent that "spake" must not be a very nice name to call someone. But as a Viry, I was never allowed to swear, or be exposed to any really "dirty" words. I file that one away in my mind, though. Maybe if I can talk like a Kuzabn, I will be accepted quicker.


Later, when Eveia and I are getting ready for bed, I work up the courage to ask, "So what's with you and that Kaz kid?" I try to sound nonchalant. "You were totally weird at dinner."

Eveia settles herself in her bed before responding. "He's shy around girls. I like teasing him about it. He's lived down the street from me for years; he knows better than to pay too much attention to me."

She rolls over and props her head on her hand. "Why, you interested?"

"What? No! I just thought it was strange that you invited him over then hardly talked to him at all."

Eveia narrows her eyes at me, then reaches up and turns off the lamp over her bed. "Yeah, why would you be interested. It's not like he's Viry."

I don't like the implication that I think I'm better than him, but I can't honestly deny it. I was born Viry; I can't help but think from the years of being told so, that I am above everyone here.

I turn out my light without responding. Eveia huffs and rolls over. I lay on my back and stare through the darkness, trying to see the ceiling.

I don't know why, but I can't stop myself from thinking about Kaz as I fall asleep.


Waking up is much harder the second day. Not only do I feel mentally exhausted, but my muscles are so sore that for a moment I don't think I can move them at all. So much for all the "preparations" I made. I groan as I roll myself from the bed.

Eveia sits on the edge of her bed, glaring at the floor.

"Why does this place have so many damn stairs?" she mutters. "Just thinking about climbing to Briar's class makes me want to cry."

I laugh, relieved I'm not alone in my pain. For once.

It's nice having a friend.

We walk to breakfast, taking our time on the stairs. Wick catches us on the lounge landing. "I feel like I aged sixty years."

Eveia grins at him sympathetically. "You had to climb to the fourth floor more than once yesterday, too. I'm sorry."

Wick grimaces as he nods. "Get to do it again today, and tomorrow, and the next day, until I die."

I pat his back. "Let's get some food in you, fuel you up for the day."

He sighs dramatically. "I'm not even sure food will help."

Eveia gasps, eyes wide. "Who are you?"

Once we're seated with our breakfast of oatmeal and fruit, no one speaks. All our energy is spent biting, chewing, swallowing.

"Mind if I join you?" Kaz smiles at us.

I nod, and Wick gestures widely at the seat next to him, which Kaz slides into.

"So, how is everyone this morning?" Kaz says.

Eveia and Wick glare at him. I shake my head.

"You're on Shark's floor, aren't you?" Wick says.

Kaz shrugs. "Yeah, what of it? Oh." He nods. "You're all sore today." He grins at us. It's not malicious, but something about his smirk feels condescending.

"So I was saying." Wick turns to us. "I would murder someone to be on the first floor." He swivels his head and smiles at Kaz. His eyes are wild, and his features have an overall maniacal look.

"I've been running stairs for the past year, part of my training to join the Kuzabn." Kaz grins again. "Floor level has little to do with it." He looks at Wick, still wearing that crazy expression, then picks up his tray and moves around the circle to sit next to Eveia.

"Probably a good decision," I say.

Wick resumes eating, but his eyes are still wild. He stares at each spoonful with a psychotic gleam. Eveia laughs and kicks at him under the table.

"Your eyes will get stuck that way, and no one will want to talk to you anymore."

He blinks a few times, rearranging his features, and laughs. "Not even you guys?"

I solemnly shake my head no.

Eveia laughs again. "Definitely not."

"Puh. Girls." He rolls his eyes at Kaz. "So fickle."


Before breakfast ends, Hejae stops by our table and asks me to follow him. Eveia raises an eyebrow, as if amused I might be in trouble with the conman. I dump my tray and let Hejae lead me to Ritter's office without any explanation beyond "Ritter wants to speak with you."

When I enter, Ritter is sitting behind a small desk with a pile of papers off to one side, a file with my name on it in the center. I take the seat opposite him, and he opens my file. Hejae closes the door behind him as he leaves.

"You remember the slight controversy surrounding my decision to Select you," Ritter says without preamble.

I nod. Although I'm not aware of any "controversy" beyond Zarko's anger, I can imagine Zarko and Senka filed a complaint with the Krasne Pravitko immediately.

"Iskren Culum, as I'm sure you know, is the Viry Leader. He has requested I release you from the Kuzabn program without consequences."

"You can't—"

Ritter holds up a hand. "As Head of Kuzabn Recruits, I technically can."

This can't be happening. "But—"

"Nadia, will you allow me to finish?"

I bite the inside of my cheek and nod curtly. There's no way I will go back to the Viry; I won't give Zarko or Iskren or anyone else the satisfaction. I'd rather be an Infirmid.

"I've monitored your progress here, and I have to say I'm impressed. You're not exceptionally strong, or fast, but you've shown determination in every task your trainers have given you thus far. Therefore, I have a hard time allowing a recruit with such drive to leave us simply because some leader of another sector wishes it."

When my eyes snap to Ritter's face, I see he's serious. It's as if everything in me is brightening. I've never felt so light.

"Thank you!"

Ritter puts a hand up again. "Before you get too excited, Iskren proposed something of an arrangement. Should you decide to leave in a timely manner, Iskren will override the Infirmid rule and bring you into the Viryavati. However, if you stay with us for too long and end up scarred, injured, or otherwise disfigured, whether you are cut from the Kuzabn after a Performance Review or you decide to leave voluntarily, you will not be allowed to join the Viry, you will not be allowed to see your family again, and you will be executed rather than sent to the Infirmids."

My mouth hangs open. What kind of an arrangement is that? "You wouldn't agree to that."

I don't know what Ritter would or wouldn't do, but the proposal seems so insane, no one would take it.

Ritter just looks at me for a moment, and my internal organs, which so recently felt like they were floating in my chest, now seem to crash into my lap.

"Iskren threatened to undermine my entire operation," Ritter finally says. "Perhaps you are not aware of the tension that has been building between our sectors, but there is a very tenuous balance of power between the Viry and the Kuzabn right now. If I merely let you go with Iskren, just as if he merely lets you stay with me, the balance of power would be upset."

"But I'm not that important!"

"Not really, no, but it's not about you specifically so much as principal. You are the first Viry to reject an invitation to the Krasney Palace. And that is important. Iskren wants you to join the Viry, to show that no one can escape his or her destiny. If he cannot have you, he will make an example of you to anyone else who may question her path in life."

"So you did agree to send me away?" I'm about to cry, but I don't really care. It's not as if I need to impress Ritter with my toughness anymore. It's more defiance that keeps the tears from falling.

"You've met adversity at every turn since Selection Day. Your life would be so much easier if you just return to your place with the Viry." Ritter leans forward. "But I agreed to Iskren's arrangement."

That should make me feel better. At least I'm not being sent away.

I shake my head. "That's still a death sentence."

Ritter contemplates me, then raises one eyebrow. "Is it?"


Hey, all!

How are you liking this thus far? And what do you think of Kaz and/or Ritter and Iskren's ultimatum? I'd love to hear your thoughts and any other feedback. Remember to vote if you like it as well :).

x zuz

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