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[ just realized my oc book is called valley of the dolls drxwn-with-me ]

n a m e :
Cassandra {Cassie} Mays

a g e :

s e x u a l i t y :

g e n d e r :

r o l e :
The Dramatic

f a c e c l a i m :
Penelope Mitchell

f a v o r s :
- theater
- musicals
- over-exaggerating everything
- poetry
- drama

d i s f a v o r s :
- exercise
- burnt popcorn
- handling raw meat
- unrequited love

p e r s o n a l i t y :
Cassandra is extremely overdramatic, often making a big deal out of everything. She will usually try make people notice her, what? She likes attention. Cassandra prides herself in her theatrical nature though and won't let people get in the way of her dreams.

f u n f a c t s :
- she can tap dance while also sing her abcs backwards [she has a lot of free time]

t h e m e s o n g :
Diet Mountain Dew by Lana Del Rey

p a s s w o r d :
After Laughter by Paramore

o t h e r :
Hopes to be on Broadway one day

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