Arc 1 Chap 1: Vamp & Skord

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"Why is it not me, but Skord?" I said grumpily.

"Daughter, I cannot let you become queen. You carry the blood of the VampSlime, a bloodthirsty species. I cannot make you my heir because of this."

Those words from the King of Darkama threw me into despair and rage. It is true that I carry the blood of the VampSlime, a unique species that can transform between human form and a slime form with bat wings. My species carry a tremendous amount of strength, so it might just be understandable for father to deny my request to become queen.

Still, I want to become queen, to make Darkama a powerful empire, to conquer other lands. My brother, Skord, is the exact opposite: he loves peace, and is trusted by my father to the throne of Darkama. Or at least, that's what my old man said.

"Furthermore, Skord is your older brother, so I..."

"Father, so you have chosen death."

I threw a blow which went straight through my father's body.

"I never thought that you..."

"Dear father, did you not expect my supreme strength?"

"Could it be... you could still have your bat wings even in human form?"

"You're not wrong, father."

With that being said, I threw my coat, and a pair of bat wings came into sight.

" in...grave danger..."

My father stopped breathing after his last words.

"Skord, you're next.", I told myself.


"We would like to deliver our deepest regrets over the death of the king, and to honor his desires, his son, Skord, will be the heir to the throne of Darkama."

Skord walked out in his black attire. His red eyes delivered the coldness of death. He spoke to the Darkama inhabitants:

"I am honored to be the king of Darkama to serve the people. Now, according to tradition, I shall now sacrifice one life to the great Dark who founded the prosperous Darkama empire.

"And that life will be yours, Skord.", I spoke with a smirk, not even bothering to hide my murderous intent.

"Shut it, Vamp. I saw everything that happened yesterday. Don't let me make you regret it."

"You know the old man isn't that great, right?"

"I do not allow any hate speech towards father."

"Well, that's understandable. The two of you are accomplices, after all."


Skord screamed then swung his sword towards me.

I held the sword using only one hand. What feeble strength. With my remaining hand, I launched a blow towards Skord.

"Impudent sister, I will sacrifice your life for father and Dark."

The civilians have already fled because of the fighting.

Well, this only means that I can fight without hesitation.

Skord leaped backwards and threw 5 kunais.

"Is this all you have, brother?", I mocked as I flew above to dodge. When I looked at Skord, he wasn't there anymore.

"Void Spear!"

"Void Spear!"

Skord and I used the same attack. As expected, Skord already went behind me, hoping to land a sneak attack. Two void portals opened, and two spears flew out at immense speed.

I caught the spear again, while Skord received a critical hit. The void spear quickly disintegrated in my destructive hand.

Suddenly, I felt an ominous feeling behind me. I ducked as a sword grazed by. Seems like Skord has his allies as well.


I threw a punch and made him unconscious.

Now I'm pissed. Let's end it. Skord was in pain from the void spear earlier. He weakly spoke:

"Unbelievable... we were trained in the exact same way, but you..."

"I shall end it now, brother. Be proud as you die under the hands of Vamp, the true empress of Darkama!"

I charged my fist in order to deal the finishing blow, but there was no energy. Could this be a trick that Skord had up his sleeve?

"Heh, I can't finish you off, but you can't finish me off either."

And Skord drew The Dark Sword.

"This sword will draw all the dark energy around it. Prepare to die, sister."

Dammit. I haven't expected this weapon.

"Well then, brother, I also have an ace up my sleeve. Vampa!"

Then, a cute little girl disappear...
...And replaced with...

...A VampSlime

"Sister, this shape will be of no use to you."

Skord swung his sword directly onto the ground. What he didn't expect is that VampSlimes are really agile. Obviously, the sword only hit the hard ground.

Now, it's time for the grand finale.


I reverted to my human form while launching a fully charged punch at Skord. The Dark Sword can't absorb the energy of animals!

Skord flew about 10m. I wouldn't let go. I chased him while launching consecutive punches. But just when I was about to deal the finishing blow, Skord's body vanished into black vapor.

Tsk. Skord's accomplices must have teleported him to somewhere else.

Nevermind. I was now the empress of Darkama. However, I wasn't fully superior to Skord.

This means that I need to get Dark's gloves.

I gave a command to my VampSlime pet, Karr:

"Find Dark's gloves. Once you find the position, I will personally get them."

Karr flew out the window, growing smaller and smaller until it completely was out of sight.

One day, when I get my hands on Dark's gloves, I will defeat Skord, once and for all.

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